Exam Flashcards
Advantage of threads compared to forking separate processes
Strace command Linux
Kill command Linux
Explain purpose of the test_and_set of compare_and_swap processor instructions using an example
Explain deadlock using an example. Describe requirements for a deadlock to occur
Difference between hard and soft links
Purpose of translation lockaside buffer in paging, what would be impact on importance if not used.
Using a 32 bit or 64 bit virtual address as an example, describe implications of using small versus large frame/page size. What might be negative impacts of using it
What is a system call. Name and describe one
Size and pstree Linux command.l
Difference between preemptive and non-preemptive schedueling. Describe one preemptive schedueling algorithm and use an example
What is processor affinity. Give one benefit
Two different ways inter process communication can be achieved in Linux
A semaphore is a type of synchronisation primative. Explain the wait() and signal() operations of semaphores. Explain how counting semaphore differs from binary semaphore
Is this true or false. Swapping/ a backing store must be enabled for paging to work