Exam Flashcards
Approach to motivation that tries to answer the question, What factor or factors motivate people?
Content Perspectives
Suggests that people’s needs are grouped into three possibly overlapping categories—existence, relatedness, and growth
ERG theory of motivation
Suggests that people’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by two independent sets of factors—motivation factors and hygiene factors
two-factor theory of motivation
Approaches to motivation that focus on why people choose certain behavioral options to fulfill their needs and how they evaluate their satisfaction after they have attained these goals
Process Perspectives
Suggests that motivation depends on two things—how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it
Expectancy Theory
An index of how much a person wants a particular outcome; the attractiveness of the outcome to the individual
Reward system wherein the organization pays an employee a certain amount of money for every unit she or he produces
piece-rate incentive plan
The behavior of leaders who pay close attention to the job and work procedures involved with that job
job-centered leader behavior
The behavior of leaders who define the leader–subordinate role so that everyone knows what is expected, establish formal lines of communication, and determine how tasks will be performed
initiating-structure behavior
The part of the Leadership Grid that deals with the job and task aspects of leader behavior
concern for production
A theory of leadership that suggests that the appropriate style of leadership varies with situational favorableness
LPC Theory
A theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued or desired rewards available in the workplace and to clarify for the subordinate the kinds of behavior that will lead to those rewards
path–goal theory
Stresses that leaders have different kinds of relationships with different subordinates
leader–member exchange (LMX) model
A permanent group created by the organization to accomplish a number of organizational purposes with an unspecified time horizon
Functional Group
A group created by the organization to accomplish a relatively narrow range of purposes within a stated or implied time horizon
Task Group