Exam Flashcards
It serve as the template for attribute mapping and analysis as well as for subsequent site planning and design drawing
Base map
Angles between adjacent lines in a closed polygon. They may be measured clockwise or counter- clockwise.
Interior angles
The angles between a line and the prolongation of the preceding line.
May have values 0 to 180 degrees but often not used to angles greater than 90 degrees.
Deflection angles
Acute horizontal angles between the reference meridian and the line.
Contains angles that are between 0 to 90 degrees.
The angle between the meridian and the line measured clockwise. Contains angles that are between 0 to 360 degrees.
An imaginary line between the North Pole and the South Pole, drawn on maps to help to show the position of the place.
Also called astronomic or geographic meridian.
This line passes through the geographic north and south of the earth and the observer’s position.
True meridian
A line of reference parallel to the magnetic lines of force. Magnetic meridian is not parallel to the True meridian. This utilizes the magnetic needle of a compass to locate the magnetic north.
Meridian magnetic
fixed line of reference parallel to the central meridian of a system plane rectangular coordinates.
Grid meridian
This is an arbitrary chosen reference point taken for convenience. This utilizes a well defined and permanent reference point. Applicable plane surveys of limited extent.
Assumed meridian
are control points of permanent location where other surveys are referenced from.
Bureau of Lands Location Monument (BLLM)
Data that are portrayed on topographic maps as contour lines and spot elevations.
Spatial variation in a site’s elevation that have both a gradient and an orientation.
Slope orientation of the compass direction that the slope faces. It influences microclimate by affecting the amount of solar radiation striking the site.
a drawing made on a plane, which vertically cuts through the earth and/or an object like a building.