Exam Flashcards
How to measure regional integration?
- Price convergence
- Growth of trade in border
- Productivity gains
What is the 2004 Bolkestein directive?
Mutual recognition applied to services, but ended up causing more damage and heavily critisized
What are national preferences?
The natural tendency of consumers to buy products from their nation instead of another country
What is social dumping?
When employers use cheaper labor than what is available at their site of production (often foreing workers)
What are the SM limits?
Over-dominance of SME’s and resilience of national preferences
What is dumping?
When manufactures sell their products below market price (even below their own market’s price) to create a monopolistic situation and then rise their prices to make more profit (abuse of dominant position and unfair competition)
What preceded the creation of the WTO?
Signature of the GATT in 1947
Why was the GATT created?
To avoid a return to protectionism after WWII and to meet US competition
How can a standard become an international standard?
When they are widely used on a large market, part of the first mover advantage
Why are harmonized standards not used enough?
They are a long and costly process, sometimes they become obsolete when the market evolves too quickly and the use of harmonized standards is voluntary
What is the result of the lack of harmonized standards?
Rise of non-compliant products and distortion of market (because of high R+D costs)
What are the main objectives of the GATT/WTO?
Trade openeness, lowering trade barriers and reduce custom duties towards the GATT communities
What are the 3 main principles of the WTO?
- Most favored nation
- Reciprocity
- National Treatment
What is the most favored nation principle?
No discrimination between trade partners, they all get the same perks
What is the Reciprocity principle?
If you beneting from a tariff reduction you should reciprocate it in return
What is National Treatment principle?
IMported goods should be treated as good as one’s own goods
Why is VAT an obstacle to movement of goods?
- Distortion of competition induced by tax differentials on the market
- Management costs
Why is VAT harmonization a touchy subject?
Because any changes have to be voted unanimously, which never occurs. Differences in taxation come from differences in income and the distribution of public spending
True or False: quotas are prohibited under the WTO?
True, theyr are unless:
1. In Agriculture
2. Against sanctioned country
3. With non-members of WTO
How did the EU unify the service market?
They targeted Network-based services (like telecom and electricity) and institutionalizing them to allow public authorities to intervene
What is a natural monopoly?
Since they require high-cost infrastructures, operaters must have acess to the whole market to be able to make profit, so there is not enough place for 2 companies
What are universal service obligations?
Services that contribute to society as a whole, regardless of profitability (ex:water and electricity)
Who do we call the “Frugals” countries?
Sweden, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands
What are the 7 professions that benefit from MR?
- Nurses
- Physicians
- Midwives
- Architects
- Veterinarians
- Dentists
- Pharmacists
Name existing barriers to the movement of labour.
- Family ties
- Language
- Institutional barriers
- Culture
- Work permit
What is the EU budget composed of?
- % of Member States’ GNI
- Traditional own resources (customs duties)