Exam Flashcards
- King of Crete
- Wife: Pasiphae
- Children: Ariadne, Phaedra, Androgeus
- Poseidon gave him a majestic bull to sacrifice, but he did not
- Queen of Crete
- Husband: Minos
- Children: Ariadne, Phaedra, Androgeus
- Poseidon made her be attracted to the bull that Minos was supposed to sacrifice
- Asks Daedalus to construct a wooden bull for her to hide in
- Things happen, and she mothers the Minotaur
Daedalus and the Minotaur
- Constructs the wooden bull for Pasiphae
- Constructs the Labyrinth to hold the Minotaur
- Tells Ariadne how to escape the Labyrinth, which helps Theseus defeat the Minotaur
The Minotaur
- Parents: Pasiphae and Poseidon’s Bull
- Labyrinth is constructed to hold it when he grows up to be violent and uncontrollable
- When Androgeus is killed, Athens must send 7 boys and 7 girls each year to be devoured by the Minotaur
- Parents: Minos and Pasiphae
- Very athletic, so he travels to Athens and defeats every contender in every contest
- Killed when Aegeus of Athens orders him to fight the Marathon Bull (same bull that fathered the Minotaur)
- When Theseus volunteers to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, Ariadne sees him and falls in love
- Daedalus tells her how to escape the Labyrinth (follow a string through the maze basically)
- She kinda helps Theseus defeat the Minotaur by helping him navigate the maze
- She and Theseus leave Crete together, but he abandons her later because he is disgusted by her treachery towards her father
Daedalus (Icarus)
- Minos blamed Daedalus for the birth of the Minotaur and its death, as well as the treachery of Ariadne
- Minos imprisoned Daedalus and Icarus in the Labyrinth and sealed all of its entrances
- Daedalus and Icarus escaped and made wings out of wax and feathers
- When Icarus died, Daedalus carried on to Sicily
- Father: Daedalus
- Trapped in the Labyrinth with Daedalus, and escaped with the wings of wax and feathers
- Flew too close to the sun, so the wax melted and he fell to his death
- Icarian Sea named after him
- Friend of Theseus
- Both their wives died, so they look for new ones together
- Theseus takes Helen, but she is too young so she leaves her with his mother
- Pirithous wants to marry Persephone so he goes to the underworld with Theseus
- Hades asks them to sit for a meal and sticks them to the chairs
- Heracles rips Theseus off the chair, but Pirithous remains there
Death of Theseus
- Returns home to find that Helen’s brothers have taken her home and kept Aethra (mother) as her servant
- Menetheus is the new king of Athens
- Theseus decides to go to Scyros, but Lycomedes (king) is jealous of his greatness
- He invites Theseus to the edge of a cliff to see the view and just pushes him off
- Very un-heroic death
The Iliad
- Book about Troy written by Homer
Peleus and Thetis
- Parents of Achilles
- Did a lot of stuff (I’m too lazy to write this card just remember it)
- Goddess of strife and discord
- Not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis
- Rolled an apple across the floor and said “may the most beautiful goddess take it”
- Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite claimed the apple, and Zeus told them to take it to Paris for an answer (he chose Aphrodite because she offered the most beautiful woman in the world)
Priam and Hecabe
- Have many children, including Hector and Alexander (Paris)
- Son of Priam and Hecabe
- Brother of Paris
Paris (Alexander)
- Son of Priam and Hecabe
- They abandoned him on a hill when he was a child because Hecabe had a dream that she would give birth to a firebrand who would burn down the city
- Raised by a shepherd
- Had to choose between Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite because of the apple
- He chose Aphrodite and she granted him Helen
- He and Thyestes were twin brothers
- Thyestes had an affair with his wife Aerope, so Atreus killed Thyestes sons and fed them to Thyestes
- Thyestes had another son (Aegisthus) who eventually got revenge by killing Atreus
- Son of Thyestes
- Killed Atreus as revenge for killing Thyestes other sons
- Committed adultery with Clytemnestra
- Wanted to kill Agamemnon because of the actions of Atreus (killed his brothers)
- Son of Atreus
- King of Mycenae
- Married to Clytemnestra, sister of Helen
- Four children: Orestes, Iphigenia, Electra, and Chrysothemis
- Son of Atreus
- King of Sparta
- Married to Helen
- Husband: Agamemnon
- Sister: Helen
- Children: Orestes, Iphigenia, Electra, Chrysothemis
- Committed adultery with Aegisthus
- Wanted to kill Agamemnon because of their daughter (Iphigenia)
- Married to Melelaus
- Paris takes her to Troy
- Parents: Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
- Avenges his father’s death when Clytemnestra kills him
- Chased by the furies for killing his mother
- Apollo provides sanctuary in his temple
- Parents: Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
- When Paris abducts Helen, Agamemnon gathers Greek forces
- Artemis (goddess of the hunt) is angry that Agamemnon is bringing so many Greeks to their deaths, so she blows the wind in the opposite direction than they need
- Agamemnon also angered her by killing a sacred stag and claiming that he was as good a hunter as her
- Agamemnon sacrifices Iphigenia so that the winds would reverse
- Parents: Peleus (sailed on the Argo) and Thetis (Goddess of water, sea nymph)
- Son: Neoptolemus (fought in the last year of the Trojan War)
- Greatest warrior of the Greeks
- Fought in the Trojan War
- Was invulnerable everywhere except his heel because his mom dipped him in the River Styx when he was a baby
- Where the Trojan War was fought
- Daughter of Priam
- Agamemnon took her as his prize from Troy
- She forsees their deaths
- River that Achilles was dipped in as a baby to make him invulnerable/immortal
- Centaur
- Raised Achilles and Patroclus
- It was prophesized that the first Greek to land on Trojan soil would die
- Odysseus threw his shield and landed on it (technically not touching the soil)
- Protesilaus jumped out after him and landed on the soil
- Hector killed him in single combat
- Greatest of the Trojan warriors
- Brother: Paris
- Wife: Andromache
- Son: Astynax
- Killed Protesilaus
- Hero’s friendship with Ajax after one-on-one combat
- When he kills Patroclus, Achilles kills him
- Father: Telamon
- Chosen randomly for one-on-one combat with Hector
- They battle throughout the day, then take a break close to nighttime to regard each other with a “hero’s friendship” (they basically just hype each other up and agree not to kill each other)
- The island that the Greeks hid their ships behind
- Gave the appearance that they had sailed away from Troy
- Really they just hid there while the Trojan Horse was being taken into the walls of Troy (Odysseus’ idea)
- Greek
- Trojans found him beaten up on the beach
- Said he was to be a Greek sacrifice but escaped
- After 50 Athenians exited the Trojan Horse, he opened the gates of Troy to let the others in
Achilles and Patroclus
- Raised together
- Cousins but also basically boyfriends
- During the Trojan War, Achilles stops fighting because of a dispute with Agamemnon
- That changes when Hector kills Patroclus
- Menelaus defended the body of Patroclus
- Achilles does not bury Patroclus until after the death of Hector, despite Patroclus’ ghost telling him to bury the body so he can enter the underworld
- Born in Arcadia
- Her father wanted a son, so he left her on a mountain to die
- She was raised by a bear whose cubs had been killed
- Hunted the Calydonian boar with Meleager and Peleus
- Atalanta wounded the boar and Meleager killed it
- Atalanta was the only woman to sail on the Argo with Jason
- Defeated Peleus in wrestling at the funeral games of Pelias
Calydonian Boar
- Huge boar that ravaged Calydon
- Hunted by Atalanta, Meleager, and Peleus
- Wounded by Atalanta, killed by Meleager
- Sister: Hippolyta (Queen of the Amazons)
- Accidentally killed Hippolyta while hunting
- She is heartbroken and wants to die, but as a warrior she must die in battle
- Travels to Troy with 12 Amazons and kills many Greeks on the first day
- Achilles fights and kills her on the second day (he also falls in love with her right before she dies)
- Parents: Oedipus
- Siblings: Polynices and Eteocles
- Considered the law unjust and against the laws of the Gods
- Defies orders and buries her brother’s body
- Caught by Creon, who tells her to apologize, but she refuses
- Because she refused, he sentences her to death and seals her in a cave
- He changes his mind later and unseals it to let her out, but she had already killed herself
- Medea
The Odyssey
- Book by Ulysses (Roman)
- About the journey of Odysseus
- Where The Odyssey begins
- Husband: Odysseus
- 108 suitors surrounding her - hoping to marry her and take Odysseus’ property (they think Odysseus died on his travels)
- Parents: Odysseus and Penelope
- Was told by Athena that Odysseus is alive and will return
- Held Odysseus on an island for seven years
- Will grant Odysseus immortality if he marries her, but he refuses
- He sleeps with her at night
- Athena asks Zeus to allow Odysseus to return home
- Hermes tells Calypso to do so, and she gives Odysseus wood for a raft and food for the journey
- Poseidon churns the waters and he lands on another island
- When Poseidon pushes Odysseus to the new island, he meets Nausicaa and her father Alcinous
- He tells them his story from when he left Troy
- Father of Nausicaa
- Odysseus tells them his story from when he left Troy
- First stop when Odysseus and his men left Troy
- They sacked the city and lived off of their wine and herds for food
- Other Cicones on the island gathered forces and fought the Greeks, killing 6 from every ship
Land of the Lotus Eaters
- Odysseus and his men stopped there for food
- The lotuses were basically drugs and made the people euphoric
- They also craved more lotus
- Odysseus did not eat the flowers, but he had to drag his men back to the ships and tie them down until the effects wore off
- One eyed cyclops, son of Poseidon
- Traps Odysseus and his men in his cave, then declares his intention to eat them all (after eating two of them)
- He then drinks a lot of wine and passes out
- Odysseus and his men stab his eye while he is passed out
- The whole “Nobody” thing
- They take the rest of his sheep to their ship
- Odysseus taunts Polyphemus and he throws large rocks at the ship
- Polyphemus curses Odysseus to either not reach home alive or to lose all of his men on his journey
- One eyed giants
- Famous for making Zeus’ thunderbolts
- King of the winds
- Liked Odysseus for some reason, and gave him a bag of winds to aid in the journey home
- Odysseus’ men opened the bag while he was sleeping, thinking it was gold
- All of the winds escaped, blowing the ship back to Aeolus
- Aeolus thought that they were cursed by the Gods and refused any further aid
- Island of the Laestrygonian Giants
- Odysseus and his ships anchor outside the partially enclosed harbour
- They are escorted to the giant king, who eats one of the men
- The giants throw rocks that sink all the ships except Odysseus’
- Odysseus (and some of his crew) escape on his last ship
- Witch on the island of Aeaea
- Island is so dense with mist that one cannot tell the direction of the sun
- Odysseus splits his crew in two groups, and the first eat Circe’s food
- The food turns them into literal pigs
- One of them does not eat and escapes to tell Odysseus
- Circe touches Odysseus with a wand but nothing happens (because of the antidote (moly) from Hermes)
- She lays with Odysseus after promising him no harm
- She turns the crew back to their original forms, and they live there for a year
- Has a son, Telegonus, with Odysseus
- Odysseus had to sail by them, and he told his crew to stuff wax in their ears so they would not hear the sirens’ songs
- He tied himself to the mast of the ship and listened to their voices
- Wore a girdle of six dog’s heads and had twelve feet
- Snatched sailors from their ships and ate them
- Ate six men from Odysseus’ ship
- Odysseus was told not to eat the cattle of Helios (Sun)
- His crew disobeyed and ate them while he was sleeping
- Son of Odysseus and Circe
- Eventually kills Odysseus in Ithaca (didn’t know it was him)
- Son of Odysseus and Penelope
Roman Myth
- No creation story
- Roman Myth = Roman Legend bound with Roman History
- Not really historical, more like propaganda to elicit support for social patterns
- Many Roman cultural forms were taken from the Greeks and the Etruscans
Augustus - Exhalted One
- The name that Octavius (emperor of Rome) was given because of his “greatness”
- Launched a propaganda compaign across Rome to “create peace and stability” and project an image of Rome’s greatness
- He was viewed as “the first citizen” rather than the Emperor
- Aimed to make the New Empire appear to be a continuation of the Old Republic
- Employed Virgil (mythological Rome) and Livy (history of Rome) to write about and portray this image
- Appointed to Augustus’ Art Council
- Wrote the Aeneid
- Died before it was finished and had instructions for it to be burned, but Augustus intervened and published it anyway
- The Aeneid took the character Aeneas from The Iliad an created a Roman origin story (Rome had no mythical origin)
- Aeneas’ journey mirrored much of Odysseus’ journey
- Introduced by Homer in The Iliad
- Parents: Anchises and Venus (Aphrodite)
Anchises and Venus
- Child: Aeneas
- Venus came to Anchises in the form of a princess and seduced him
- The next morning she revealed herself as Venus and said that they would have a son
- If Anchises bragged about the affair, Jupiter (Zeus) would strike him with a thunderbolt
- He bragged about it and was blinded by the thunderbolt
- Son of Zeus, King of Troy
- Aeneas is a descendant of him and was destined to survive the Trojan War and eventually rule over the Greeks
- Son of Priam
- His ghost rises and speaks to Aeneas
- Aeneas holds a funeral for him
- Where Apollo tells Aeneas to go to “the land of their ancestors”
- Island of the Harpies
- Aeneas and the Trojans land there - Harpies take all their food every time they try to eat
- Lived on Strophades
- Had wings and faces like women
- A harpy
- Placed a curse on Aeneas and the Trojans - “would eventually reach Italy and found a new city only when hunger compelled them to eat”
- Son of Priam
- A seer
- Married to Andromache (after Neoptolemus dies)
- Directs Aeneas to travel around the southern part of Sicily
- Where Aeneas and his crew land when King Aeolus unleashes his winds (because Juno (Hera) tells him to)
- Queen of the Carthaginians
- Fled Tyre (Phoenicia) when her brother Pygmalion killed her husband Sychaeus
- Swore she would never marry again
- When Aeneas and the Trojans land in Carthage she welcomes them and holds a banquet to hear their story
- Juno sends Cupid to spark love (to keep Aeneas from reaching Italy)
- Dido’s sister convinces her to marry Aeneas
- They “make love” in a cave one night when Juno sends a storm that traps them there
- When they return to Carthage they live openly as lovers and Dido considers them to be married in spirit
- She kills herself with Aeneas’ sword when he leaves and curses him, praying for hatred between their peoples
- When Aeneas sees her in the underworld she ignores him
Avernus (means birdless)
- Aeneas must go to the underworld to meet his father
- Avernus is the lake that leads to the underworld, and he crosses it with the help of a priestess
Tartarus and Elysium
- Fork in the road in the underworld on Aeneas’ journey
- Tartarus: Darkness, Titans were cast there after Olympian wars, eternal torture, moral sins punished there (those who hated brothers, struck a parent, did not share wealth, were killed for adultery, etc.)
- Elysian Fields: Fresh scents, music, serenity, people can be reincarnated there by drinking the water of The River Lethe
- Aeneas marries her eventually and establishes the city of Lavinium
Rhea Silvia
- Became a Vestal Virgin to prevent her from marrying
- Unfortunately, Mars was attracted to her
- She gave birth to Remus and Romulus
Remus and Romulus
- Parents: Rhea Silvia and Mars
- Ordered to be thrown into the Tiber River, but the servants felt pity for them and placed them in a basket
- They were found by a “she-wolf (lupa)” that suckled them
- They were later found by a farmer
- They became bandits, but Remus was caught
Death of Remus
- Remus and Romulus had a strong rivalry (both wanted to found a city where the lupa found them)
- Used augury to decide the name of the city, but argued over the meaning of the omens
- Romulus killed Remus, and founded Rome
“She-wolf” (Lupa)
- Lupa means female wolf
- Found Remus and Romulus and suckled them
- A farmer later found them
- The interpretation of omens from the flight of birds
- Remus and Romulus used it to decide on a name for the city, but argued over the meaning of the omens
- Invited to the games in Rome, but Romulus (and the Romans) kidnapped their daughters so that Rome could be populated
- Led to several wars between the Sabines and the Romans
- Sabine women ended the wars because they came to love their captors
- Daughter of a Roman commander who opened the gates to the Capitoline Hill for the Sabine women
- She was crushed under their shields
Tarpeian Rock
- Named after Tarpeia
- Where traitors of Rome were executed
- On the Capitoline Hill