Exam Flashcards
People who go sky diving weekly continue to seek higher adrenalin-producing activities due to habituation. This is an example of _____ theory.
Opponent process
Ignoring the attention-getting behaviour of hyperactive children can be helpful tool to classroom teachers because often the frequency of the misbehaviour will decrease and even stop. This is an example of _____.
Emily is expecting a text to confirm she got the BTS ticket within 24 hours after placing a booking. When her phone buzzes, she overreacts by quickly and clumsily reaching for her phone. This is an example of ____.
I no longer notice the clock ticking. This is an example of _____.
I recently watched Cyberpunk and it had a really sad ending. So, when I hear the ending song months later, it makes me feel sad. This is an example of _____.
Spontaneous recovery
Whenever the laundry machine finishes, Drazic rushes to the veranda door to go outside. He does this because the machine’s sound has become a conditioned stimulus and going to the door has become a conditioned response. This is an example of ______.
classical conditioning
Hasan has a phobia of birds. He goes through _____ which involves learning to relax with birds around.
systematic desensitisation
I almost fell off a cliff by standing on a non-flat surface. So now whenever I go hiking, I avoid standing on non-flat surfaces. This is an example of _____.
I received treatment at the hospital to get better but instead, I felt worst. Now every time I see a hospital, I feel queasy. This is an example of _____.
high-order conditioning
I got complimented for my makeup and it made me feel great. So now I always put on makeup to get complimented. This happens because of _____.
law of effect
When I was young, I made sure to do what my parents told me so I don’t get yelled at and instead get acceptance for my obedience. Which types of conditioning did my parents use?
operant conditioning
Jay and I had a fight and I approached him first to talk about and patch up any issues before the situation escalate into a breakup. This is an example of which type of operant conditioning?
avoidance conditioning
Due to my social anxiety, I have been avoiding socialising and thus I have poor social skills. This is a result of _____.
avoidance conditioning.
I disliked the uncomfortable tension between Jay and me after having a fight. So, I broke the uncomfortable tension by apologising first. This is an example of which operant conditioning?
Escape conditioning
The neighbour baby talking to her grandchild is annoying so I put in earphones to drown her out. This is an example of which operant conditioning?
escape conditioning
Every time I am on my period I have to take period pills and use a heating pad to help with the cramps. The pills and pad act as _____.
negative reinforcers
Swearing while playing games with friends is okay but not in front of my conservative parents. The people are a _____.
discriminative conditioned stimuli
In public, I notice when my phone rings but I don’t notice other people’s phones going off. What has occurred here?
stimulus discrimination
Hasan got attacked by a crow so now when he sees a bird, he gets scared, thinking they all attack him too. Hasan participated in _____.
stimulus generalisation
When training Luffy to sit, I gave him a treat for sitting with my help (pushing his bum down). I rewarded him again when he partial sat (sitting but not on the ground). Then I rewarded him only when he completely sat on the ground by himself. Which operant behaviour did I display?
I gave Luffy a treat, followed by saying, good boy. The treat is a ______ and ‘good boy’ is a _____.
primary reinforcer, secondary reinforcer
I was asked to do a commission for a friend in return for $100. The money is a _____.
secondary reinforcer
Every time I put money in the vending machine, I get the item I want. This is an example of _____ schedule.
continuous reinforcement
A vending machine operates on a _____ schedule.
partial reinforcement
Whenever I answer 10 correct questions, I reward myself with a treat. This is on a _____ schedule.
fixed-ratio reinforcement
Sometime in the future, I will be rewarded for the hard work I am doing right now. This on a _______ schedule.
variable-ratio reinforcement
Every fortnight Jay gets paid for working as a teacher. This is on a _____ schedule.
fixed-interval reinforcement
Genshin gatcha operates on a ______ schedule, as I will get rewarded with a five star character after an uncertain number of pulls.
variable-interval reinforcement
I use to do everything really fast since I use to get yelled at by my parents for taking too long (a couple of minutes) to find them the things they needed. My reaction was conditioned through _____.
After walking around Melbourne CBD for a week I developed a cognitive map of the city which I used in conjunction with insight to find a cafe I had never been to before. This was possible through _____.
latent learning
I watched the people walk across the icy path and learned that I should walk slowly and towards the right. I learnt this through _____.
vicarious experience
I told jay about what I did at home while he was at work. This is an example of _____.
episodic memory
At chatime it is important to have good _____ to be able to make all of the teas.
procedural memory
By making flash cards, I am partaking in _____.
elaborative rehearsal
I did well on the multiple choice question exam because I did a practice exam in the same format. I took advantage of the _____ model of memory.
transfer-appropriate processing
I overheard a conversation and one of them said ‘weeb’ which activated many of my memories simultaneously: anime, otaku, cosplay, anime convention. Which neural network models of memory is this an example of?
parallel distributed processing model.
As I turn my head slowly to the left, I see a smooth transition since the visual information of each frame is held in the sensory register. Which type of sensory register is being used?
iconic memory
when I repeat a word over and over, I am partaking in maintenance to keep in my ____ memory.
What are the two components of working memory?
maintenance and manipulation
How many items can a person hold in their short term memory?
How long does information stay in short term memory?
up to 18 seconds
I remember my childhood with my grandmother as a comforting and warm time of my life. This is an example of a ____ memory.
I don’t remember my password but after making 5 failed attempts, I was given a hint and then I remembered what the password was. This is an example of which types of retrieval cue _____?
encoding specificity principle
I perform better on exams when I use my iMac and I’m sitting at my desk (a place I study) than doing it on Jay’s laptop at the dining table (a place I have not used to study). This is due to which type of retrieval cue _____?
context-specific memory
I performed well on my exam after drinking coffee because when I study, I drink coffee beforehand (feeling more awake). This is an example of which types of retrieval cue _____?
state-dependent memory
I was asked by a child, “what is a dog?”, and then the concepts of ‘animal’, ‘mammal’, ‘pet’ was activated, and then spreading activation from one concept to another met somewhere along the path and I was able to come up with an answer. This supports the _____ memory network.
I stopped studying the brain’s anatomy for a year and now I don’t remember anything. This is due to the ____ theory.
I have been playing Genshin for a couple of days and decided to play Zelda today but I forgot the controls for Zelda. This is due to which type of interference?
retroactive inhibition
I am trying to learn the controls for animal royal but my experience playing with Genshin’s controls is making it hard for me to learn the new controls. This is due to which type of interference?
proactive inhibition
After finishing an assignment (first draft), I plan to send it to studiocity for review and then in a couple of days, I will fix up my assignment and submit it a day before the due date. This is an example of which type of memory?
prospective memory
Victor got into a car crash and cannot remember anything from before the accident. Victor has _____.
retrograde amnesia
Lahiru got into a car accident and can’t form new memories. He has _____.
anterograde amnesia
Usually people get amnesia from an accident but Anna has amnesia without being in an accident. This means she has ______.
transient global amnesia
Peter has chronic alcoholism which has damaged his brain to not be able to consume glucose as fuel which has results in _____.
korsakoff’s psychosis
A damaged thalamus results in anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia. This supports the ______.
multiple memory systems model
I thought smoking was cool and I picked up smoking. Smoking is an example of a _____ for being cool.
A magpie is a _____ of a bird because it possess most of the characteristics that define a bird.
When I walk into a cafe, I have a good idea of what to do: (1) line up, (2) check the menu while in line, (3) place an order, (4) find a table, (5) wait for my order, (6) consume, (7) leave. Which example of mental representation is this?
If it takes me 1 hours to create 30 flash cards then in 3 hours I should be able to make 90 flash cards. This is an example of using ______.
formal reasoning
People who study hard will do well on the exam. I have been studying hard so I will do well on the exam. This is an example of _____.
deductive reasoning
All of the red shoes are sold out. I hypothesise it is due to the colour red being very attention-grabbing. This is an example of using _____.
inductive reasoning
There are enough Asians with black hair so lets say that all Asians have black hair. This is an example of using ______.
informal reasoning
I buy phone cases from Casetify because I constantly and only see phone case ads from them. This is an example of which type of heuristic?
availability heuristic
Jay is not good at solving new problems due to his _____, where old patterns of problem-solving seem to persist.
mental set
I need to clean the fan but I cannot reach it so I need a ladder which is designed to reach high places. However, I could have used a chair to fulfil the same job. This is due to which type of heuristic?
functional fixedness
In order to be creative, I must have intelligence. It requires _____, which is coming up with multiple solutions for one problem and _____, which is applying logic to narrow down to a solution.
divergent thinking, convergent thinking
what are the stages of language? (3)
babbling, one-word stage, grammar
what are the basic components of language?
symbols and grammar
the rules that govern the formation of sentence is called _____.
How many phonemes does swimming have?
how many morphemes does swimming have?
Jay used _____ intelligence to solve a problem he has never encountered before.
Hasan is really good at trivial games which is a reflection of his _____ intelligence.
Jay does not practice playing the piano anymore but when given the chance to play, he is still able to read the note sheets and play well. This is evidence of Jay’s _____ intelligence.
I am currently studying for a psychology exam which measures my ______.
analytical intelligence
Ben can play multiple instruments and he is a music teacher which means he has _____ intelligence.
During a zombie apocalypse, I believe I would not be able to survive for long because I have poor _____ intelligence.
practical intelligence
what is the triarchic theory of intelligence comprised of?
creative intelligence, analytical intelligence and practical intelligence
Brayden has good ____ intelligence as he can perceive, use, and understand his own emotions and the emotions of others.
what are the five abilities that are tested by the Stanford-Binet intelligence test?
fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing, and working memory
How is IQ calculated?
(mental age/actual age)x100
Jay took a test to measure his ability to be a good teacher. He test measured his _____.
The otis-lennon mental abilities test was designed for the army to measure their _____.
The wonderlic personnel test is used during interviews to measure one’s _____.
To find out which job in the labour force is best suited for me, I did the ______.
General aptitude test battery
I conducted a scientific study three times and they all produced the same results. Therefore, my results are statistically ______.
My research results are statistically ____ since the results have been interpreted and used correctly.
what are the types of statistical validity? (2)
content validity and criterion validity
The GPA meets the _____ validity as the results of the test predict how well the individual will do as a doctor.
Exams at Swinburne have high _____ validity since all of the semester’s contents are tested equally.
Stereotypically, women make better office assistants, so Jim (a man) who is aware of the stereotype is at risk of conforming to the stereotype. This is evidence of _____.
stereotype threat
test scores can be affected by _____. (3)
anxiety, health and language difficulties
According to Spearman, there are two types of intelligence: _____ and _____.
general intelligence and special intelligence
General intelligence is measured by tests and consist of two types of intelligence: ____ and _____ intelligence.
fluid and crystallised
Jay has specific skills and knowledge about maple story so he has _____ ability.
What are the characteristics of specific ability? (3)
(1) it is learnt
(2) varies from person to person
(3) associated with aptitude
What are the characteristics of general intelligence? (5)
(1) it is something you’re born with
(2) varies from person to person
(3) common in all life activities
(4) responsible for life success
(5) measured by quantitative tests
Trevor has ____ because he has difficulty understanding what is reading.
I believe Emily has ____ because she has difficulty understanding spoken words or recalling them.
Jim has ____ because he has problems with writing.
Jay teaches a student who has ____ because they have difficulty with arithmetic.
According to Gardener there are seven measures of multiple intelligence:_______.
(1) linguistic
(2) spatial
(3) musical
(4) body-kinesthetic
(5) intrapersonal
(6) interpersonal
(7) naturalistic
I am self-aware of myself, my abilities, my personality etc. which means I meet Gardener’s _____ measure of multiple intelligence.
I am aware of other’s characteristics and emotions, which means I meet Gardener’s _____ measure of multiple intelligence.
Environmental scientist are able to see patterns in nature which means they meet Gardener’s ______ measure of multiple intelligence.
What are the five stages of information-processing system?
(1) sensory processing
(2) perception
(3) decision making
(4) response selection
(5) response execution
Anna’s dad is a psychologist and he hypothesis that people will perform better on a task when they are able to mobilise and distribute their attention more readily. He takes an ______ approach to intelligence.
What does cognitive psychology not focus on? (2)
intelligence and personality
Amber is a psychologist that studies human communication, thinking and language and how we modify the information we receive from our environment. She is a _____ psychologist.
What are the five main functions of circle of thought
(1) describe
(2) elaborate
(3) decide
(4) plan
(5) guide action
thinking is defined as the manipulation of ______.
mental representations
I took apart a ballpoint pen and put it back together in the same order. The pen is certain to work. Which approach to problem-solving is this?
A man walked into a shop wearing dressed in all black with a cape and displayed his fangs to me. Due _______ heuristic, he must be a vampire
It is hard for me to change my first impression of Anna due to the ______ heuristic.
Home is an example of a ______ concept because it has no fixed set of defining features but has a set of typical features.
natural of abstract
Categories of objects, events and ideas that have common properties define ____.
A baby has categorised what is food and what is a toy. The body has learned for form _____.
The Chinese lady cut to the front of the line because she is so hungry that she cannot wait. She operates on a ______ principle.
The hungry Chinese lady decided to not cut in line and compromised to wait since it is the socially correct thing to do. She operated on a _____ principle.
I don’t remember many things from my childhood since I used ____ as a defence mechanism.
My parents often used ______ as a defence mechanism to hit me when I got questions on a test wrong
Rebecca does not recognise that she hates Jill but instead thinks Jill hates her. This false belief is due to using ____ as a defence mechanism.
I believe my boss hates Sam because he has feelings for her when he shouldn’t because she is married. He is using _____ as a defence mechanism.
reaction formation
Jay works out a lot because he is sexually frustrated. He is using ______ as a defence mechanism.
I was angry at Jay but instead of directing my anger to him, I directed my anger to games since the consequences are less. I used ____ as a defence mechanism.
Chris used _____ as a defence mechanism to not spiral into depression by not acknowledging his failures.
Chris used _____ as a defence mechanism by acting all confident and arrogant.
What are the four stages of psychosexual development?
(1) oral
(2) anal
(3) phallic
(4) genital
According to Freud, Sam displays childlike dependence as an adult because during the ____ of his development he was weaned from his mother’s milk too late.
oral stage
According to Freud, Sam is now going through the _____ of development which involves toilet training.
anal stage
According to Freud, Sam is going through the _____ of development which means he is experiencing sexual desires.
phallic stage
Sam has developed _____ which means he experiences sexual desires for his mother and a desire to get rid of his father.
oedipal complex
Sam’s sister during the phallic stage of development had a _____. which means she was overly attached to her mother but after realising that her brother has a penis she got jealous and became attached to her father.
electra complex
Sam has entered adolescence which means he is in the ____ of development.
genital stage
According to Allport there are two components of a person’s personality:______.
central traits and secondary traits
Brayden is a chill person who is down for a good time. This is a _____ trait as it is obvious to see and is consistent in all situations.
Anna is outgoing and bubbling in a group social setting but when she has coffee with only one other friend, she is calm and collected. Here she displays ____traits.
According to Allport, how many traits can describe a person’s personality?
According to Eysenck’s biological trait theory, what explains the variation in characteristics between people?
nervous system
Kim is always looking for something exciting which means her nervous system is ___ its optimal arousal level
Sam is reserved and quite person that prefers reading a book alone at the library. Her nervous system must be _____ its optimal arousal level.
What are the two components of Eysenck’s biological trait theory?
(1) introversion-extroversion
The right prefrontal cortex and serotonin are involved when the ______ is activated. It affects how sensitive people react to punishment.
behavioural inhibition system
Gray’s reinforcement sensitivity theory is a ____ approach.
Gray’s reinforcement sensitivity theory have two components: _____.
behavioural inhibition system and behavioural approach system
The left prefrontal cortex and dopamine are involved when the ______ is activated by pleasure. It affect people’s sensitivity towards rewards.
behavioural approach system
The left prefrontal cortex and dopamine are involved when the ______ is activated by pleasure. It affect people’s sensitivity towards rewards.
behavioural approach system
Every time I got a reward, my parents rewarded me with whatever I wanted which motivated me to continue doing well in school. My parents reward acted as a _______.
positive reinforcer
Jay went into his St Kevin interview with confidence because he knew he would land the job after practising and preparing. He has _____.
self efficacy
Introverted people will often choose places that are quiet to hang out in. This is according to Bandura and _______ of social cognitive approach.
reciprocal determination
I hang out with friends who are similar to me which in turn reinforces my personality. This is according to _______.
reciprocal determinism
Sam believes that personality reflects learnt patterns of thinking and behaviour. Sam follows a ____ approach to personality.
If i study hard, I will get HDs which means I will qualify to get into the Honours course to be able to then do my Masters to become a psychologist. I follow _______ theory of personality.
rotter’s expectancy
Victor believes he got the job due to his own hard work. His belief is controlled by ____ forces.
Rebecca believes she got the job purely out of luck. Her belief is driven by ____forces.
According to Mischel’s cognitive-affective theory, the important cognitive variables are:_____.
(1) encoding of the world
(2) expectations
(3) emotions
(4) goals and values
(5) goal planning and execution
Jill believes that everyone’s views are different and our behaviour is driven by fulfilling a goal. she follows a _____ approach to personality.
Our behaviour is controlled by the innate tendency to strive towards growth and improvement. This is called ______.
actualising tendency
I believe the way I do around my parents such as listening to their needs, being patient and behaving appropriately because I believe it gets the love I need from them. I believe those are my _____ with my parents.
conditions of worth
When I play genshin with Brayden (who is behind on chest hunting), I notice he displays ____ motivation since he wants to collect all of the chests in his world but is not excited to help me (who has most of the chest collected).
According to Maslow’s growth theory, people are controlled by ______ motivation.
Jay is happy with what he already has and feels fulfilment. What Jay is going through is what _____ theory describes as how people experience peak experiences through growth motivation.
maslow’s growth theory
Maslow’s growth theory is a _____ approach to personality.
According to ______, Ben only misbehaves in Hasan’s class because Hasan has either rewarded his behaviour or has not punished his behaviour.
functional analysis
Thematic apperception test which is used to measure the need for achievement is a _____ personality measure.
Sam was teased about her hairstyle by a stranger so now she thinks she has a bad sense of style. The stranger’s words affected her _____.
self concept
NEO-PI-R widely used by employers is a _____ personality measure.
According to Freud there are three principles of the unconscious mental process: _______.
id, ego, and superego
The hungry Chinese lady who cut in line took action based on the ____ principle.
The hungry Chinese lady not cutting in line and waiting in line because she would feel guilty about breaking social standards operates on a ______ principle.
The hunger Chinese thought about what she should do while waiting in line. She is operating on a ____ principle
Due to my _____ memory, I find studying about learning is easier than when I first studied the content.
When people go on tangents because a certain word reminded them of something else, it is due to _____ memory.
Using flash cards to study is using _____ memory since I’m forced to recall the content I have learnt.
understanding grammar, phonemes, symbols etc is part of the _____ processing of language.
bottom up
Reading a book requires more than bottom-up processing of language, ____ processing of language is necessary too. By understanding schemas, concepts and background knowledge we can then make sense of what we are reading, the semantics of the sentence.
top up
I broke up my main goal of being a psychologist into smaller goals where each goal brings me closer to the main goal. This process is called _____.
It is important for everyone in the family to display ____ towards Emily so she feels encouraged to do well and not feel discouraged by failure.
positive regard
personality is defined as the ______.
the unique pattern of enduring thoughts, feelings and actions that characterises a person.
Sam has issues trusting her boyfriend because she was neglected by her parents when she was a child. This is evidence of the _____ approach to personality.
objective relations
maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal are approaches to the _______ model of memory.
What does the big five personality model consist of?
Dave is a _____ psychologist since he investigates how behaviours appear and how they change overtime; why people are the way they are.
According to ______, genes affect behaviour: nurture and nature operate together to make people similar in some aspects and make people unique in other aspects.
behavioural genetics
What are the three stages of prenatal development?
(1) germinal stage
(2) embryonic stage
(3) foetal stage
What happens to an infant when the mother drinks alcohol during her pregnancy?
foetal alcohol syndrome
what are the characteristics of foetal alcohol syndrome?
(1) malformations of the face
(2) intellectual disability
(3) behavioural and emotional problems
Amber gave birth to an underweight infant with respiratory problems. What did she do during pregnancy that has caused this?
During the last 6 months of pregnancy, what are the 3 risks a mother should avoid to reduce the risk of the infant developing behavioural and psychological issues?
(1) stress
(2) flu
(3) depression
mother’smothers face the same size no matter how far or close it is
size constancy
At ______, Jackie is expected to be able to categories objects by shapes.
4 months old
By _____, Jackie has a perception of objects.
7 months old
During the _____ stage of development, Jackie has difficulty grasping onto objects and clumsily sucks onto her mother’s nipples.
Jackie is developing an identity, which means she is the _____ stage of development.
Jackie was not given the appropriate attachment during the first year of her life and now has behavioural and emotional issues. This is evidence of the _____ theory.
Jessica’s mother does not praise her, is sympathetic, constantly tries to control her behaviours and doesn’t give her any form of independence. Her mother is most likely a _____ parent.
authoritarian parent
John’s father is affectionate and allows him to come home from parties whenever he likes. John’s father is a _____ parent.
Emily’s father allows her to go to parties on Friday but has to be home by 9 pm because it’s dangerous for her to be coming home late at night. Emily’s father is a ______ parent
Sam’s mother is never home and only cares about her time and about making money for herself. Sam’s mother is a ______ parent.
Jimmy took Lilly’s flower hair pin. Lilly, instead of crying and attacking Jimmy to give it back. She kindly asks for him to return it, expressing how that makes her feel sad. Lilly has good ______ which is an important social skill to have.
Despite Sam having an uninvolved parent, and living in harsh conditions, she does not have behavioural or emotional issues as an adult. This means she has high ______.
The ____ of the brain is in charge of flexible thinking, organisation, planning, and appropriate attention distribution.
prefrontal cortex
Jeramy’s son really want the toy car but cannot afford it. His friends tell him to steal it but Jeramy cannot bring himself to do it because stealing means he will go to jail. According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, Jeramy is most likely at the _____ stage of moral reasoning.
Jeramy steals the toy car because it will make his son happy. According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, Jeramy is most likely at the _______ stage of moral reasoning.
Jeramy steals the toy because his son should be able to have an equal chance of receiving happiness like other kids. According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning Jeramy is most likely at the ____ stage of moral reasoning.
Emily just finished high school and can now drink alcohol. Which stage of adulthood is she at?
emerging (18-25)
Emily has finished university and has started growing her own family. Which stage of adulthood is she at?
early (20-39)
Emily is going through menopause and has concerns about producing something that may benefit the future generation (generativity). Which stage of adulthood is she at?
middle (40-64)
Emily has become more inward-looking, reflecting on her past and at times has cognitive difficulties. Which stage of adulthood is she at?
late (65+)
Miki cries every time her brother hides his face with a pillow thinking he has disappeared. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Miki is in the ______ stage and has not developed _______.
sensorimotor, object permanence
Tom cannot form schema of objects he has not seen. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, he is in the ______ stage.
sensorimotor (0-2)
Miki is now able to think in images and symbols but cannot recognise that pouring 250ml from a short cup to a tall, skinny cup has the same amount of water. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Miki is in the _____ stage and has not developed _______.
preoperational (2-7), conservation
Miki is now able to form logical statements and can think about two concepts simultaneously. She can also form schemas which means she is in the _____ stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
concrete operational (7-11)
The ____ stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is marked by having the ability to engage in abstract, hypothetical thinking.
formal operational (11+)
Miki trusts her parents but does trust strangers to be able to give her a bottle of milk when she cries. According to Erikson’s stages of psychological development, she is in the ______ stage.
first year
Miki has entered the ______ stage of Erikson’s stages of psychological development which means she is learning that she can do things by herself such as feeding herself without feeling doubt.
second year
Miki has entered the ______ stage of Erikson’s stage of psychological development which means she is planning activities and playing with her friends without feeling guilt.
third to fifth year
Miki has entered the ______ stage of Erikson’s stage of psychological development which means it is important for parents and teacher to encourage her yearning to learn and compliment her on her achievements to make her feel component if not she will feel inferior.
6th (puberty)
Miki has entered the _____ stage of Erikson’s stages of psychological development which means she is trying to form a personal identity but because she is Chinese-born and raised in Australia, she has trouble forming her ethnic identity.
Jay and I are in the ______ stage of Erikson’s stages of psychological development as we have been able to commit to our relationship.
early adulthood
You can tell someone has entered ____ stage of Erikson’s stages of psychological development if they either care about bringing good to the future or are self-centred and inactive in life.
middle age
Jim is in ____ stage of Erikson’s stages of psychological development since he is in despair and regret about his past.
old age
Jackies is a ______ psychologist since she explores the effects of the social world on the behaviour and mental process of people.
Emily does not like rude people but one day she was told that she can be rude at times. She realises that her attitude towards rude people and her behaviour are inconsistent so she makes an effort to be mindful of what she does and says to be less rude. This is evidence of the _____ theory.
cognitive dissonance
I used to bike a lot because I liked biking but for the past 3 years, I have not biked which means I must not like biking anymore. This attitude towards biking is evidence of the _____ theory.
My mum believes that praying to buddha when one is scared will make that feeling disappear. Praying gives her comfort and so she prays whenever she is scared. Which part is the cognitive component?
The belief that the scared feeling will go away
My mum believes that praying to buddha when one is scared will make that feeling disappear. Praying gives her comfort and so she prays whenever she is scared. Which part is the affective component?
Her feelings towards praying
My mum believes that praying to buddha when one is scared will make that feeling disappear. Praying gives her comfort and so she prays whenever she is scared. Which part is the behavioural component?
actually praying when she is scared
Emily signed up for health insurance that was promoted by V (a BTS member). She used the _____ route of the elaborative likelihood model.
Dad sign up to give away his organs when he dies. He based his decision on information he received by organ donor organisations. He used the _____ route of the elaborative likelihood model.
I used ____ to evaluate how I am doing as a student by comparing myself with other students.
social comparison
According to the ____ of my country, it is expected to line up to buy a movie ticket.
social norms
It only feels right to give everyone a birthday gift since they also got me a birthday gift. I am displaying _______.
Jay displays _____ when everyone gets together to organise a party, he outs in the bare minimum.
social loafing
Anna displays ______ since she always puts in more effort when she is a part of organising a party with the group.
social striving
There is no sign saying its a smoke zone or not but there a number of people standing there smoking which means it should be acceptable to smoke there too. According Cialdini, this is called _____ norms.
It is punishable by law to chew gum in Singapore, so no one chews gum. According to Cialdini, this is called _____ norms.
Miki’s friends were laughing at a girl because they found her outfit ugly. While Miki did not find the outfit ugly she still joined in and laughed along side her friends.This is evidence of ______.
a church leader told his followers to die on the 5th at 12am and all of his followers displayed ______ by sacrificing themselves.
Asking someone for a favour is an _____ request.
Emily broke up with her boyfriend and she is sad. Jay was about to comfort her but you knowing that she didn’t need another person giving her empty words of comfort, you looked at Jay in a way to convey “don’t, please just leave her alone”. This is an example of an _____ request.
Getting people to agree to pay a small fee to use an app and then requesting a larger sum to use a certain feature of the app would improve the user experience. This utilises the ______ technique.
Victor asked Jay to borrow $1000 but it was too much for him. Victor then asked to borrow $500 instead which is a lot less than the initial request. Due to reciprocity, Jay let him borrow $500. Victor used the ______ technique.
Car dealers often use the ______ technique to get us to pay a higher price for a car by getting us to verbally agree to the price and then increase the price later.
John, an Australian man thinks the success of an aboriginal man was due to luck but when the man fails, it was due to him being lazy and incompetent. But when an Australian man succeeds, it was due to hard work and dedication, but if he fails then it was due to unlucky and uncontrollable circumstances. John’s reasoning demonstrates: ______.
ultimate attribution error
When it comes to health-related promotion, doctors and scientists have high ______ power.
The president of the United States of America has ______ power to tell us to stay indoors during Covid.
damage to the limbic system (amygdala and hypothalamus) may produce ______, which is being aggressive towards something that is not threatening or having low aggression towards something that usually results in aggression.
defensive aggression
Jill is really hungry and tired from work. Jill’s husband complained to her about her lack of doing chores. Jill became aggressive towards her husband. This is evidence of the _______ theory.
aversively stimulated aggression
Jill is really hungry and tired from work. Jill’s husband complained to her about her lack of doing chores. Jill became aggressive towards her husband. This is evidence of the _______ theory.
aversively stimulated aggression
The aversively stimulated aggression follows the _____ theory.
excitation transfer theory
My mum helped me clean the place I’m currently living at when I first moved in. Her helping me was an act of ______ behaviour.
Jimmy saw a little girl in the middle of the street with no parent in sight. Jimmy felt uncomfortable about what she saw and she had nothing else to and so she decided to the girl find her parents. This act of helping is evidence of the ______ theory.
arousal cost-reward theory
Rebecca just lost her grandfather, El feel empathic towards her since she lost her grandfather not long ago. El offers to comfort Rebecca and help her heal with the pain of lost. El’s behaviour is evidence of the ______ theory.
empathy-altruism helping theory
Due the ______, people become unwilling to help an injured person when it is in a crowded environment.
bystander effect
When I worked at chatime, I performed the best because I always thought that someone was watching me. My behaviour was due to social _______.
Sam cannot draw well when other people are watching her. Her behaviour is due to social ______.
Kim provides close supervision, leads by directives and does not allow group discussion. Which type of leader is she?
task-oriented leader
Jim provides loose supervision, ask the team for their opinions and is concerned about their feelings. Which type of leader is he?
relationship-oriented leader
Tom rewards his employees that follow his instructions but punishes those who do not. Which type of leader is he?
transactional leader
Ben does not focus on rewards, instead, he motivates and inspires his team to work towards a goal. Which type of leader is he?
transformational leader
The astronauts did not realise it was a bad idea to send dogs into space. However, Jim did find it bad but because everyone else thought it was a good idea, he did not bring it up. This displays the issue of _____.
group think
Melbourne went through an awful drought a decade ago and if everyone did not follow the protocols to reduce water usage, the entire state would not have enough water to go around. This addresses _____.
social dilemma
According to _____ conflict, there are good reasons to cooperate and good reasons to compete.
Emily thinks mum is standing in her way of living the life she wants. Mum thinks otherwise. Therefore, there is ____ between Emily and mum.
Becca and Jeramy cannot agree on which religion to teach their child. They are having ______.
interpersonal conflict
Miki is not willing to give up her toy for John. This conflict is an example of ______.
zero-sum game
Australia is a ____ society since there are many cultures and ethnicities that coexist together but practice their own cultures.
My grandmother taught my mum about her culture and then mum taught it to. This process is called ______.
What are the six components of the model white racial identity development?
(1) contact
(2) disintegration
(3) reintegration
(4) pseudo-independence
(5) immersion and emersion
(6) autonomy
According the model white racial identity development, being ignorant to the importance of race and being blind to other racial groups is part of the _____ component.
According the model white racial identity development, acknowledging ‘whiteness’ and having aware of racial moral dilemmas is part of the ______ component.
According the model white racial identity development, having displayed anger and hostility towards people of colour is part of the ______ component.
According the model white racial identity development, having white-guilt which is a belief that racism is only perpetrated by ‘bad whites’ is part of the ____ component.
According the model white racial identity development, searching to define and abandon personal racism and define a non-racist white identity is classified as _____.
immersion and emersion
According the model white racial identity development, having racial humanism, able to internally define non-racist identity and value of racial diversity is classified as _____.
what are the key 5 dimensions of Hofstede’s dimensions of culture?
(1) individualism and collectivism
(2) power distance
(3) uncertainty avoidance
(4) masculinity and femininity
(5) long and short-term orientation
Power distance is defined as ______.
the amount of ‘distance’ in wealth and power people are willing to accept from others
Uncertainty avoidance is define as _____.
the degree to which people are willing to cope with uncertainty
A culture that has a high tolerance of deviant behaviour and weak social norms is a _____ culture.
A culture that has a low tolerance of deviant behaviour and high social norms is considered a _____ culture.
Sometimes I think Americans practice _____ since it appears that they view the world only through the lens of their American culture.
Sam believes all Chinese people are at fault for COVID-19, and hence displays anger towards them through social discrimination. Which part is the cognitive component of prejudice?
his belief that all Chinese people are at fault
Sam believes all Chinese people are at fault for COVID-19, and hence displays anger towards them through social discrimination. Which part is the affect component of prejudice?
him displaying his anger towards them
Sam believes all Chinese people are at fault for COVID-19, and hence displays anger towards them through social discrimination. Which part is the behavioural component of prejudice?
the social discrimination
Sam treats Chinese people differently than people from his own culture. He is displaying _____.
social discrimination
Josh, an English man lived and studied in Korea for 2 years and adopted parts of the Korean culture while maintaining other parts of his English culture. This process is called _______.
Rin has gone through _____ since he has embraced Australia’s culture and rejected her birth culture.
cultural assimilation
A lot of Vietnamese people in Footscray practice _____ as they continue to practice their birth culture and ignoring the Australian culture.
I have gone through _____ by adopting parts of the Korean culture but still having a strong connection with my Vietnamese culture since the two are similar.
The aboriginal people are often experience _____. Being viewed as insignificant and rejected from society
Tim believes he did poorly on the exam because of external force such as having to deal with a family loss but view other people’s failure due to them being lazy or dumb. This is called the _____ effect.
Victor believes that some people are either extroverted or introvert. While, Hasan believes people have varying degrees of extroversion and introversion. Victor supports ____ and Hasan supports ______.
types, traits
What are the 3 qualitative basic personality types?
(1) resilient
(2) over controllers
(3) under controllers
My and Jays thoughts, emotions and behaviour affect each other. We are _____.
What are the two types of love?
(1) compassionate
(2) passionate
Peter and Jill just started dating. They have an intense, arousing, physical attraction with a deep emotional attachment. They are in a ______ love.
Jay’s parents are in a _____ love which is less arousing but more psychologically intimate and they care about each other’s welfare.
According to Sternberg’s triangular theory about love, the ______ love is the most complete type of love. The love includes a high level of arousal and psychological intimacy.
Teachers employ the _____ technique to encourage children from different cultures to intermingle.
What are the 6 core values for ethical conduct in research relating to aborignals?
(1) Responsibility
(2) reciprocity
(3) respect
(4) equity
(5) cultural community
(6) spirit and integrity
when working with aboriginals it is important to engage in a ______ practice.
1788-1890 marks what for the aboriginal community?
invasion and colonisation
1890s-1950s marks what for the aboriginal community?
protection and segregation
1940s-1950s marks what for the aboriginal community?
1967-1970s marks what for the Aboriginal community?
integration, self-determination and self-management
1991-present marks what for the aboriginal community?
The information-processing approach views cognitive change as ______.
______ is the gradual decrease in attention to a stimulus after repeated presentations.
______ is when you start to focus more on the new stimulus than the old one.
Bayley-III (scales of infant development) asses development from age ____ months to ____ years.
3, 3.5
the three main scales of Bayley-III:
cognitive scale, language scale and motor scale
At ___ months old, infants are able to coo (pre-verbal and gurgling sounds).
between ___ and ____ months old, infants start babbling
between __ and __ months old, infants can now perform gestures
8, 10
between ___ and ___, infants can now comprehend words and simple sentences
at ___ months, infants have spoken their first word
infant-directed speech is “____ talk”.
______ includes characteristics such as activity level, soothability, emotionality and sociability.
lily, an infant is generally positive, adapts well to new situations and generally moderate in emotional reactions. She is a(an) ______ baby.
James, an infant does not adapt well to new situations and mood are intensely negative more frequently than other babies. He is a(an) _______ baby.
Jiji, an infant is low in activity level, reacts negatively to new situations and has fewer positive or negative emotional extremes than other babies. She is a(an) ______ baby.
________ is a concept where children develop best when there is a good fit between the temperament of the child and the environmental demands.
the 3 primary emotions in early weeks of life are:
distress, interest and pleasure
When Lola was taken back to the nursery after her mother had fed her, she started crying when she heard several of the other neonates crying. This is an example of ________.
emotional contagion
____ occurs in the laboratory setting when parents are instructed to interact with their infant without showing any signs of emotion:
still-face paradigm