Exam Flashcards
Handmaids text quote 1
When describing the amenities no longer available to them, Offred says “We are containers, it’s only the insides of our bodies that are important”. Metaphor to construct Offreds oppressed voice. Only valued for reproductive capabilities. “container” highlights handmaids would be discarded. Furthermore, seen as a container of life, only valued for birth. First person pov enhances dehumanised voice as readers placed in similar positions might feel the same.
handmaids text quote 2
strict way of living is portrayed through the dialogue exchanged between all in Gilead. “Under His Eye”. remind them not to step out of line. Reference totalitarian state. eye refers to the eyes/god
Handmaids text quote 3
When Moria is beaten on the soles of her feet as a form of punishment, Aunt Lydia says “for our purposes, your feet and your hands are not essential”. Dialogue shows severe segregation and oppression of handmaids, aren’t viewed as people, only valued for their reproduction. “our” shows how Aunt Lydia is in a position of power
Significance of cathedral being knocked down
- The positioning of the characters to the left of the screen with their backs to the audience further demonstrates the marginalisation and oppression they endure
- abuse of power, destruction of a sacred religious site, control through religion
- taking away other’s freedom, faith and enforcing a strict lifestyle upon them
- symbolises a broken past and uncertain future, furthermore, the sunlight creeping through the cracks of the cathedral and shining down onto the two handmaids symbolises the small slither of hope they still hold.
significance of commander giving offred magazine
- After their regular game of scrabble, the commander surprises Offred with a fashion magazine.
- magazine is based on a type of femininity that Gilead and the commander himself eliminated.
- vogue (beauty standards for modern woman)
- manipulation for his desires
movie example 3 (shops)
when Offred and her partner Ofglenn bump into two other handmaids whilst shopping for their respective houses. They stop to talk when Ofglenn suggests Offred should buy oranges for her mistress. When Offred dismisses the idea as she doesn’t have an ‘orange token’, another handmaid blurts out “tell them you are commander Waterfords’, he’s really high up, his name is on the news”. The atmosphere turns cold as the excited facial expressions drain from her face. After a short pause she frantically follows up with “I…didn’t…read it I promise”. The severe oppression perpetuated in Gileads society enforces woman shouldn’t be allowed to read or watch the news.
Hyperbole is a figure of speech. For example: “There’s enough food in the cupboard to feed an entire army!”
medium and mode
A mode is a means of communicating (linguistic, visual, aural)
A medium is the channel or system through which communications are conveyed (photography, novel, film)
Anaphora is a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive sentences
Epistrophe is the repetition of one or more words at the end of a phrase
how to structure intro
- One to two sentences to broadly engage with text and question
- one to two sentences to introduce text (Title, author, year, plot)
- 2 to 3 sentences to develop thesis and respond to question. Must clearly outline argument
The distinct personality of a piece of writing (eg, Formal, academic, serious, conversational)
Opinions or viewpoints (bitter, sincere, determined)
Principles of significant importance or worth (eg, equality, respect, justice)
stylistic features
- Lexical choice (vocab)
- Narrative POV (1st, 2nd. 3rd. limited, omniscient)
- Structure (paragraphing)
- Figurative language (simile, hyperbole)
Context of situation
Time and place depicted, content, purpose, setting of reception, genre, mode
Context of culture
Social, political, religious, historical influences
Thoughts, opinions, views or beliefs. Eg, Human connection and a degree of conformity is necessary for human survival
Matters of personal or public concern that it in dispute. considered to be problems (eg exploitation of animals)
Any idea, concern or argument developed in a text. A recurring element (eg, how love involved sacrifice)
Something IS something else
something is LIKE or AS something else. EG, he was AS quiet AS a mouse
using a verb (action word) to start “do”. Command