Exam 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
Legislation proposed by a legislative body such as U.S. Congress. When enacted, it has a meaning identical “law,” or “statue.”
Administrative Law
The legal principles involved in the workings of administrative agencies within the regulatory process.
Breach of contract
A party’s failure to perform some contracted-for or agreed-upon act, or failure to comply with a duty imposed by law.
The reference identifying how to find a case
Civil Law
The area of the law governing the rights and duties between private parties as compared with the criminal law. This term also describes the system of codifying law in many countries as compared with the judicial orientation of the common law system.
A compilation of legislation enacted by a federal, state, or local government
Common Law
That body of law deriving from judicial decisions as opposed to legislatively enacted statues and administrative regulations.
Compensatory Damages
Usually awarded in breach-of-contract cases to pay for a party’s loses that are a direct and foreseeable result of the other party’s breach. The award of these damages is designed to place the non-breaching party in the same position as if the contract had been performed
Conflicts Of law
Rule of law the courts use to determine that substantive law applies when there is an inconsistency between laws of different states or countries
When capitalized, the term refers to the U.S. Federal constitution, which sets out the basic framework for federal government and, as amended, for individual rights
Constitutional Law
The legal issues that arise from interpreting the U.S. Constitution or a state constitution
Constitutional relativity
The idea that constitutional interpretation is relative to the time in which the Constitution is being interpreted
Contract Law
The law of legally enforceable promises
Corporate governance
A term that has at least two meanings. One relates to how business organizations are created and managed. A second concerns how the various levels of government regulate how business organizations as they transact business
An artificial, but legal, person created by state law. As a business organization, the corporation’s separation of owners and managers gives it a high level of flexibility
Criminal Law
That area of law dealing with the wrongs against the state as representative of the community at large, to be distinguished from civil law, which hears cases of wrongs against persons
Statements made in a judicial opinion that are not essential to the decision of the case
Exemplary damages
Punitive damages. Monetary compensation in excess of direct losses suffered by the plaintiff that may be awarded in intentional tort cases where the defendant’s conduct deserves punishment.