Exam 1 Vocab Flashcards
the scientific study of the mind brain and behavior
scientific theory
explanation for a large number of findings in the natural world
confirmation bias
tendency to seek out evidence that supports our beliefs and deny evidence that contradicts them
metaphysical claim
assertion about the world thats not testable
ad hoc immunizing hypothesis
escape hatch or loophole that defenders of a theory use to protect their theory from falsification
tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in their absence
school of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics
school of psychology that focuses on uncovering the general laws of learning by looking largely at observable behavior
cognitive psychology
thinking is central to understanding behavior
founded by freud, internal psychological processes of which were unaware
naturalistic observation
watching behavior in real world settings not manipulating the situation
external validity
extent to which we can generalize findings to real world settinga
internal validity
extent to which we can draw cause and effect inferences from a study
response set
tendency ti distort answers to paint themselves in better light
experimenter expectancy effect
phenomenon in which researchers hypotheses lead them to unintentionally bias the outcome of a study
demand characteristics
cues that participants pick up from a study that allow them to guess regarding the researchers hypothesis
inferential statistics
mathematical methods that allow us to determine whether we can generalize findings from our sample to the full population
general intelligence hypothetical factor that accounts for overall differences in intellect among people
specific abilities particular ability level in a narrow domain
fluid intelligence
capacity to learn new ways of solving problems
crystallized intelligence
accumulated knowledge of the world acquired over time
multiple intelligences
idea that people vary markedly in their ability levels across different domains of intellectual skill
triarchic model
model of intelligence propsed by Robert Sternberg positing three distinct types of intelligence - analytical, practical and creative
mental age
age corresponding to the average individuals performance on an inteligence test
deviation IQ
expression of a persons IQ relative to his or her same aged peers
stereotype threat
fear the we may confirm a negative group stereotype
divergent thinking
capactiy to generate many different solutions to a probelm
convergent thinking
capacity to generate the single best solution to a problem