Exam 1 (Units 1 & 2) Flashcards
the dynamic neuromuscular process of producing speech sounds for communication; a verbal (using words) means of expression
in order for there to be speech there needs to be language
smallest linguistic unit of sounds, each with distinctive features, that can signal a difference in meaning when modified (cat vs bat)
a socially shared code or conventional system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule-governed combinations of those symbols
exchange of information, ideas, needs, and desires between two or more individuals
subcategories or a parent language that uses similar, but not identical, rules
deficit approach
notion that only one dialect of a language is inherently correct or standard and that others are substandard or exhibit some deficit
sociolinguistic approach
considers that all dialectal variation is to be related to each other and the idealized standard
each dialect is a valid rule system and therefore none is better than the other
code switching
process of varying between two or more languages
fluent in two languages
paralinguistic codes
vocal and nonvocal codes that are superimposed on linguistic code to signal the speaker’s attitude or emotion or to clarify or provide additional meaning
intonation, stress, rate
nonlinguistic codes
coding devices that contribute to communication but are not a part of speech.
gestures, body posture, eye contact, facial expression, physical distance, head and body movement
organizational rules specifying word order, sentence organization, and word relationships
“I went to the store” vs “I to the store went”
concerned with the rules governing change in meaning at the intraword level
smallest unit of meaning
individual without violating the meaning or producing meaningless units
free (tree) and bound (-ing)
concerned with the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech-sound patterns
example: omits /s/ sound in blends