Exam 1 (Thoracic Limb IP1) Flashcards
What are the components of the scapulohumeral joint?
The joint capsule, glenohumeral ligaments, tranverse humeral ligament, biceps brachii proximal tendon
What muscles stabilize the scapulohumeral joint?
- Subscapularis M
- Supraspinatus M
- Infraspinatus M
What type of joint is the scapulohumeral joint?
Synovial and Round
What is the muscle that extend the scapulohumeral joint?
Supraspinatus Muscle
What is the muscle that flexes the scapulohumeral joint?
Infraspinatus Muscle
What nerves originate from the brachial plexus?
Short Answer: All forelimb nerves
Long Answer: suprascapular N, Subscapular N, Axilary N, Radial N, Musculocutaneous N, Median N, Ulnar N
What is Brachial Plexus Avulsion?
When the thoracic limb is pulled excessively and disrupts all the nerves originating from the plexus
How does Brachial Plexus Avulsion present?
Lameness, potential partial Horner’s Syndrome
What are the features of the elbow joint?
It is a hinge and compound joint made of 3 bones
-Proximal Radioulnar
Has collateral ligaments
What is the purpose of the Proximal Radioulnar in the elbow joint?
Allows the rotation of the antebrachium
What is the purpose of the humeroradial region of the elbow joint?
It is the most weight bearing of the 3 regions
All joints distal to the shoulder have _________ _________
Collateral Ligaments
What is the purpose of a collateral ligament?
It restricts movement in the sagittal plane and allows some rotational movement
What is the main function of carpal joints?
They are instrumental in absorbing concussive shock
What are the three carpal joints?
- Radiocarpal Joint
- Intermediate carpal joint
- Carpometacarpal joint
What muscle rotates the forearm medially and can flex the elbow joint?
Pronator teres muscle
What muscle rotates the forearm laterally and can flex the elbow joint?
Supinator muscle
What muscle inserts on the olecranon and can extend the elbow?
Tensor fasciae antebrachii
What muscle’s only function is to extend the elbow joint ?
Anconeus muscle
What muscles work to extend the carpus and digits?
The antebrachium extensor muscles
What holds together the tendons of the extensor muscles?
Extensor Retinaculum
What holds together the tendons of the flexor muscles?
Flexor Retinaculum
What muscles work to flex the carpus and digits?
The antebrachium flexor muscles
What is meant by orthogonal views?
Meaning you are looking at a 3D structure in a 2D picture; it is needed to do a 90 degree angle called an orthogonal plane to get the full view
What are the radiopacities from black to white?
Black- air
water/soft tissue
White- metal
What do we call an item that creates the darkest region on a radiograph (air)?
What do we call an item that creates the lightest region on a radiograph (metal)?
What is summation in terms of radiographs?
Structures that overlap each other(ex: two bones)
What are Retinacula and Annular ligaments?
Specialized thickening of the fascia
What is a bursa?
A synovial sac located between two structures to cushion the area and reduce friction on the muscle tendon
What is a tendon sheath?
A lengthened bursa that wraps totally around a tendon and is subjected to friction?
What is the difference between a bursa and a tendon sheath?
Tendon sheaths are subjected to friction while bursa are not and only help reduce friction by creating a “pillow”
What are instrinsic vs extrinsic muscles?
Extrinsic muscles attach the forelimb to the trunk
Intrinsic muscles are only in one region of the body and alter only that region
What is a agonist muscle?
Muscles that produce a similar action
What is an antagonist muscle?
Muscle that produces an opposite action
What is a trochlea?
A pulley like articular mass
What are condyles?
An approximately spherical mass
What are fossae?
Large depression
What are processes?
A bony projection
What are trochanters?
A type of tuberosity
What are tubercles?
A smaller projection
Identify each of the four cutaneous antebrachial nerves and each one’s nerve of origin,
- Lateral cutaneous antebrachial N- Radial N
- Cranial cutaneous antebrachial N- Axillary N
- Medial cutaneous antebrachial N- Musculocutaneous N
- Caudal cutaneous antebrachial N- Ulnar N
What injury causes an inability to extend the limb?
Brachial Plexus Avulsion
What is involved in atrophy of the shoulder muscles?
When the suprascapular N is injured due to trauma, the supraspinatus and infraspinatus mm can atrophy
What are the clinical signs of elbow dysplasia?
Bilateral thoracic limb lameness; painful in both elbow; radiographs show failure of ossification center of the anconeus to fuse with the olecranon
What are the clinical signs of OCD (Osteochondritis Dissecans)?
The physis cartilage loses blood supply when the humerus grows too quickly; erosion of articular cartilage
What is luxation?
What is subluxation?
a partial dislocation
What is carpal varus?
The elbows buckle or bow out more than the feet and other parts of the limb to point medially
What is carpal valgus?
The front feet point outward or laterally away from the limb and the body’s alignment
How does fiber arrangement relate to the power of the muscle?
The power of the muscle increases with the obliquity (slanting) of the fibers
What nerve innervates the subscapularis m?
Subscapular N
What nerve innervates the infraspinatus m?
Suprascapular N
What nerve innervates the supraspinatus m?
Suprascapular N
What nerve innervates the deltoideus m?
Axillary N
What nerve innervates the teres major m?
Axillary N
What nerve innervates the teres minor m?
Axillary N
What nerve innervates the triceps brachii m?
Radial N
What nerve innervates the Anconeus m?
Radial N
What nerve innervates the Tensor Fasciae Antebrachii m?
Radial N
What nerve innervates the extensor muscles including the supinator m and abductor polllicis longus m?
Radial N
What nerve innervates the Biceps Brachii m?
Musculocutaneous N
What nerve innervates the Brachialis m?
Musculocutaneous N
What nerve innervates the most flexor muscles (besides flexor carpi ulnaris) including the pronator teres M and pronator quadratus M?
Median N
What nerve innervates the flexor carpi ulnaris m?
Ulnar N
What 2 nerves innervate the deep digital flexor m?
Median N and Ulnar N
What nerve is sensory only?
Maxillary N
What nerve is motor only?
Trochlear N
What is the main artery that supplies blood to the paw in a dog?
Median A
What is the main artery that supplies blood to the paw in a cat?
Radial A
What is the origin and insertion of the trapezius m?
O- Median Raphe
I- Scauplar Spine
What is the origin and insertion of the Rhomboideus?
O- Median Raphe
I- Dorsal Border of scapula
What is the origin and insertion of the Omotransversarius?
O-Distal Scapular spine
I-Transverse wing of atlas
What is the origin and insertion of the Descending Superficial Pectoral?
O- 1st strenebrae
I- Greater tubercle of humerus
What is the origin and insertion of the Transverse Superficial Pectoral?
O- 1st sternebrae
I- Greater tubercle of humerus
What is the origin and insertion of the Deep Pectoral?
O- Sternum
I- Lesser tubercle of Humerus
Muscles do not flex or extend, but instead act on _______ to effect movement
What is an origin?
Fixed attachment site and usually proximal
What is an insertion?
Moveable end of the muscle and usually distal
Deep branch of the radial nerve is _______ to the extensor muscles of the antebrachium
Superficial branch of the radial nerve is _______ to skin on lateral antebrachium
What is a joint that involves two or more bones that open and close in one direction only ?Ex: elbow
What is a joint that has a rounded head of one bone that sits within the cup of another? Ex: shoulder joint
Ball and Socket Joint (Round)
What is the shaft of the bone?
What is the terminal end of the bone?
What are in between the growth plates and the shaft and are the centers of ossification?
What are the growth plates that lead into the Metaphysis? Also a center for ossification
What is the remnant of the epiphyseal plate in the mature bone?
Epiphyseal line
What is the middle of the bone that holds the bone marrow?
Medullary or marrow cavity
The humerus, radius, ulna, and phalanges are examples of _____ bones?
The scapula is an example of a _____ bone
The carpal bones are an example of ______ bones
What is the resting position of the distal phalanx in the cat?
In the cat claw, the flexor tendon _____ the nail
It is the ______ of the deep digital flexor muscle that extends the claw of the cat
The dorsal elastic ligament and the common digital extensor tendon keep the claw ______
A nerve is a bundle of _______
Term for information being carried to the CNS
Term for information carried from the CNS to motor
The PNS represents all nerves where?
Outside the CNS
What passes through the feline supracondylar foramen in the humerus?
The brachial artery and the median nerve
What is the structure that the deep digital flexor tendon passes through which is formed by the superficial digital flexor tendon?
Manica Flexoria
The term carpus means all bone and _____ _____ in the foot region
soft tissue
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