EXAM 1 THINGS Flashcards
young old
middle old
old old
elite old
100+ y/o
sense of time and space
what does presbycusis mean?
high frequency hearing loss
b/c older adults have decreased sensitivity of baroreceptors, what should you be careful of?
when shifting positions from sitting to standing; pt may also have high BP so they will be taking anti HTN drugs -> together, these two things can lead to higher risk of fall/injury
is incontinence a normal part of aging?
NOPE it has a cause
does respiratory rate change when adults become older?
what are the most frequently diagnosed conditions?
heart disease
interventions that lead to further complications and disease
SPICES (measures healthcare issues among hospitalized older adults)
sleep disorders problems with eating incontinence confusion evidence of falls skin breakdown
Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Life (ADLs)
bathing feeding toiletting dressing transferring continence
Geriatric Cascade
phenomenon of rapid decline resulting from :
acute illness
stress of institutional care
If you see a patient with delirium:
try to reorient the patient to:
- Person
- Place
- Time
critical thinking concept model characteristics (5)
nearly __ of older adults in the community reports a fall every year
__ to __% of older adults living in long term care settings experience a fall every year
examples of extrinsic/environmental factors for sustaining a fall:
loose carpets
inadequate lighting
DELIRIUM: (common causes of delirium)
drugs elimination (constipation) liver and other organs infection respiratory injury unfamiliar environment metabolic
Braden Scale
Sensory perception (4) Moisture (4) Nutrition (4) Mobility (4) Activity (4) Friction/Shear (3)
15-18 At risk
13-14 Moderate risk
10-12 High risk
Less than or equal to 9 VERY high risk
If restraints are used,
assess the related extremity every 30 minutes to see if color has changed
must document that you saw that extremity
evaluate every 30 minutes
must release patient from restraint every 1-2 hours
IADLs (instrumental)
includes things like chopping
making a phone call, etc
systemic effects of immobility -> hypostatic PNA
fluid pools in lungs and can cause inflammation
results from atelectasis
risk factors for pressure ulcer include:
- intensity of pressure
- duration of pressure
- tolerance of tissue to duration and pressure
A pressure ulcer can form in only _ - _ hours, which is why we reposition every __ hours.
2-6; 2
Albumin level
3.5 grams/dL or greater
Pre-Albumin level
16-30 mg/dL
Significant weight loss constitutes:
5% in 1 month
10% in 6 months
to assess client outcomes when making nursing diagnoses
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timed
STEEEP measures
patient safety
Safe Timely Efficient Effective Equitable Patient-centered
Latent failure
- from organizational policies
- procedures
- allocation of resources
(blunt end)
Active failure
- direct contact with patient
sharp end
unexpected event that leads to death/physical injury
Medications: Lipid solubility of medication
med can be absorbed faster if it’s lipid soluble
QSEN (quality and safety education in nursing) addresses six competencies
E vidence-based practice Q uality improvement I nformatics P atient-centered care S aftey T eamwork and collaboration
Medication can bind to __, which limits the amount of __ _ in the blood. Less __ can contribute to __ __.
free albumin
albumin; medicine toxicity
Excretion of medications (KBELL)
Kidney Bowel Exocrine Glands Liver Lungs
idiosyncratic rxn:
over- or under- reaction to a medication
Therapeutic range:
narrow range btwn minimum effective concentration (MEC) and toxic concentration
What do you need for a complete medication order?
- med name
- dosage
- type of administration
- frequency of administration
- reason for administration
Errors of Omission when talking about medications:
basically errors which the patient either never saw the drug or did not take the drug
valvular stenosis
hardened valve that cannot close or open properly
your cardiac output will decrease ; you will see heart failure b/c the heart muscle tries to compensate for this decreased cardiac output
Early signs of hypoxia
cognitive signs
Hgb values for males:
for females:
14-18 g/100 mL males
12-16 g/100 mL females
Hct values for males:
for females:
42-52% males
37-47% females
RBC count males:
for females:
- 7-6.1 million/mm3 males
4. 2-5.4 million/mm3 females
5,000-10,000/ cubic millimeter
Troponin I value elevates as early as
3 hours after myocardial injury
Troponin I value remains elevated for
7-10 days
Plasma cardiac Troponin I
Plasma Cardiac Troponin T
Troponin T value remains elevated for
10-14 days
CK male
55-170 units/L
CK female
30-135 units/L
nl range for fasting cholesterol
less than 200 mg/dL
less than 5.2 mmol/L
nl range of LDL
nl range of VLDLs
7-32 mg/dl
nl range of HDLs
Male: >45 mg/dL
Female: >55 mg/dL
nl range of Triglycerides
Male: 40-160 mg/dL
Female: 35-135 mg/dL
Nursing responsibilities for Thoracentesis:
Monitor vital signs CXR after the procedure Auscultate breath sounds Check puncture site for bleeding or leakage Document procedure
A PPD induration of more than 5 mm is considered positive for person
with or at risk for HIV infection; those who had close, recent contact with someone who has infectious TB, or who has CXR that show old, healed TB
A PPD induration of greater than 10 mm is considered positive for
foreign born persons from high prevalence countries, IV drug users, medically underserved, low-income populations, residents of long term care facilities, people with chronic illnesses, and all children and adolescents
A PPD induration of greater than 15 mm is considered positive for
all persons
Persons with vaccinated with BCG vaccine has a
positive reaction to TB test
For the nasal cannula, if you administer more than 4-5 L , you should
humidify the oxygen before the patient breathes it in
Venturi mask delivers what?
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) from 24-60% ; delivers oxygen with humidity
pharmacological agents of dyspnea
Inhaled Steroids
Mucolytics: can liquefy secretions
For suctioning, you shouldn’t leave the suctioning in for longer than
10-15 seconds
you’re suctioning oxygen out when you do this
Postural drainage can be taken out by:
chest physiotherapy - > chest percussion
be careful with someone with osteoporosis: can be at risk for fractures during percussions; contraindicated in pts with bleeding disorders, burns, open wounds, skin infections of the thorax
___ is a more gentle alternative to chest percussion. It is a gentle, shaking pressure applied to the chest wall to shake secretions into larger airways