Exam 1 Study Material Flashcards
- A foreign key is
A) A key from another country
B) A key from another table
C) A duplicated primary key
D) A key duplicated in the junction table
- In relational database, records are navigated to each other through the use of which technique?
A) Pointers
B) Networks
C) Duplicating common data
D) Stacking similar records
- The optionality for relationship Product — Order is usually
A) M:M
B) O:M
C) M:O
D) O:O
E) 1:M
- What is a logical data model used for:
A) For representing data requirements
B) For representing business logics
C) For representing how data is organized in a database
D) For representing how functions are performed
- Assume customers may have joint or shared accounts. Which is the best entity-relationship diagram to model a small bank accounts, customers, and Transactions?
A) Customer – (m::1) – Account – (m:m) – Transaction
B) Customer – (m::m) – Account – (1:m) – Transaction
C) Customer – (1:m) – Account – (1:m) – Transaction
D) Customer – (m::m) – Account – (m:m) – Transaction
- What is not correct about a record?
A) it is made of many values observed from one entity
B) it is usually linked to other records
C) it is made of a single value
D) it is also called a tuple
E) It is usually identifiable through some parts of the record
- What is not true about a hierarchical database?
A) records are linked by pointers
B) records are organized as an inverted tree
C) records are not identified by keys
D) it is not a dominant type of databases nowadays
- What is not true about Codasyl?
A) it established the common business-oriented language (COBOL) for programming
B) it was not supported by Ted Codd
C) It resulted in System R
D) it resulted in the Codasyl approach to database management
9.(check all that apply) Identify Object Attributes: Which of the following are attributes of orders in
an e-commerce system?
A) order date
B) promised date
C) ship date
D) total order amount
E) order quantity
10.A composite attribute is which of the following?
A) An attribute that can be broken into components
B) An attribute that cannot be broken into components
C) Multiple attributes
D) An identifier
- True/False: A recursive relationship is always O:O
A) True
B) False
- What is not right about weak entities?
A) often used to model multivalued attributes
B) do not have a full UID themselves
C) must have 1:m relationships with a strong entity
D) cannot exist independently of a strong entity
- When do you use gerunds?
A) when there are data about relationships
B) when there exist m:m relationships between two entities
C) when there is a need to treat a relationship as an enity
D) All of the above
- (select all that apply) If a weak entity E depends on entity S to exist and has 1:m relationship with entity F. Then, what must be true?
A) the table for E will have the UID of S as a part of the primary key
B) the table for F will have the UID of S as a part of the primary key
C) the table for F will have the UID of S as a part of a foreign key
D) the table for S will have the UID of E as a part of the primary key
- (check all that apply) Identify Objects for Data Modeling: Which of the following are objects for the problem domain of inventory management?
A) products, warehouses, inventories, accounts
B) orders, shipments, invoices, packingslips, employees, locations
C) price, quantity, balance, business, services
D) minimum reorder level, balance, inventory system, company
E) suppliers, checkouts, checkins
- Identify Object Attributes: Which of the following are legitimate attributes of students in a college clinic system?
A) weight
B) parents
C) blood pressures
D) full name
E) roommates
- (check all that apply) Identify Object Relationships: Check all that justify a direct relationship between the two mentioned objects in each sentence for a point of sale system (POS)?
A) cashiers checkout items
B) managers balance inventories
C) customer check price
D) cashiers performs transactions
E) employee handle returns
- Identify Object Relationships: A flight has a starting airport, a destination airport, and zero or pass-over airports. How do you model the relationships between Flight and Airports?
A) create three different relationships respectively for starting, destination, and passover
B) create a gerund between Flight and Airport and use an attribute to indicate starting, destination, and passover
C) create one direct m:m relationship between Flights and Airports
D) create an recursive relationship on Airports
9.(check all that apply) The ER model for a small bank system has Customer, Account, Checking, Account, Employee, Check, Transactions, etc. as entities. Which of the following is correct use of weak
A) Check is a weak entity of Checking Account
B) Checking Account is a weak entity of Account
C) Transaction is a weak entity of Account
D) Account is a weak entity of Customer
- Which statement is not true about weak entities?
A) It does not exist independently
B) it does not have UID
C) It can be used to model a multi-valued attribute
D) it can be used to convert 1:m relationships into tables?
E) It may be connected to other entities in ERD
There is many-to-many relationship between two tables. How do you connect them so that you can navigate from one record to a related record?
A) Duplicate the primary key of one table into another
B) Duplicate the primary key of both tables into a junction table
C) Duplicate the primary key of each of the tables into the other table
D) None of the above
What technique is used to model the situation that Student may have multiple addresses?
A) Associative Entity (gerund)
B) Weak entities
C) Super/sub types
D) Recursive relationships
There is m:m relationship between students and classes. Which technique is used for
representing the student grade?
A) Associative Entity (gerund)
B) Weak entities
C) Super/sub types
D) Recursive relationships
To implement 1:1 relationships, you would
A) Duplicated the PK from 1-side table to the m-side table as a FK
B) Duplicated the PK from each side to the other side as a FK
C) Duplicated the PK from any one side table to the other table as a FK
D) Create a junction table and duplicate the PKs from both sides into here as foreign keys
(check all that apply) When do you use recursive relationships?
A) the relationship between employees and their supervisors
B) the relationship between employees and their dependents
C) the relationship between employees and their departments
D) the relationship between employees and their team members
E) the relationship between employees and their job assignments
How do you convert a recursive m:m relationship into relational tables?
A) duplicate the primary key twice inside the same table
B) duplicate the primary key once inside the same table
C) create a junction table and duplicate the primary key twice in the junction table
D) create a junction table and duplicate the primary key once in the junction table
Which one of the following is NOT true with arc implementation of the super- and sub-type entities
A) The table for each subtype entity will use its own UID, if there exists, to make the primary key
B) The table for the super type will use its UID, if there exist, to make the primary key
C) The primary key of he super type table is duplicated in each sub-type table
D) The primary key of each subtype table is duplicated in the super-type table