Exam 1: Study Guide Terms Pt 3 Flashcards
System of shared sovereignty between 2 levels of govt (natl and subnational).
Subnatl: eg States, Lander (Germany), Provinces (Canada)
Division of powers
Power split between Natl and State levels.
Principle est by constitution.
The natl govt is split in 3 (judicial, exec, and legislative). Legislative is split in 2 (house/senate).
Unitary system
Some nations that do not divide powers (the US divides power over the state). Example of this is France- French Education, the whole country has the same programs. (Alternative to Federalism)
Interstate commerce clause
Art 1, Sec 8 gives congress power to regulate interstate congress (from which we get natl currency, taxation rights)
Power of the purse
The government/congress can make laws in regards to taxation which motivates states to make laws that favors congress’ ideas. (eg- govt gives a 10% funding increase (??) to states with drinking age 21+).
Inherent powers
Power of natl gov that not expressly granted by constitution are necessary to ensure nations integrity. (Power to make treaties, wage war, make peace, etc)
10th amendment
Reserved Clause
“powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states or…the people”
Anything not specifically listed as a power of congress/govt or listed as prohibited to states (enter into treaty, coin money, grant title of nobility) are left up to the states.
Police Powers
The power of a gov body that allow it to create laws for protection of health/safety/welfare of citizens. In US most police powers are reserved to states.
Do states have the option to nullify laws? Aka say we dont agree/ they dont apply to us. Absolutely not.
Categorical grant
A fed grant targeted for a specific purpose as defined by fed law.
Block grant
A fed grant given to a state for a broad area, such as criminal justice or mental-health programs.
Federal mandate
A requirement in fed legis that forces states and municipalities to comply with certain rules. If fed gov does not provide funds to the states to cover costs of compliance the mandate is an “Unfunded mandate”
New Deal
Policies by Roosevelt Admin in 1933 during great depression to bring US out of it. Included many gov spending and public-assist programs, in addit to thousands of regulations governing economic activity.
The surrender or transfer of powers to local authorities by a central gov.
A notion from conservative/GOP thought but Clinton admin (93-01) put devolutionary policies in effect (e.g. welfare reform in 96 passed by congress- states got more control of welfare programs).
Benefits/costs of federalism
Benefits: Regional differences (conservative/liberal states). Permits innovation/experimentation of policies. More opportunity for participation in the political system (but low participation in local elections).
Costs: Gaps between states (some are left behind), Allowance for different practices makes coordination difficult (e.g. same sex marriage laws vary), It allows practices in certain states that are not good (slavery, segregation, jim crow…), Conflict exists between state and natl laws (eg marijuana)