Exam 1 Study Guide Flashcards
Ace that bitch!
Watson & Reyner
Classical Conditioning (Behavior Therapy) - Little Albert
BF Skinner
Operant Conditioning
2 Factor Theory - classical conditioning is involved in the development of psychological problems but operant conditioning is involved in the maintenance of psych problems.
Aaron Beck 1960s.
Created Cognitive therapy which later became CBT. Believed that in order for psychoanalysis to be accepted by the medical community he believed that theories needed to be demonstrated as empirically valid.
Hans Eysenck
Know for his theories on personality and intelligence he utilized factor analysis to identify two primary dimensions of personality extraversion and neuroticism.
Multimodal Therapy; anxiety processes involve cognitive remediation
Andrew Salter
Created exposure treatments in the USA.
Albert Ellis 1960s
Created a form of cognitive therapy called rational-emotional behavior therapy.
Albert Elis and Aaron Beck
Important in the implementation and design of cognitive therapy.
Donald Meichenbaum
Developed Cognitive Behavioral Modification - teaches one how to identify dysfunctional self-talk in order to change unwanted behaviors. Stress Inoculation Therapy .
Patricia Resnick
Cognitive processing therapy for PTSD
Edna Foa
Prolonged exposure therapy to treat PTSD
Martia Linlihand
Developed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
The process of determining the efficacy of CBT interventions
How do you know whether CBT works or not? - Evidence-Based Treatment used to systematically determine efficacy in a randomized sample.
The role of randomized clinical trials in CBT
Randomized Clinical trials (Gold Standard) are used in establishing the efficacy of the CBT model. Studies check treatment methods like, do techniques cause a desirable effect. Because the modification of the experimental method is a way to infer causality.
The role of randomized clinical trials in CBT
Randomized Clinical trials (Gold Standard) are used in establishing the efficacy of the CBT model. Studies check treatment methods like do techniques cause desirable effects.
Because of the modification of the experimental method is a way to infer causality. Chambless & Olindick devised a classification system for the efficacy of treatments:
Most stringent- at least 2 RCT’s comparing controls or bona fide treatment
At least 1 RCT with controls or BFTs
Little empirical evidence but does have promising research (about 2-3 studies)
Knowledge of the strengths and limitations of meta-analysis in evaluating CBT effectiveness
*Waitlist/no treatment comparisons - one group receives treatment others don’t
*Placebo comparisons
*Component control designs/dismantling - no using the whole thing put parts of the treatment to see if it still works.
*Parametric variation/combination treatment designs - “new and improved” you have a modality of treatment with proven efficacy but want to make it better.
*Pros: decrease in potential confounds
More applicable with standardized methodology
*Cons: decrease in generalizability
Sample Issues - who is participating, homogeneity - limitations to generalizability.
Awareness of issues pertaining to potentially harmful psychological treatments
Lilienfeld - harmful treatments (PHTs)
3 criteria
1. Treatment demonstrates physically or psychological harm to others
2. Harmful effects are enduring and don’t reflect just a short-term or exacerbation
3. Harmful effects have been replicated by other treatment researchers
Understand important issues related to the use of credential trademarked therapies of treatment packages
*Rosen and Davidson psychologists copyright new form of psychotherapy.
Should psychologist only have the proprietary rights of treatment? Should there be any accountability by the scientific community?
*Dodo Bird Verdict- Psychotherapy as a whole is effective; the differences between modalities are insignificant and probably due to therapist-specific variables, so modality really doesn’t matter. (“all have finished the race and all must receive prizes”)
Understand the underlying conceptual principles of CBT
- The thoughts, emotions, and behavior are highly interdependent. By changing one area you can indirectly impact/change another area
- CBT at its core is LEARNING
- CBT values empiricisms and the scientific model.
- Learning - a relatively permanent change due to experience.
Describe the use of functional behavior analyses of CBT
Functional Behavioral Analysis - attempts to identify and integrate situations with cognitive and behavioral factors that control and set the stage for behavioral expression
EX: Anxiety due to big crowds, a person avoids crowds due to a reduction in anxiety = negative reinforcement
Helpful but not all situations are black and white.
EX: Experiential anxiety- not everybody avoids ALL public places when they have fear of crowds