exam 1 study guide Flashcards
major areas of trends that have characterized io psych over time
application of psych principles to work and the workplace; talent assessment; change management; talent management; human capital consultant; org development consultant; people analytics/employee experience/inclusion and diversity; principal data scientist; test development; people science; etc
training trends that have characterized io psych over time
must have a masters or dr degree to be considered an io psychologist; intense coursework, research, masters thesis, comprehensive exams to qualify, dissertation
central tenets that have characterized io psych over time
keeping workers engaged, happy, productive, and healthy; SCIENTIST-PRACTITIONER MODEL
what are industrial psych topics
using psych principles to GUIDE HUMAN RESOURCE PROCEDURES; job analysis, selection, training, performance appraisal
what are org psych topics
HUMAN SIDE; motivation, leadership, teams, satisfaction, work/life balance
training approach/model of io psych
SCIENTIST-PRACTITIONER MODEL = training as a researcher and a practitioner at the same time; must be able to do research AND understand applicability
influence of WWI on io
discovered that psychologists can help with a lot of things in the workplace (mostly industrial at the time)
influence of WWII on io
IO assisted in selection of enlistees: use of biographical data in selection
taylorism and influence
father of scientific management; PROPOSED THAT ‘BEST MAN’ SHOULD BE MANAGER, not just friend or relative; led to increases in financial incentives
Lillian Gilbreth and Frank and influence
Lillian Gilbreth = first person to receive dr degree in IO; used motion pictures to conduct time and motion studies aimed at understanding the most efficient ways to do work
hawthorne studies
studies that found that people changed their behaviors when they knew they were being observed–meaning this must be controlled during studies
influence of human relations movement
effects of worker’s feelings and attitudes on performance; wanted to see how environmental factors impacted productivity and performance
influence of civil rights act of 1964 and title VII
focused on FAIRNESS OF HIRING PRACTICES; protecting (un)intentional discrimination; challenged orgs to develop and implement fair and legally defensible selection procedures
influence of societal movements on io
HIGH TECH = hr procedures changed to utilizing internet; HUMANITARIAN WORK = improving welfare of people in low-income areas; OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH = health, wellbeing, and safety
basic steps in research process
something that can be manipulated by research to see what outcomes it creates (antecedant/predictor)
depends on other factors and doesn’t change itself (consequence, outcome, criterion variable)
deductive approaches
start with a strong set of theory and then set out to test hypotheses based on the theory
inductive approaches
start with observing a phenomenon and then develop a theory to explain it
requirements for demonstrating causality
must be a true experiment; use temporal ordering to help; utilize multiple sources of data; using a series of daily surveys
typical research designs/methods in io psych studies
field experiments and lab experiments; surveys; observation; analyzing archives of data
true experiment: char, str, weak
quasi: char, str, weak
‘almost’ true designs, one element is ‘off’, making it not a fully true experiment
non-exp: char, str, weak
no manipulation and no random assignment, basically just observing people and recording
DEPENDABILITY OF A MEASURE, or its consistency in measurement; as this goes up, error and variance go down