Exam 1 REVIEW Flashcards
The conductive system consists of the following components
The sinoatrial (SA) node, the internodal tracts, the AV node, the AV bundle, and the Purkinje system
SA node primary pacemaker, rate
AV node only pathway between Atria and ventricles, rate
Small mass of specialized cells and collagenous tissue located along the epicardial surface
The SA node (the Keith-Flack node)
At the junction of the superior vena cava and the RA.
SA node
Three major internodal tracts exist:
the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal tracts.
The anterior internodal tract, or
Bachmann bundle
Sends fibers to the LA and then travels down
through the atrial septum to the AV node.
Bachmann Bundle
The middle internodal tract, or
Wenckebach tract,
Curves behind the superior vena cava before descending to the AV node.
Wenckebach tract,
Finally, the posterior internodal tract, or
Thorel tract,
continues along the terminal crest to enter the atrial septum and then passes to the AV node.
Posterior internodal tract
The AV node causes a
delay in the transmission of action potentials
Is the preferential channel for conduction of the action
potential from the atria to the ventricles
AV bundle
Where is the site with the greatest resistance to the transmission of action potential?
Within the AV node
Speed of conduction to adjacent cells within the SA is
Intrinsic PM cells of the AV node depolarizes at what rate
Conduction velocity from Bundle of his to left and right BBB is
Rapid 2m/sec
Purkinje system firing rate is
20-40 beats/min
Purkinje fibers velocity of impulse conduction
4m/sec (rapid velocity of impulse conduction) which allows for rapid depolarization of ventricular myocytes.
Necessary to inhibit actin and myosin from interacting and initiating muscle contraction
Troponin complex
When catecholamines interact with B1 receptors, they stimulate intracellular
G protein activation
Myocardium oxygen demand is determined by
preload, afterload, contractility and HR.
Myocardial oxygen supply is determined by
Arterial blood content Diastolic BP Diastolic time (as dtermined by HR) Oxygen extraction Coronary Blood flow
HR affects both
Supply and demand
Increasing HR does what
Increases demand
decreases diastolic time
Diastolic filling time is
80-90 % coronary filling and myocardial perfusion occurs.
What is the most important factor that negatively affects ?
Doubling the HR
Doubles MvO2
Primary substance responsible for coronary vasodilation is
Determinants of MvO2 include
myocardial contractility Myocardial wall tension (preload) HR MAP Afterload
Oxygen extraction is determined by measurement of the
Difference between the oxygen tension in the pulmonary arterial blood and that in the coronary sinus.
Arterial Oxygen content equation (CaO2) =
(SaO2 x Hgb, 1.34) + 0.003 x PaO2
Under normal physiologic conditions, the coronary circulation, like other tissues beds in the body, exhibits
Autoregulation is the
ability to maintain coronary blood flow across a range of MAP by dilating or constricting.
Coronary blood flow is maintained at a constant flow rate through a MAP range of
60-140 mmHg.
Autoregulation: When arterial pressure is less or exceed these pressure limits what happens?
Coronary blood flow becomes pressure dependent.
Autoregulation: During HYPOTENSION, when the coronary arteries are
maximally dilated, coronary blood flow is determined by MAP - RAP
Where is the SA node located?
Junction of RA and VC
AV node depends on________ for propagation of action potentials
L-type Calcium channels
Ions is the major determinant of the resting membrane potential.
Cardiac muscle fibers resemble skeletal muscle fibers in that they are_______ they differ in that they form_______ a, which means that all fibers are electrically connected via
striated; functional syncytium;gap junctions.
Normal Coronary Perfusion Pressure is
60-160 mmHg
Normal EF
= 60-70%
Normal MAP =
70-105 mmHg
Normal SVR =
800-1500 dynes/sec/cm^5
Normal PVR =
150-250 dynes/sec/cm^5
Normal CI =
2.8 – 4.2 L/min
Factors that increases myocardial oxygen demand:
Tachycardia HTN SNS stimulation increased : Wall tension Afterload Contractility EDV
Factors Decreases myocardial oxygen demands
Decrease coronary blood flow (tachycardia, Decreased aortic pressure, decreased vessel diameter, increase EDP
Decreased CaO2 caused by
Hypoxemia, Anemia
Decreased Oxygen Extraction caused by
Left shift of Hgb dissociation curve: decreased p50, Decreased capillary density
Affect both sides of the supply/demand equation (HAP)
Aortic diastolic pressure
Which factor most negatively affects myocardial oxygen consumption?
How does Tachycardia affect supply?
A shorter diastolic time means that there is less time to deliver oxygen to the L ventricle.
LV subendocardium Best perfused during
Why is RV subendocardium not affected?
The RV usually isn’t affects, because it is well perfused throughout the cardiac cycle.
How does Tachycardia increases demand?
Cardiac contraction and relaxation require ATP, therefore increase the number of cardiac Cycles per minutes increases ATP and oxygen utilization
How does INCREASE Aortic diastolic pressure affect supply/demand?
Increase supply and demand
How does supply increases with increases aortic diastole pressure?
Increase in aortic pressure increase the pressure head that perfused the coronary artery (P1-P2)
Increase aortic DBP – LV EDP =
Increased Coronary Perfusion pressure.
How does demand increases with increases aortic diastole pressure?
An increased in aortic pressure also increases wall tension and afterload. The myocardium requires more Oxygen as it generates a higher pressure to open the aortic valve.
As a general rule the benefits of a increase coronary perfusion pressure
outweighs the drawback of an increase wall tension
How does an increased preload affect supply/demand?
Increase preload decrease supply and increase demand
How does an increase in preload decrease supply?
Increase EDV decreases coronary prefussion pressure
Because of the CPP formula
CPP = Aortic DBP - (increased) LVEDP = decrease CPP
How does an increase in preload increase demand?
Increase preload increases wall stress.
Most determines coronary blood flow is
myocardial metabolism
VALLEY: Myocardial Oxygen demand: 4 factors determine
1) Heart rate
2) Diastolic wall tension (preload)
3) Systolic wall tension (afterload)
4) Contractility
Myocardial oxygen demand is affected by the following important factors:
(1) HR; (2) ventricular wall tension (as determined by preload, afterload, and wall thickness); and
(3) myocardial contractility
The rate of myocardial oxygen consumption (MvO2) increases with
increases in HR, increases in wall tension, and increases in contractility.
The rate of MvO2 generally decreases with a
decreasing HR, decreasing wall tension, and decreasing contractility.
As stated previously, the rate of myocardial oxygen extraction is quite high; further increases in metabolic demand are met primarily by
an increase in coronary blood flow.
Tachycardia increases myocardial
oxygen demand
Only site where impulse travels to pass from atria to ventricles is the
AV node
Conduction velocities from fastest to slowest:
a) Purkinje fibers (4m/s)
b) Ventricular myocytes (1m/s)
c) Atrial myocytes (1m/s)
d) Bundle of His (1m/s)
e) SA and AV nodes (0.01-0.02 m/s)
Phase 4 of SA nodal action potentials is generated in part by
Funny” currents produced by inward movement of positively charged ions
The duration of the effective refractory period in cardiac cells can by increased by
inhibiting potassium channels
Normal SV
50-110 ml/beat
Normal SVI
Normal pulse pressure is
40 mmHg
Normal SVR Index (SVRI)
1500 - 2400 dynes/sec/cm^5/m^2
Normal PVR Index (PVRI)
250-400 dynes/sec/cm^5/m^2
Slopes of the graph indicates
Conduction velocity
Absolute refractory period represent what on EKG?
QT interval
Relative refractory period represent what on EKG?
End of T wave
Current responsible for slow phase 4 depolarization in SA node?
I-f (funny current)
Cardiac action potential sequence
SA node –>Internodal tract –> AV node –> Bundle of HIS –> left and Right Bundle Branches –> Purkinje fibers.
Conduction velocity in non-nodal cardiac cells is decreased by doing what?
by decreasing the slope of phase 0
A patient who has mitral valve stenosis. Which of the following occurs as they exercise?
Increased Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
Valve defects is not associated with an increase in PCWP
Stenotic aortic valve and PCWP:
Elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
Aortic valve regurgitation and SV
Increase LV stroke volume
Responsible to keep the TMP
Na-K+ ATPases PUMP
NA-K ATPase ions movement
3 Na+ out
2 K+ in
Explain receptor activation
Receptor –>G protein–> Effector –> 2nd Messenger –>intracellular action
When myocytes reach about −70 mV (“threshold”),
fast sodium channels open and an influx of sodium
ions increase the membrane potential to +30 mV (phase 0).
DO2 Formula
CO x {(HgbxSaO2x1.34) + (PaO2 x0.003)} x10
Normal CaO2
Normal DO2
1000 ml/min
Normal Oxygen Extraction Ratio
Normal VO2
250 ml/min
Normal CvO2 (venous oxygen content)
15 ml/dL
Blood flow relationship to hematocrit
Inversely proportional
Ventricular myocytes Resting Membrane potential is
Nodal Tissues Resting membrane potential is
5 Phases of FAST ventricular action potential and ionic movement during each phase Phase 0 = Phase 1 = Phase 2 = Phase 3 = Phase 4=
5 Phases of FAST ventricular action potential and ionic movement during each phase
Phase 0 = Depolarization Na+ influx
Phase 1 = Initial repolarization K+ efflux and Cl- influx
Phase 2 = Plateau Ca2+ influx
Phase 3 = repolarization K+ efflux
Phase 4= Na/K ATPase restore resting membrane potential
On the other hand, slow action potentials utilized by cells of the SA or AV node yield a similar result but lack the
phase 1 and 2 components
3 phases of the SA node action potential and the ionic movement during each phase
Phase 4=
Phase 0 = Depolarization Ca2+ influx
Phase 3 = Repolarization K+ efflux
Phase 4= Spontaneous depolarization: Leaky to Na+ (Ca2+ influx occurs at the very end of phase 4)
Phase 0 = Depolarization : Ca2+ influx
Phase 3 = Repolarization: K+ efflux
Nodal tissues have 2 types of leaky channels
Both sodium and potassium leaky channels
Phase 4 depolarization is fastest in the_____less than fastest in the ______SLOWEST in______
SA node, AV node; purkinje fibers
What ion controls the RMP →
Potassium ions control RMP
SA node: What ion controls the Threshold Potential?
Calcium controls the threshold potential
Hypokalemia and excitability?
decreased excitability, RMP becomes more polarized (HYPERPOLARIZED ) like -80mV or -90mV (the difference between the resting and the threshold potential increases making the tissue less excitable.
Hypokalemia relationship with excitabilty
Directly proportional
Hyperkalemia and excitability?
Hyperkalemia increased excitability, RMP become less polarized (depolarized) like -30 numbers. The difference between the resting potential and the threshold potential decreases, THEREBY MAKING it more excitable
Hypocalcemia and excitability ?
increases membrane excitabiliy (Decrease stability) The TP increases becomes more negative. The RMP and the TP approach each other, and nerve and cardiac cells become more excitable.
Excitability of nerve and muscle is increased when.
hypocalcemia is present
As Calcium levels increases, excitability
P-wave represents
atria depolarization
T wave represents
ventricular repolarization
Most diastolic ventricular filling occurs
- Phases part of systole Phase 2 - Isovolumetric contraction Phase 3 - Rapid Ejection Phase 4 - Reduced Ejection Isovolumetric Relaxation Pasive filling (diastasis)
- During what phase of the cardiac cycle does most of ventricular filling occur? Phase 6 Rapid filling.
- The first heart sound signifies closure of which heart valves? Closure of the AV valves
- The second heart sound signifies closure of which heart valves? Aortic and pulmonic valves.
- Ejection phase is complete with closure of the semilunar valves and the start of the relaxation phase. On the ECG, this represents the ST segment
- A dicrotic notch would be detected on the arterial waveform to indicate the closure of the aortic valve
- Preload is also the same LVEDV.
- Curve shift to the left means decrease EDV
passively before atrial contraction.
Contraction of atria contributes
20-30% of the ventricular filling
a Wave is
Atrial systole
c Wave is
Ventricular systole
C wave is displayed due to
Bulging of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.
V venous return before
AV valves open again VENOUS RETURN
Phases part of Diastole (4 phases)
Isovolumetric Relaxation
Rapid ventricular filling
Reduced (Passive filling) (diastasis)
Atrial systole.
Phases part of systole
Isovolumetric Ventricular contraction
Ventricular Ejection
During what phase of the cardiac cycle does most of ventricular filling occur?
Phase 6 Rapid Ventricular filling.
The first heart sound signifies closure of which heart valves?
Closure of the AV valves
The second heart sound signifies closure of which heart valves?
Aortic and pulmonic valves.
-Ejection phase is complete with
closure of the semilunar valves and the start of the relaxation phase.
EJECTION pHase: On the ECG, this represents the
ST segment
A dicrotic notch would be detected on the arterial waveform to indicate the
closure of the aortic valve
Preload is also the same
Curve shift to the left means
decrease EDV
Curve to the right
Increased preload
Curve to the left
Increase contractility
Filling phase has 2 phases: rapid phase
rapid phase based on the pressure gradient comprising 75% of blood volume, and (2) the slower active atrial systole phase (“atrial kick”) accounting for the remaining (25%) blood volume.
Most vulnerable to ischemia is the subendocardium why?
because it has the greatest metabolic demands and is most compressed (NO BLOOD FLOW) during SYSTOLE
The Subendocardium has the
densest network of capillaries.
LV subendocardium is best perfused during diastole. As aortic pressure increases, the LV tissue
compresses its own blood supply and reduces blood flow.
The high compressive pressure in the LV subendocardium coupled with a decreased coronary artery blood flow during systole increase
coronary vascular resistance and predispose this region to ischemia
Aortic Stenosis , goal Heart rate
Slow to normal (SINUS RHYTHM)
Aortic Stenosis, goal preload
Increase (you don’t want low BP ever) because valve is already stenotic, you need enough volume to pass _)
Aortic stenosis where do you want SVR and contractility
Maintain normal
Aortic stenosis where do you want PVR?
AVOID Increase
Aortic stenosis avoid 2 things
Increase PVR
Aortic Regurgitation goal HR : avoid
AVOID bradycardia and increase in SVR
Aortic regurgitation : SVR: Where do you want it
You want Decrease in SVR
Aortic regurgitation :preload
Same to elevated (maintain intravascular volume)
Aortic regurgitation :PVR and contractility
Mitral Stenosis: HR where do you want it?
Slow NSR
Mitral stenosis PVR
Avoid increase
Mitral stenosis maintain
SVR, preload, contractility
Mitral stenosis : THIS condition must be treated aggressively and how?
Atrial fibrillation ; Cardioversion