EXAM 1 REVIEW Flashcards
what type of displacement is translation + rotation?
general motion
__ __: pushes or pulls arising from outside the body
external forces
__ __: forces that act on structures of the body and arise from within the body (muscles, ligaments, bones)
internal forces
what is the most consistent and influential force encountered by the body in posture and movement?
forces of gravity
When masses of two or more segments are combined, where is the new COM vector?
the new COM vector is between & in line with the original two COM vectors
COM in anatomical position?
anterior to S2
if there is acceleration, can there be equilibrium?
which of Newtons laws?
An object will continue in current motion until a force causes the speed or direction to change
Law of Inertia - Newton’s 1st law
which of Newtons laws?
Acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the unbalanced forces (Funbal) or torques (Tunbal) and inversely proportional to the mass or moment of inertia
Law of acceleration - Newton’s 2nd law
___ force systems: two or more forces work on the same segment in the same line
the resultant force is the sum of the magnitudes
linear force systems
___ force systems: two or more forces work on the same segment from different angles
solve for the parallelogram using trigonometric functions
concurrent force systems
which of Newton’s laws?
for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction
two objects touching each other result in reaction forces (reaction forces are never part of the same force system because the forces are acting on different objects)
Law of Reaction - Newton’s 3rd law
when is the magnitude of friction force always the greatest?
just before the object moves - this results in a drop of friction once the object is moving
__ ___: two forces equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, parallel and applied to the same object at different points
force couple
always produce a moment of force = torque
torque equation?
torque = (Force)(moment arm)
___ force systems: when two or more forces applied to the same object are parallel to one another
parallel force systems
___ ___: a third force is added to a force couple resulting in rotary and translator equilibrium
bending moments
a ___ is any rigid segment that rotates around a fulcrum
in a lever system, __ force is greater than the ___ force to produce rotation
effort, resistance
1st class lever system?
Axis is between EF and RF
either EA or RA could be bigger
2nd class lever system?
RF is between axis and EF
EF MA is larger
3rd class lever system?
EF is between axis and RF
RF MA is larger
example of 1st class lever?
tilting head back
example of 2nd class lever?
raising heel off ground
example of 3rd class lever?
flexing elbow
In 2nd class levers, is MAd greater or less than 1?
> 1
but LESS angular displacement and velocity is gained
In 1st and 3rd class levers, is MAd great or less than 1?
< 1
but MORE angular displacement and velocity is gained
Force resolution: Fy
- perpendicular or rotary component?
- translatory or rotary?
Force resolution: Fx
- perpendicular or rotary component?
- translatory or rotary?
the parallel component (Fx) is ___ than the perpendicular component (Fy) for most muscles
fibrous joints = ___ joints = little or no movement allowed
__ joint:
- bone edges interlock one another
- frontal and parietal bones of skull early in life
___ joint:
- “peg in a hole” joint
- a tooth and either mandible or maxilla
gomphosis joint
- jointed by interosseous membrane
- radius and ulna; tibia and fibula
cartilagenous joints: ___: allow for some movement
3 examples of fibrous joints?
suture joint, gomphosis joint, syndesmosis
- directly joined by fibrocartilage (discs or pads) and covered with hyaline cartilage
- intervertebral joints, symphysis pubis
- connected by hyaline cartilage
- first 7 ribs to sternum
- epiphyseal growth plates near ends of long bones
___ joints: no connective tissue directly unites bony surfaces
synovial joints = ___ = free to move
Joint receptor type?
- stretch, usually at extremes of extension
joint receptor type?
- compression or changes in hydrostatic pressure and joint movement
joint receptor type?
- pressure and forceful joint motion into extremes of motion
joint receptor type?
- non-noxious and noxious mechanical stress or biomechanical stress
unmyelinated free nerve endings
____ – viscosity of fluid and essential for lubrication; synovial folds
____ – cartilage on cartilage lubrication
Increased swelling during injury is a result of the disruption and/or activation of nutrients and waste products. What joint receptor do you think picks up the increased pressure and signals pain?
Pacini and/or unmyelinated free nerve endings
hinge joint = ___
pivot joint = ___
condyloid joint = ___
saddle joint = ____
plane joint = ____
ball and socket joint = ____
hinge joint example?
pivot joint example?
proximal radioulnar joint
condyloid joint example?
radiocarpal joint
saddle joint example?
first carpometacarpal joint
plane joint example?
intercarpal joints
ball and socket joint example?
hip joint
what position?
- full congruence of surfaces
- usually extreme ROM
- capsule and ligaments are taut
- joint is compressed
- minimal distraction is available
- no further movement
close packed
what position?
- incongruent surfaces
- usually mid-position
- ligaments and capsule laxity (least restraint to passive movement)
- distraction available
- allows for spin, roll, glide
- maximal open packed position = rest position
loose packed
soft end feel - limited by?
approximation of soft tissues
firm end feel - limited by?
capsuloligamentous stuctures
hard end feel -limited by?
type I collagen resists what force?
most tension
type II collagen resists what force?
type III collagen resists what force?
type __ collagen makes up 90% of collagen in body
Interfibrillar component of extracellular matrix:
__ and ___: attract water to increase rigidity of extracellular matrix to withstand compressive forces
proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans
___ material: display the same mechanical behavior no matter the direction of force applied
___ material: behave differently depending on the size and direction of applied force
___ region: laxity in tissue straightens
__ region: returns to original shape and size after being deformed
___ point: point of no return
___ region: residual deformation will be permanent
___ point: tear or break
stress equation?
applied force/area
___: deformation in response to an externally applied load (%)
strain equation?
(final length - original length)/original length
___: resistance offered by material to external loads; inverse relationship with compliance
___ __: measurement of structures ability to withstand changes in length
youngs modulus
ligament: toe region: ___% strain
ligament: elastic region: ___% strain
__: tissue deformation gradually continues if force is maintained (ex. weight on an elastic band)
___-___: as tissue is stretched to a fixed length, less force is required to maintain that length overtime
___-___ ___: tissue response varies based on load speed; if load is applied rapidly, tissue is stiffer. thus larger force required to deform tissue
strain-rate sensitivity
__ __: alpha motor neuron and all muscle fibers it innervates
motor unit
type ___ muscle fiber: fast oxidative glycolytic (intermediate)
type __ muscle fiber: fast glycolytic
amount a muscle fiber can shorten or lengthen is dependent on the number of ___
Neural arch of vertebra: ____
- transmit forces from posterior elements to the vertebral body
neural arch of vertebra:___
- transfer forces through pars interarticularis from the spinous and articular processes to pedicles
neural arch of vertebra: __ __
- resist shear, compression, tensile and torsional forces
- transmists forces to laminae
articular processes
neural arch of vertebra: __ __
- resists compression
- transmits forces to laminae
spinous processes
nucleus pulposus = ___% water
annulus fibrosus = ___% water
what kind of cartilage is vertebral endplate made of?
hyaline and fibrocartilage
how much of the intervertebral disc is innervated? what nerve?
outer 1/3-1/2 of annulus fibrosis
sinuvertebral n
spinal ligaments that resist flexion?
ligamentum flavum
interspinous ligament
supraspinous ligament
Alar ligament: limits what movements?
ipsilateral lateral flexion
contralateral rotation
where are ZAJ capsules strongest?
transition zones (cervicothoracic an thoracolumbar)
ZAJ capsules resist what movement?
forward flexion and rotation
___ of motion available depends on the size of the disks
___ of motion available depends on the orientation of the facets
with axial compression what will be the first to fail?
cartilagenous end plates
vertebra - what limits flexion?
post outer annulus, facet capsules, post ligaments, mm
vertebra - what limits extension?
ant outer annulus, facet capsules, anterior ligaments, SP
upper cervical vertebra?
lower cervical vertebra?
OA joint:
- occiput has ___ (convex/concave) condyles
- C1 (atlas) has ___ (convex/concave) superior facets
- function?
function = nodding the head on C1
AA Joint:
- C1 inferior ___ (convex/concave) facets
- C2 superior ___ (convex/concave) facets
- major movement
posterior atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial ligaments = continuation of __ __
ligamentum flavum
anterior atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial ligaments = continuation of ___
tectorial membrane = continuation of ____
what ligament holds dens in close approximation to anterior C1?
- dens will fracture before ligament tears
transverse ligament
what are the “cruciate ligaments of the neck”?
alar ligaments
alar ligaments location?
dens to occipital condyles and some fibers from dens to C1
during axial rotation of the head, which side of alar ligaments tightens?
Alar ligament: side bend to the R causes contralateral occipital fibers to become ___ and ipsilateral C1 fibers to become ___
Rotation to the R causes C2 spinous process to move ___
lower cervical: small cervical body with uncinate processes creates ___ joint type
Lower cervical region:
- superior facets face superiorly and ___
- inferior facets face inferiorly and ___
lower cervical discs are __ shaped with thicker end ___
OA joint flexion/extension:
- ___ degrees available
- flexion: rolls ___, slides ___
- extension: rolls ___, slides ___
15-25 degrees
flexion: rolls anterior, slides posterior
extension: rolls posterior, slides anterior
AA joint: ___% of cervical rotation
upper cervical kinematics: lateral flexion and rotation coupling are ____
upper cervical: lateral flexion coupled with ___ rotation; rotation coupled with ___ lateral flexion
contralateral, contralateral
where in cervical spine is the greatest range of flexion and extension?
- mechanical strain is the greatest
Lower cervical:
lateral flexion coupled with ___ rotation; rotation coupled with ___ lateral flexion
ipsilateral, ipsilateral
if pt looks down during rotation, upper or lower cervical limit?
thoracic vertebrae: wedge shaped with increased ___ height
thoracic vertebrae: facet joints ___ degrees off frontal plane
- increases what movements?
Lateral flexion and rotation
- lower thoracic start to decrease lateral flexion and rotation and increase flexion and extension
what section of vertebrae have the smallest intervertebral disc ratio? (stability > mobility)
lateral flexion coupled with axial rotation - more in upper or lower thoracic?
thoracic vertebrae:
- posterior shift of ____ side with trunk rotation
- anterior shift of ____ side with trunk rotation
transitional vertebra of thoracic?
T1 and T12
transitional vertebra of lumbar?
lumbar ZAJ 1-4: ___ ___ at the superior facet for multifidus attachment
mammillary processes
L5 vertebra:
- wedge shaped body, wider in ___, smaller SP
- inferior ZAJ are larger and wider apart, oriented more ____
- lumbosacral articulation and angle - varies based on position of pelvis and increased anterior pelvic tilt will increase shear stress
- discs arranged in sheets called ____
- collagen fibers oriented in opposite directions at ____ degrees
- allows for resistance of ____ forces, many directions
- concavity ____ resists tension with forward flexion
supraspinous ligament terminates at ___ and blends with what?
thoracolumbar fascia
____ ligament:
- prevents anterior displacement on L5 due to shear forces and all movements of L5 on S1
Lumbar kinematics:
- flex/ext: tilt and slide occur in __ direction
- rotation: body tilt and slide translate ___; ipilateral ZAJ ___ and contralateral ZAJ ____
- lateral flexion: body tilt and slide translate ____
ipsilaterally; distracts, compresses
explain lumbopelvic rhythm?
- forward bending: lumbar flexion followed by anterior pelvic tilt
- return to erect stance: posterior pelvic tilt followed by lumbar extension
lumbar interbody joints bear about ___% of compressive forces and facets bear the rest
- change in body mechanics: increased lordosis or IDD causes ZAJ take on more load
walking produces what amount of body weight on lumbar spine?
___ forces secondary to lordotic position
L4-5 bear ___% of shear forces at ZAJ
- increased shear loads = disc plays a more significant role
___: anterior = considered capsular
- posterior = PSIS, adjacent ilium and thoracolumbar fascia
___: ischial spine to lateral sacrum/coccyx
___: ischial tuberosity to posterior spine at ilia & lateral sacrum and coccyx
___: major bonds between sacrum and ilia - create a fibrous union
___: sacral base rotates anteriorly on fixed innominates
___: sacral base rotates posteriorly on the fixed innominates
nutation resisted by what?
sacrotuberous, sacrospinous, anterior sacroiliac ligaments
counternutation resisted by what?
long posterior sacroiliac lig
trapezius function B and uni?
B: neck ext
uni: ipsi SB, contra rot
levator scap function?
- elevates and downwardly rotates scap
- ipsi SB and ROT
- resists lordotic position of the cervical spine
splenius capitus & cervicis function?
- large cross section and moment arm
- B: ext
- uni: ipsi rot
semispinalis capitis and cervicis function?
- ext and maintain lordosis
- greater occipital N pierces through it
longissimus captitis and cervicis function?
- B: frontal plane stabilizers
- uni: ipsi SB
- poor extensor due to short moment arm
suboccipital muscles function?
- B: occipital ext
- uni: ipsi ROT and SB of occiput on atlas
scalene function?
- anterior: B: flex, uni: ipsi SB and ROT
- middle: primarily stabilize in frontal plane; uni: SB
- posterior: uni: SB
SCM function?
- B: flex
- uni: ipsi SB, contra ROT
longus capitis and coli function?
- can flex but better at providing compression/proprioceptive input
- synergistically work to stabilize head with traps to allow distal contraction of traps on scapula
rectus capitis anterior and lateral function?
- B: flex
- greater at proprioceptive input
TLF connects to? surrounds?
- lats, glute max, TA, obliques
- erector spinae and mutlifidus
erector spinae functions?
- superficial: B -ext, uni - ipsi SB and ROT - eccentric control during standing flex
- deep: create posterior compressive and shear forces to counteract anterior shear forces
multifidus T spine and L spine functions?
- t spine: contra ROT and local segmental control
- L spine: ext, synergistic stabilizer w abdominals and local segmental control
rotatores and intertransverarii functions?
ipsi SB, contra ROT, primarily a proprioceptive role
quadratus lumborum function?
B: frontal plane stabilization
uni: ipsi SB
rectus abdominus function?
- B: flex trunk
- uni: ipsi SB
internal oblique function?
ipsi rot, ipsi SB
external oblique function?
contra rot, ipsi SB
psoas major function?
hip flex with spinal stabilization
- tightness here can lead to anterior pelvic tilt which in turn increase compression and anterior shear
squat lift: ___ disc pressure, ___ compressive forces
lower, higher
stoop lift: increased ___ disc pressure
effects of aging: discs lose ___ and __ content = decrease in height and decreases the ability of discs to transfer loads along vertebral chain
proteoglycans, water
what is schmorls node?
when nuclear material prolapses into bone -usually from vertebral endplates unable to diffuse as well impairing disc health
manubriosternal joint: at rib __ level, ossifies at about __ yo
2, 60
xiphisternal joint ossifies at about ___ yo
costovertebral and costotransverse attachments to thoracic spine are ____ joints
rib ___ articulates with inferior fact of T5 nd superior facet of T6
which ribs only articulate with one vertebra?
1, 10, 11, 12
upper thorax (2-7) - pump handle action goes ___ diameter
A to P
lower thorax (8-10) - bucket handle action goes ___ diameter
primary muscles of ventilation?
diaphragm, intercostals, scalenes
__% of infants diaphragm is fatigue resistant compared to 50% o in adult
TMJ is considered a ____ joint - the articular disc separates the joint into two synovial cavities each with distinct movement patterns
coronoid process of mandible is attachment site for ___ muscle
inferior TM joint functions as a __ joint
superior TM joint functions as a ___ joint
TMJ: ___ lamina allows disc to translate anteriorly by stretching (elastic)
TMJ: ____ lamina limits forward translation (inelastic)
Anterior band of TM joint disc:
- thickness?
- where during translation?
- vacularity and innervation?
- attaches to ?
- 2 mm
- anterior to condyle during translation
- minimal to no vascular or neural supply
- attaches to joint capsule anteriorly
intermediate zone of TM joint disc:
- thickness?
- where during translation?
- vacularity and innervation?
- attaches to ?
- 1 mm thick
- on top of condyle during translation
- no vascular or neural supply
- attaches to condyle medially and laterally
posterior band of TM joint disc:
- thickness?
- where during translation?
- vacularity and innervation?
- attaches to ?
- 3 mm thick
- full mouth closure: 12:00 position
- rich innervation and vascular supply from retrodiscal tissue
- attaches to retrodiscal tissue which is attached to capsule
- where is capsule strong? everywhere else is thin and loose
- it is highly vascular and innervated
ligaments of TM joint?
- temoporomandibular ligament
- stylomandibular
- sphenomandibular
TM ligament:
___: limits downward and posterior motion/rotation of mandible
___: resists posterior motion of condyle
___: resist lateral displacement
TMJ ligament:
___: weakest, may limit protrusion of jaw
TMJ ligament:
___: may prevent forward translation
TMJ: normal depression ROM?
40-50 mm
2 fingers functional, 3 fingers normal
TMJ translation and rotation of depression (opening):
- 1st rotation: ___ mm anterior rotation of condyle on disc -> posterior roll of mandible
- 2nd translation: both condyle and disc anterior and inferior -> ___ slide of condyle
protrusion: bilateral lamina stretch ___mm to allow complete motion
retrustion: translation posteriorly about ___ mm
__ is an important component of mandibular elevation from maximally depressed mandible
normal degree of lateral excursion?
8-11 mm
TMJ lateral excursion:
- ___ mandibular condyle spins around vertical axis (inferior portion of joint)
- ____ mandibular condyle translates anteriorly (superior portion of joint)
- ____: mandible moves away from midline during mandibular depression and stay to L or R
- ____: mandible moves away from midline during mandibular depression or protrusion and returns to midline at end range
- can have C curve or S curve
CN responsible for TMJ function?
muscles for TMJ depression?
digastric & suprahyoids, lower lateral pterygoid, and gravity
muscles for TMJ elevation?
temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid, superior latereal pterygoid
muscles for TMJ protrusion?
B action of masseter, medial and lateral pterygoid
muscles for TMJ retrusion?
B action of temporalis, assisted by anterior digastric
muscles for TMJ lateral deviation?
-unilateral contraction of medial and lateral pterygoids pull to contralateral side
- temporalis can pull to ipsilateral side
- temporalis with lateral pterygoid can act as a force couple that pulls toward same side
longus colli unilaterally does ipsi SB with ___ rotation
longus capitis unilaterally does ipsi SB with ___ rotation
forward head posture results in ___ of mandible and malalignment
freeway space = normal rest position with ____ of space between upper and lower teeth when at rest
1.5-5 mm
___: process by which upright posture is maintained
anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) occur about ___ ms prior to planned movement
100 ms
anticipatory synergy adjustments (ASAs) occur ___ ms prior to planned movement
250-300 ms
___ ___: internal moments are minimized by having the external moments be as small as possible
optimal posture
LoG position?
- ear or mastoid process?
- acromion?
- asis and psis?
- greater trochanter?
- femoral condyle?
- lateral malleoli?
- anterior to ear or aligned with mastoid process
- anterior to acromion
- through midline of ilium bisecting ASIS and PSIS
- through greater trochanter
- slightly anterior to femoral condyle, posterior to patella
- anterior to lateral malleoli
___ __: line drawn form hip axis to midpoint of sacral endplate, and a line perpendicular to center of sacral endplate
pelvic incidence
__ ___: angle created by a line drawn parallel to sacral endplate and line from the horizontal
sacral slope
___ __: angle between horizontal and line drawn from PSIS and ASIS
pelvic tilt
genu recurvatum = hyperextension of knee (>/= ___ degrees)