Exam 1 Powerpoints Flashcards
Law passed to ensure safe medication use for Medicaid patients
Requires pharmacist to offer counseling
Provided in one-way, provider-centered manner
Time-consuming process
New Script Prime questions
What did provider tell you this medication is for?
How did provider tell you to take this medication?
What did provider tell you to expect?
Refill Prime questions
What are you taking med for?
How are you taking it?
What kind of side effects are you having?
Questions to avoid
Leading and Double-barreled
Benefit of Open-ended questions
Encourages more insightful response
Leading question
Question suggests the preferred response…
ex. You don’t miss any doses of your meds do you?
Double-barreled question
Compound question….
Ex. Do you take herbal products AND supplements?
Patient counsel
Introduce self
Ask who med for
Purpose and length of counsel
Get patient consent
Patient counsel
Verify info
Name, Address, D.O.B, Med allergies, current med diagnosis, other prescription meds, OTC/herbal/vitamin,/supplements?
Patient counsel
Final Verification
Teach-back method
Confirms or disconfirms patient knowledge
summarize key points
Ask for additional questions and encourage follow up.
Co-Op vs APPE
Employee, Provider, Get paid, Evaluation
Student, Consumer, Paying Tuition, Grade
Goal setting
Usually done around 2nd month, after familiar with job and opportunities
Develop 4 to 5 goals with supervisor or preceptor
Create S.M.A.R.T goals, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
Goals of Co-Op
Links study to work, then work to study
Should provide learning opportunities, within one’s field of study and opportunities to reflect
Components of Co-Op learning model
Pretty much learn about Co-Op in PHMD 1201, go over everything you need to know
Work in a Pharmacy “Practice” setting, complete Co-Op/IPPE competencies that meet accreditation req, Utilize Co-Op reflection and assessment platform
Co-Op golden rule
Cant take more than 1 job
If you take 1 job, cant go back and change position because of a better job.
Components of Co-Op learning model
Pretty much learn about Co-Op in PHMD 1201, go over everything you need to know
Work in a Pharmacy “Practice” setting, complete Co-Op/IPPE competencies that meet accreditation req, Utilize Co-Op reflection and assessment platform
Types of Sources
Primary (Research)
Tertiary (Farthest from Research)
Tertiary Literature
Pro vs Con
Convenient, easy to use, info reflects widely accepted practices, often referenced.
Disadvantages: Lag time (less current), Incomplete/errors/bias, Lack of expertise by authors and editors, incorrect interpretation
Tertiary Examples
Textbooks, Compendia, Review Articles, Clinical Practice Guidelines
Secondary Literature
Tools or systems that direct user to relevant literature
Secondary sources index the primary and some tertiary literature
Secondary Examples
Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar
Primary Literature
Published and unpublished original research studies and reports
Intro new knowledge or enhances existing knowledge
Articles from refereed or peer-reviewed journals are preferred
Primary Literature
Pro vs Con
Most current source of info, foundation for 2nd and 3rd sources, sets standard of med care
Difficult to search, many journals available but not all east to access, requires critical eval and possibility of flaws in methodology or statistical analysis, not always practical or efficient
Primary Examples
Randomized controlled trials, Cohort Studies, Case Reports, Journals, Survey Research
Appropriate Websites for Info
Common sense
Wikipedia, google, SDN, Buzzfeed etc aren’t credible
Health on the net Foundation (www.hon.ch) does all the work for you and sites get reviewed
Appropriate Websites for Info
Common sense
Wikipedia, google, SDN, Buzzfeed etc aren’t credible
Resources for general product info
Package insert, Lexicomp, Microdex, AHFS Drug info
Trissel’s or King Guide
Natural Products
Natural medicine
Drug Info request:
Physician calls, asks dosing for augmentin 5 yr old boy dog bite
Weight, How bad is bite, any allergies, any other medical conditions or meds, can they swallow pills.