Exam 1 Part 3 Flashcards
Where is non-declarative memory stored?
Basal ganglia
How is long-term memory formed (2)?
Saliency, repetition
What are the 3 processes of executive function?
Coordination and monitoring (working memory), inhibition, cognitive flexibility
Process of executive function that includes self-control and interference control
Process of executive function that includes task switching and set shifting (going in with one idea and having to switch)
Cognitive flexibiliity
What are examples of executive function?
Reasoning, problem solving, planning
Thinking in the future
Prospective thinking
Ability to select information for further processing and inhibit information for further processing
What are the 6 types of attention?
Sustained, selective, suppressed, focused, alternating, working
What is the most common observable clinical symptom in a variety of organic brain conditions leading to neuropsychological impairment?
Memory impairment
What is memory facilitated by?
Attention and executive networks
Memory is organized by time and contents
Markowitsch framework for memory
____ relies on rehearsal and organization
What part of the brain does retention rely on?
Frontal lobe
Early processing of information