Exam 1- MRS, ROM, Vascular Exam Flashcards
Muscle testing for C5
Shoulder Abduction test- Deltoid
muscle test for C6
Wrist extension
Muscle test for C7
Wrist flexion
muscle test for C8
Finger flexion
Muscle test for T1
Finger adduction
What are you checking for with muscle testing
Speed of contraction
DTR (Deep tendon reflex) for C5
DTR for C6
DTR for C7
DTR for C8
Trick question. None
DTR for T1
Sensory screening for c5
Lateral half of the humerus, shoulder to elbow
Sensory screening for C6
Lateral half of forearm, A & P digits 1 and 2
Sensory screening for C7
A and P digit 3 and hand
Sensory screening for C8
Medial half of forearm,
A and P digits 4 and 5
Sensory screening for T1
Medial half of the humerus
Elbow to axilla
What is the purpose of MS screening tests
To locate the tissue causing the pts complaint
Ask if this procedure causes or reproduces your symptoms?
Localize and characterize
Purpose of active ROM
To determine if the pt has limitations to motion due to their symptoms. Pt performs this procedure
Purpose of passive ROM
Check ligaments
Purpose of resistive ROM
Checks muscles and tendons
If symptoms are not recreated in a neural position, the process may be repeated w/ the muscle in a position of stretch
How many degrees in the cervical spine for:
Lateral flexion:
Flexion- 45 degrees
Extension: 55 degrees
Lateral flexion: 40 degrees
Rotation: 70-90 degrees
Compression is on the -____ side of bending and rotation of the spine, while stretching is on the _____ side.
how many degrees in the lumbar spine for:
Lateral flexion:
Flexion: 90-105 degrees
Extension: 20 degrees
Lateral flexion: 25 degrees
Rotation: 30 degrees
lumbar flexion is initiated by what muscles
psoas muscle
rectus abdominus muscle
the psoas muscle is innervated by what
L1-L3 branches of the anterior rami of the spinal nerves
rectus abdominus is innervated by what
upper rectus- T7-T10
Lower rectus- T11-L1
Lubar extension is performed by what muscles
erector spinae and QL
what innervates the erector spinae
post rami of the spinal nerve roots
Lumbar lateral flexion is performed by what
ipsilaterally by the erector spinae and external oblique muscles working together, as well as QL
Primary rotation of the spine is done by what
Rotatores spinae
Multifidus spinae
these only work when the pt is standing
all spinal muscles are innervated by what
posterior rami of the spinal nerves
How is resistive lumbar ROM performed?
Muscle test for L4
Foot inversion
Muscle test for L5
Toe dorsi-flexion
Great toe extension
hip abduction
Muscle test for S1
Foot eversion
DTR for L4
Patellar tendon
DTR for L5
Medial hamstring tendon
DTR for S1
Achilles tendon
Dermatomal test for L1
From spinal origin, over upper buttock and around to upper 1/3 of ant thigh to medial thigh
Dermatomal test for L2
from spinal origin, over medial buttock and around to the middle third or ant thigh to the medial thigh
Dermatomal test for L3
from spinal origin, over lower buttock and around to the lower part of ant thigh to the medial thigh
Dermatomal test for L4
medial knee and down the anteromedial lower leg to the medial foot
Dermatomal test for L5
anterolateral knee and down the anterolateral leg onto the top of the foot
Dermatomal test for S1
from posterolateral knee down the posterolateral leg to the lateral foot
What is the purpose of checking peripheral pulses?
to rule out vascular problems
arterial probs to the lower extremeties can cause intermittent claudication in older adults (due to fatty deposits/atherosclerosis)
How to check femoral artery pulse
pt is supine
artery is located inf and medial to the inguinal ligament, midway between the ASIS and pubic tubercle
How to check popliteal artery
Pt is prone with knee slightly flexed
palpate firmly in popliteal fossa
how to check dorsal pedis artery
pt is supine
on dorsum of the foot halfway between the ankle and toes
generally between digits 1 and 2. fairly easy to palpate w/ light pressure
How to check post tibial artery
post and slightly inf to the medial malleolus of the ankle
when doing a vascular screening, you should auscultate for:
Bruits (swishing sound)
should also palpate to assess for pulse amplitude
read slides 44 and 45 for pulse locations
don’t feel like typing fight me
vertebrobasilar circulation signs/tests test for what?
occlusion of the vascular supply to the circle of willis.
do not do if you have a bruit
What test is this:
Pt is seated. Instruct pt to rotate head all the way in one direction, then all the way in the other, then back to neutral
Barre-Lieou sign
pathomechanics of barre-leou sign
when in rotation, the contralateral vertebral artery is compressed and occluded in the transverse foramen of c1. Therefore, the other arteries supplying the circle of willis are being tested for CV dz
AKA, You are testing the side you are turning!
Indications of Barre-Lieou sign
lightheadedness, nausea, vertigo, hearing and visual disturbances indicate occlusion of the vertebreal and internal carotid arteries
Which test is this?
Pt is supine, so head is off the end of the table. Pt hyperextends neck and rotates to one side, hold 15-45 seconds, while keeping eyes open and fixed on a point
Dekleyn’s Test
Pathomechanics of Dekleyn’s test
Same as Barre-Lieu….. if turning to the rt, testing rt side. If turning to the left, testing the left side.
Indications of dekleyn’s test
Same as barre-lieou
Which test is this:
Pt is seated. Pt hyperextends the head and rotates.
Maigne’s test
Pathomechanics and indications for Maigne’s test
Same as Dekleyn’s.