Exam 1 L1 Flashcards
Most stressful part of anesthesia
2 main factors for surgical specific risk
- Type of surgery
2. Degree of hemodynamic stress
Other surgical specific risk factors
- Duration of surgery
- Age of patient
- Comorbidities
Risk of complications related to time of surgery
60% risk of 16+ hours in surgery
High risk surgery
- % reported risk
- surgeries
- emergent major surgery (esp old age)
- aortic/major vascular surgery
- large fluid shifts/blood loss
Intermediate risk surgery
- % reported risk
- surgeries
- CEA (Carotid endarterectomy)
- Head/Neck
- intraperitoneal/intrathoracic sx
- orthopedic/prostate sx
Low risk surgery
- % reported risk
- surgeries
- endoscopic/superficial
Cataract/breast surgery
Non-operative or less invasive tx
Defer surgery
Delay surgery
- Optimize patients comorbidities
- consults
- specialized testing
- further work up
Individual hx of anesthesia problems
- difficult intubation
Food allergies
- correlated with latex hypersensitivity
Banana, avocado, kiwi, chestnut, plum, peach, cherry, papaya, tomato, potato, fig, apricot
Pt under influence - plan for surgery?
Delay or cancel elective surgery
Pt - EToh Hx
D/c within 4weeks
Decreases risk of arrhythmia, infxn, w/d
Pt hx smoking
Minimum d/c 12-48h prior to surgery D/c 8weeks prior: decreases risk of PNA, atelectasis
AEs of smoking
CVS & O2 carrying to tissues impaired
Labs needed - day of surgery
Renal fxn tests, lytes, starting HCT, platelets
Beta HCG - all women of childbearing age
Coags (hx bleeding/bruising (Rx))
Which patients require X-RAY on day of surgery?
Trauma, CHF, COPD
Clinical Predictors of increased periop CVS - Major risk
- Unstable coronary syndrome
- Decompensated HF
- Significant arrhythmias
- Severe Valvular dx
Unstable coronary syndromes associated with increased periop CVS risk
Acute (>7d) or recent MI (<3 months) with evidence of ischemic risk
Unstable severe angina
Significant arrhythmias associated with increased periop CVS risk
- High grade AV block: Mobitz II, 3rd degree block
- Symptomatic ventricular arrhythmia
- SVT uncontrolled rate
- afib RVR
Clinical Predictors of increased periop CVS - intermediate risk
Mild angina pectoris Previous MI (>3 months) by hx pathological Q waves Compensated or prior heart failure DM (esp insulin dependent) Rena insuff. (creatinine > 2)
Clinical Predictors of increased periop CVS - Minor risk
Advanced Age Abnormal EKG (other than sinus) Low functional capacity (can’t climb flight of stairs) Hx stroke Uncontrolled systemic HTN
Definition of one MET
The amount of oxygen consumed while sitting at rest and is equal to 3.5 mL per kg body weight per min
METs above 4
Able to climb a flight of stairs, dancing, bicycling
Accounts for 1/2 all periop deaths
Cardiovascular disease
Associated with postop MI + mortality
Degree of preop HTN
HTN defined as
BP > 140/90
Prevalence HTN
25% adults
70% adults > 70
METs above 9
Able to swim quickly, run, or jog briskly
Delay surgery for severe HTN
Delay elective surgery: SBP > 200; DBP >115
Proceed with elective surgery for severe HTN
SBP <180; DBP < 110
Conditions under which surgery should be postponed
*if possible Active cardiac conditions -unstable coronary syndromes (severe/unstable angina, MI) -decompensated HF/new onset -significant arrhythmias -severe valvular dx (severe AS/MS)
Risk factors that increase periop ischemic events
- ischemic heart disease
- HF
- TIA/stroke
- DM
- renal insufficiency
Stent placement - bare metal
Postpone (elective) < 30 days
Urgent - continue dual antiplatelet therapy
Stent placement - Drug eluding
Postpone (elective) < 1 year
*if proceeding —> consult cardiology
Urgent - continue dual antiplatelet therapy
Decompensated heart failure
“Suffocating” or “air hungry”
NYHA Class III & IV - proceed/delay/cancel elective procedures?
Aortic Stenosis - proceed/delay/cancel elective procedures?
Severe/critical: Preclude (do not let it happen) non-cardiac surgery
*unless life saving emergency
Echo recommended
Risks associated with aortic stenosis
40% increased MI risk
50% increased CV death
Symptoms associated with aortic stenosis
Angina Heart failure Syncope Decreased ET Exertional dyspnea
Risks associated with aortic insufficiency
Well tolerated in periop
ECG needed
S/S aortic insufficiency
Widened pulse pressure
S/S associated with mitral stenosis
H/o rheumatic disease
Dyspnea, fatigue, orthopnea, pulm edema, he opts is, afib, pHTN
Risks associated with mitral stenosis
Echo + ECG necessary
Risks associated with mitral regurgitation
Acute: ischemia + infarction
Chronic: mitral stenosis, MVP, cardiomyopathy
chronic - well tolerated periop
ECG/echo may be necessary
Risks assoc. with mitral valve prolapse
Also known as late systolic click murmur
Common in women
Present in 70% of adults
Tricuspid regurgitation
*often occurs with mitral regurgitation
Asymptomatic/not audible on exam
Pts with syncope on exertion/family h/o sudden death - surgical prep?
Associated with higher risk of periop adverse events
SVT, ventricular arrhythmias
High risk clinical indicators to postpone elective surgery
Uncontrolled afib/vtach
Management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices
Disable/set to asynchronous mode if any chance of interference with surgical procedure
Interference likely with cardiac implantable device
Radio frequency ablation
Radiation therapy
Intraoperative management of ICDs
All procedures above umbilicus that use electrocautery or radiofrequency ablation
Apply magnet over device
remove magnet after procedure, assess device postop
Risk of pulmonary problems
Smokers, COPD, obesity, > 70 y/o, thoracic or upper abd surgery, anesthesia > 2h
(Weight kg / height cm^2) x 10^4
Example: (52/152^2) x 10,000 = 22
High risk OSA
3 or more:
Stop (snoring, tired, observed(stop breathing), bP
BANG (BMI >35, age > 50, neck circum > 40, gender:m)
Low risk OSA
Stop (snoring, tired, observed(stop breathing), bP
BANG (BMI >35, age > 50, neck circum > 40, gender:m)
ASA physical status classification
- Healthy
- Mild systemic dx, no fxn limitations
- Severe systemic dx + fxn limitations
- Severe systemic dx + constant threat to life
- Moribound pt not expected to survive w/o operation
- Brain dead, organs to be harvested
NPO - clear liquids
Up to 2 hours before surgery
NPO - breast milk
Up to 4 hours before surgery
NPO - light meal or non-human milk
Up to 6h before surgery
NPO - heavy meal
8 hours or more before surgery
Lethal triad
Hypothermia, Acidosis, + coagulopathy
*refers to coagulopathy assoc. with massive hemorrhage/injury
Sepsis requirement
SIRS + identifiable source of infxn
Endothelium is permeable to _____ solutions
Isotonic + hypotonic
Major issue in pts with CARS
susceptible to nosocomial infxns
Compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
Tx - hemorrhage
- Limit crystalloid use
- Optimal transfusion: MTP 1:1:1 (FFP: PLT: RBC)
- TXA 1g over 10 mins, then 1g over 8 hours
Hyperdynamic shock
Common denominator in both sepsis + trauma
Systemic inflammation
Most heat loss occurs
During first 40 minutes of case
*decrease FGF
Steroid supplementation should be considered for
Anyone receiving steroid supplementation (even topical) over past year
Universal donor blood
O negative
Naturally occurring colloids
Albumin + FFP
Pt population that should not receive albumin
SSI - infection to spaces near operation within
30 days of surgery
Blood cannot be given with
LR (d/t calcium = clotting)
Prophylactic antbx should be given
Within the 60 minutes prior to surgical incision
First rule of transport
Patient must be stabilized prior to transport