Exam #1 Information Flashcards
What is the order of time line of music in history?
- Egyptian/Greek
- Plainsong (monophony)
- Parallel organum
- Medieval Secular
- Reinaissance (motet + madrigal)
- Opera (Camerata)
- Baroque
- Classical
- Romantic
- Impressionism
- Ragtime
- Atonal/Electronic
- New Orleans Jazz
- Swing/Bebop
- Rock N’ Roll
- Rock, funk, reggae, EDM
Who flattened the 3rd note of the scale and changed the scale of all music? (Undefined 3rd = E or Eb)
Slavery - black and scottish
In 1619 what changed music forever?
What are the 3 elements to music?
- Melody 2. Harmony 3. Rhythm
What type of music has no melody?
Hip hop
Give an example of parallel organum
monks chanting
Time line of music in America
- Colonial (hymns + dance tunes)
- Plantation Hollers (monophonic + flattened 3rd)
- Classical Music/popular song
- Gospel/March
- Ragtime
- Blues/Appalachian
- Ives/Atonal
- New Orleans Jazz
- Swing
- Rock N’ Roll
- Rock, Funk, reggae, EDM
What beat does the music fall on in reggae music?
Beats fall only on the 3rd beat
Is music written down in Egyptian times?
no - so we have no idea how music sounded or was put together
If flutes have 5 holes in Egyptian music, what scale do they use?
The pentatonic scale
What is the hydraulis?
An early type of pipe organ driven by water power
In early music, it could either be religious music OR…
Secular music - but this was banned by the church for a long time
Who began to write music down in the beginning times (egyptian times) because they were slaves?
Jews (Hebrews)
What is a schofar?
Animals horn with two tones (reminds me of an elephant)
Who is attributed to having written the psalms?
King David - Very musical, songs of praise, no written music - passed orally
what kind of instruments did the egyptians use?
Trumpets, Lyres, and brass symbols
How is greek music passed down?
Songs of the bards passed down b/c there is no written language or literacy
Who invented the 7 string Lyre (small harp) ?
Hermes - the messenger God
What is the beginning of music? (girls)
In greek music how many beats are usually in a measure?
5 beats in a measure
In 5th century BC in Athens what were the parties called that were held and what happened there?
Symposium - it’s a banquet where there is much drinking, conversation and music with FLUTE GIRLS
What is an Aulos?
A recorder with double reeds, simliar to oboe
What is a Kithara?
A large version of a lyre (harp) (strings)
hen you cut the string in half what do you do to the pitch?
Raise it one octive
Who invented music theory and showed a musical relationship of notes?
What is the Doctrine of Ethos?
Rooted in pathagreon theorum, music is a force w. a moral quality that affects and is affected by the environment (music has a soul) , music REFLECTS feelings of the soul.
Passion of music —-> Passion in soul
In Athens, what is held in March every year around 500 BC
A fertility festival - plays were also held during this time which represented Theatre in ancient times
What is Dithyramb?
Ancient Greek Poetry
EX) The mighty master smiled to see That love was in the next degree; 'T was but a kindred sound to move, For pity melts the mind to love. Softly sweet, in Lydian measures, Soon he soothed his soul to pleasures. "War," he sung, "is toil and trouble; Honour, but an empty bubble; Never ending, still beginning, Fighting still, and still destroying: If the world be worth thy winning, Think, O think it worth enjoying. Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the gods provide thee."
What were the themes in greek theatre?
Personified stories, violence, social and ethical problems, war, lust, ect..
What are the 3 types of ancient greek plays?
- tragedy (SAD) 2. comedy (FUNNY) 3. Satyr Plays (Taught moral lessons)
There are 3 parts to greek theatre?
- Skene - stage area
- Orchestra - in front - chorus - actors
- Koilon - where people sit
What era is the panpipe, finger symbols, clappers from?
Greek era
What is parakataloge?
percussion, back up music with poetry that is rapped
Who is Boethius?
Wrote a book called the principles of music, key to understanding medieval music
Who kept education going in churches and monestaries in the dark ages?
What is the musical called that was the foundation of music for the entire civilization?
What did Pope Gregory “Gregory the Great” do for music?
He set up the SCHOLA CANTORUM (Singing School), for the proper instruction of music
He taught the boys himself
- Gregorian chants AKA plainsong
- monophonic; 1 line melody
- syllabic; one syllable per note
define Melismatic
embellishing of the endings aka riffing
define Trope
adding a melody above the chant
define Neumes
little markings above the lyrics that tell people to sing higher or lower, early notation didn’t help members who didn’t already know the melody
define Musica Enchiriadis
Talks about music and how it should be notated; 19 chapters ; 1-9 plainchant; 10-19 polyphonic music (harmony)
Who is Guido D’ Arrezo
- Monk in Italy
- takes NUEMES and invents a staff and notes with no key signature or rhythm
- He invents sol fege (do, re, mi, fa, so, la)
- Guido’s hand
What is the first form of conducting?
Guido’s hand
define Organum
harmony built on top usually in perfect 4ths or 5ths
define Converging Parallel Organum
Two voices begin on a unison pitch then while one voice remains stationary the other voice moves until an interval of a 4th is reached. Both voices then move in parallel motion, converging back to a unison pitch at the end of each phrase.
define Conductus
A piece of music inserted into the mass, for the people performing the tasks can get from one spot to the next aka Travel music/Scene change music
define Goliards
Latin; wandering cleric
- Leader is a mythical Bishop
- Piety was in question
- Earthy/Immoral
- Philosophy was Hedonistic
- Bring mythology to all parts of Europe for centuries the church tolerates these people
Annual Festival of the Ass
Feast of Fools
Annual event, goliards dance dressed as woman, weird man, play dice on altar, run and leap through church, mooning
Comic tales in verse full of mockery
Troubodours hired….
Jonglours who sang to the troubodours lovers underneath their windows
Jongleurs is from the root word..
Most popular form of music played by Jongleurs
They were on the battlefield; be able to identify the dead and blasted horns at the beginning of battle
Adam de la Halle
He invented the first play. “The play of Robin and Marian.”
What is the first round created?
Sumer is icumen
melismatic organum
this type of polyphony uses a Gregorian chant as a tenor in long, held out notes above which another melody is added w/ many notes against each tenor note
free organum
advanced style that makes use of melodic independence and contrary motion in the voice parts
Crumhorn, rebec, shawm, sacbut(trombone), viol, rackett, hurdygurdy(bagpipe), pipe and tabor, the lute(guitar w/ 12 strings)
Medieval instruments
Philip de Vitry
Ars Noba - New art
for the first time a composer repeats a rhythm
Who is the first celebrity composer?
Guillaume de Machaut
- Virelei Music
- Leading composer of Ars Nova
- Wrote music and lyrics to his own music
3 types of secular music
Madrigal, caccia, ballator
A vocal composition for 2 voices singing the same lyrics usually doubled by instruments
2 voice canon/round with a fast moving pace
A song that’s sung to dancing
Francesco Landini
A blind celebrity composer who wrote Ballator music
Low - QUIET volume of instrument
EX) Viols, lutes, flutes
High - LOUD volume of instrument
EX) Horns
extremely quite instrument in which the hammer strikes the string
harp inside, plucks the string
All of W. Europe besides Italy
Guillame Du Fay
wrote sacred music with popular tunes Motet example
What does renaissance mean
Josquin des pres was from what time period
What country doesn’t have a renaissance
- magna carta
- quality of music
- Henry VIII composed what child is this
chapel royal was created by what king and what was it
King Henry 8th
32 male singers and 12 boy singers that go with him everywhere - this still exists for the king today
During what time period was the mass translated from latin to english?