Exam 1 -- Genetics, fertility, infertility, & conception Flashcards
Structure of Chromosomes
Human has 46 chromosomes arranged in homologous (matched) chromosomes.
- 22 autosomes
- 1 sex chromosomes
o Y chromosome is primarily for sex determination
• The presence of the Y chromosome causes the embryo to develop as a male (in the absence of the Y, then the embryo develops as a female)
• XY = male
o X chromosome is involved in much more than sex determination
• XX - female
Genes at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes are called alleles
An individual having two copies of the same allele for a given trait
With 2 different alleles for a given trait
- refers to the genetic makeup of an individual when discussing a genetic gene pair;
- at times refers to individual’s entire genetic makeup or all the genes that an individual can pass on to future generations
- refers to the observable expression of an individual’s genotype, such as physical features, a biochemical or molecular trait, and even a psychologic trait.
- a trait or disorder is considered dominant if it is expressed or phenotypically apparent when only one copy of an allele associated with the trait is present.
- a trait or disorder is considered recessive if it is expressed or phenotypically apparent when 2 copies of the alleles are present
- the pictorial analysis of the number, form, and size of an individual’s chromosomes.
Multifactoral disorders
– result of genes and environment
*** not only getting genes but can be exposed to some chemical that affects the fetus when developing…
Ex… cliff palette, or teratogens
Calendar method or Rhythm method
o Only applied to regular 28 day cycle person
o 14th day is fertile
Standard Day Method
For women who have longer than 28 day cycle
8 ~ 19th day – possible fertile
Basal Body Temperature
Take temp every morning before getting out of bed
Temp is Deeping and Spiking
Cervical Mucus
clear mucus – egg like
Libido increases – which means ovulating
Nuva ring
- So sperm can not get in through
- Inserts in, remove in 3 weeks
- Not protected w/ STD’s
- Have chemicals
IUD – IntraUterine Device
– inserted up til uterus
o Up to 5 yrs
o Has progesterone
o Will not have menstruation
o Need to feel the strings – to know if it is still in place
o Need to have-have child before bec it has too much cervical manipulation
o At risk for perforation – can pierce through the uteruse
o Need to be in monogamous relationship
• Bec getting an STD with IUD inside can produce scarring
o Can have irregular bleeding
o Have a chance of having ectopic pregnancy after removal
Birth Control Pills
o Contraindication: • Clotting issues • > 35 years old • people w/ cancer • hormones feed the cancer • liver issues o if missed pill – double the pill or need to have a back up plan
o Progesterone only
• Responsible for supporting a pregnancy
• – good for 3 months –No period bec for 3 months
o Last up to 12 weeks
o STD is still susceptible
o may gain weight
o decreases libido – Birth control in general decreases libido but depo is number 1 !!
Kinds of Infertility
o Primary – never had and will never get pregnant
o Secondary – 1st you had a child but will not get pregnant anymore
Treatment for Infertility
In Vitro Fertilization – fertilization outside the body
GIFT – sperm and eggs are placed in fallopian tube to allow fertilization;
– S/E is ectopic pregnancy
Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) – Sperm in Sterile Medium
gravida – # of pregnancy
para – # of living