Exam 1 - Extraoral Exam Flashcards
The big picture - looking at the full face
Focusing on the lower facial third and the smile
Looking at fine details
Viewing from the:
Frontal and Lateral view Symmetry Proportions Esthetic Values Functional Analysis
Facial Analysis
From the frontal view we assess?
Cephalic index- CI Symmetry Vertical proportions Lip Function Smile esthetics
An anthropometric value based on the ratio between the width and length of the head
Max head width x 100 / max head length
Cephalic index
CI = 79-81
Balanced growth
Harmonic facial proportions
Mesocephalic or mesoprosopic/normocephalic
Short-wide face
CI > 81
Counter-clockwise growth. Mandible has more of anterior growth
Associated with deep bite
Class II div 2 (can be)
Strong musculature
Face looks a little more squareish
Brachycephalic or euryprosopic
Long - Narrow Face
CI < 79
Clockwise rotational growth
Skeletal open bite
Weaker musculature
Steep mandibular plane
Dolichocephalic or leptoprosopic
Determine midline
Glabela-Subnasale(Gl-Sn) reference line
Evaluate position of chin
Evaluate facial structures
At rest: lips in contact or slightly apart
No strain
Relaxed position
Normal respiration
Normal swallowing
Normal Labial function
Lips apart in rest
lip strain to close
lip trap
Mouth breathing - tongue thrust
Anterior open bite
Increased overbite
Neuromuscular imbalance of labial function
From the lateral view we can assess?
Vertical proportions Profile analysis Naso-Labial angle Lip Contour Lip function
“normal” vertical proportions
1/3 head to eyebrows
1/3 eyebrows to lower nose
1/3 lower nose to chin
Midlip to lower nose 1/3 of lower 1/3
Angle determined by two lines
Glabella - Subnasale
Subnasale - Pogonion
Profile convexity
Subjective concept
Inferior third of the face is the key to facial esthetics
Some aspects CAN be modified by ortho alone and others need surgery
Profile esthetics
Tip of nose -Pogonion
Lower vermillion border 0 plus or minus 3 mm from E plane
Affected by tooth position and inclination
Distance increases with growth or aging
Ricketts Esthetic E Plane
Angle formed between nose and upper lip
Normal values 90-110 Degrees
Affected by LIP - upper incisors position and inclination
Affected by nose position
Nasolabial angle
S shaped curl in upper lip
Ideally 3 mm in depth
Depends on incisor position and inclination
Lip thickness and tone
Attractive and young appearance
Lip Contour
No strain
In contact
Following normal curves
Lips at rest