Exam 1 Corrections Flashcards
Change in the correctional population
1973= 96 per 100,000 in prison 2008= 506 per 100,000 in prison
Where are correctional clients located?
1/3 incarcerated
2/3 are in the community
What is corrections?
The facilities, programs, services, in hcarge of managing individuals who have been accused or convicted of crimes
What is the purpose of corrections?
To help: rehabilitate & reform punish deter crime & criminals norms of society (identify social control) Tells us who the bad people are.
How is corrections a system?
It is interconnected because whatever happens in one party will have a ripple effect that affects the rest.
- Environment: build more prisons; where do you put them?
- Feedback: pos/neg about what public hears
- Complexity
In European corrections prior to the middle ages what was used for correctional system?
IT was a feudal system. People owned large lands, there were no laws.They used lex talions
What is lex talions?
The law of retaliation
-eye for an eye
What was the first house of corrections?
The bridewell palace
it was used for work
What were penal colonies?
Offenders were sent to diff colonies to work due to over crowding in jails
What happened from 1718 to 1776?
50 thousand British convicts were sent to America. Particularly to Georgia and Florida
From 1787 to the next 80 years were were convicts shipped to and how many?
160 thousand were shipped to Australia, Tasmania, New southwells
During the age of enlightenment and the age of reason what was the shift in penal thought and practice?
Occurred in the late 1700’s
1-Punishment should fit the crime
2-Belief that the offender needs to be set “straight”
3-Penitentaries started to arise (regret neg action)
In 1764 how did Cesare Beccaria influence penal thought and practices?
He wrote ta book on crimes & punishment
created the classical school
and said that laws should be clear, punishment should fit the crime, and they should be swift and certain
How did Jeremy Bentham influence penal thought and practices?
He said that the punishment should be just severe enough to deter crime.
Utilitarianism, Hedonic calculus, need to control the child like passions of criminals
Who was John Howard and what did he do?
He was a sheriff in Bedfordshire, England who wanted to improve the penitentiary and helped draft the Penitentiary act of 1779
- Imprisonment for 2 yrs
- Secure & Sanity environment
- Reformatory approach **work all day, repent at night