Exam 1 Continued Flashcards
- Using rewards and punishment that increase or decrease the likelihood of a similar response occurring in the future
- increase good behavior
- decrease bad behavior
-Same reinforcer will affect two people differently
●People can’t always repeat desired behavior
Positive reinforcement
-uses extrinsic rewards but focus should be on the intrinsic feelings they create
-Strengthens desired behavior by promoting intrinsic motivation and rewarding when behavior occurs
●Should be main approach
●Promotes idea that if doing something results in a good consequence (reward), behavior will be repeated.
Types of positive reinforcement
●Can take many forms
●Social: praise, smile, pat on the back, publicity
-material: trophies, medals, ribbons, tshirt
-activity reinforcers: playing a game rather than drilling, playing a different position, getting a rest
-special outings: going to a professional game, throwing a team party, hearing a presentation from a prof athlete
Positive vs negative approaches to influencing behavior
Positive: rewarding appropriate behavior in order to increase that behavior
Negative: punishing undesirable behaviors which reduces that behavior
Predominately should use positive approach
Why are principles of reinforcement complex?
.●Know your patient/client (different ones work better for different ppl)
- same reinforcer will affect two ppl differently
- ppl cannot always repeat the reinforced behavior
- there are many different competing reinforcers in situations (indvdl wants to work out, gets positive reinforcement for it, but as a result spends less time with husband, so chooses to quit)
External, rewards from others
Internal motivators
if in an environment that is more focused on learning, effort and improvement vs competition, outcome, and social comparison
Positive reinforcement schedule
-Continuous: rewarding after every correct response
-use early on, as skill is learned
●Motivates them and informs them about how they are doing
-Partial schedule: behavior rewarded intermittently
-use after skill/behavior is learned
Things to watch for with positive reinforcement
-continuous feedback can be used as a crutch (athlete may rely only on rewards and not intrinsically motivate themselves.)
●if reinforcement is always expected and external, it could become problematic
-if know always gonna get a trophy, then effort plateaus
-the sooner a reinforcement is provided after a response the more powerful the effects on behavior
●Ask patient/client to give own feedback
How to reward effectively
Reward Appropriately
●Approximations of the skill (shows they are trying/learning, and you are “shaping” performance: e.g., progressively learning the tennis serve, and rewarding along the way)
●Performance, not only outcome: (why?) out of control sometimes, use an intra-individual approach (use an individuals previous level of performance as standard). MVP award. Even if lose find something positive to build on
●Effort: especially important in children, or when first learning the skill. Otherwise will be afraid to try bcuz they don’t want to be criticized
(Effort-oriented feedback vs ability-oriented feedback)
-emotional and social skills
Types Performance feedback
Providing specific feedback regarding the correctness (or incorrectness) of a person’s response improves the persons performance and enhances his or her motivation
Two main functions of feedback:
●Enhances confidence, inspires effort, gets energy up
●“Hang in there” “You can do it”
●Info about specific behaviors to perform, level of proficiency to achieve, current level of proficiency
●Break things down
-Motivation (negative motivation) thru fear, threats, criticism, intimidation
-do something good because afraid of getting in trouble
Positive punishment: spanking (add something)
Negative punishment: took toys away (take something away)
Does punishment work?
-As a primary motivator does NOT work with most people
●According to book/research, 80% to 90% of motivation should involve, or be, positive reinforcement
-Draw-backs of punishment (trying to eliminate mistakes through fear)
●fear of failure
●hinders learning a skill (afraid of consequences, don’t try as hard) or even wanting to try a new skill
●Reinforces undesirable behavior by drawing attention to it
●higher anxiety levels (lower self-confidence) stressed bcuz know punishment is coming
●All three tied together
How to make punishment effective?
.●1. be consistent with everyone (especially concerning rules)
●2. punish the behavior not the individual
●3. allow input from the group for the exact punishment (members are sometimes more strict than you) also ownership
●4. DON’T use exercise as a punishment (so don’t have negative connotation with exercise)
.5. don’t punish athletes for mistakes/errors while they are playing
●6. don’t embarrass the individual in front of others (especially important in exercise settings) esp if there reason is social or body image
●7. use punishment sparingly, but enforce it (don’t have different rules for different players, punishment should be consistent)