Exam 1: CHO Overview/ Polysaccharides Flashcards
hexoses (6C-long) main product of photosynthesis starch, glycogen, & cellulose are building blocks of these Glucose / dextrose Fructose Galactose
2 monos (mono+mono)
sucrose: glucose + fructose
maltose: glucose + glucose
lactose: glucose + galactose
- dairy
3-10 mono units
longer chains =
10+ saccharide units 2 kinds: digestible & undigestible digestible: starch (plant = amylose & amylopectin) glycogen (animal) undigestible: plant fiber long chain
starch is a polymer of glucose
(amylose & amylopectin)
amorphous candies
glass, toffee, caramel, brittles, hard candies, food powders
no orderly arrangement
will absorb mosture in air & get hard
crystalline candies
salt, sugar, tempered, chocolate, fudge ordered arrangment solid constant changing & form larger molecules lots of interfering agents 260
max solutes in a solution
when heated, can add more solutes than theoretically possible
-when called, saturation is retained
clear liquid = WHEY = EAT IT
drainage of liquid from a gel (pectin)
liquid escaped the gel: can be stirred back in yogurt
- in cheese: curds + whey
to prevent:
use plastic wrap
thickening agent
pectic substances
stablilizers at home canning (ice cream, yogurt) galacturonic acid units alpha 1-4 glycosidic acids liquid & dry forms plant sources
changes of pectin
pectin: in plants, natural additive
unripe: protectin; no gels
through methylization => pectin
ripe: pectin, gel
overripe: becomes methylated; pectinic acid
jams & jellies, emulsifying agents
prevents syneresis
how gums are used in the food industry
gelling agents & emulsifiers
used for texture
inc viscosity (mouthfeel) (coke)
moisture retention (mouthfeel + shellfire)
seaweed extracts: agar agar (plant-based source rather than animal-based gelatin)
xanthum gum is produced
xanthum gum: produced sythetically in a lab from monosaccharides from CHOs
strong emulsifying agent
aids in moisture retention
added to gluten free products for moisture
reduce cholestorol, blood sugar levels
theraputic: bind to sugars & cholestorol & decrease levels
xanthum’s use for food & non-food
found in: salad dressings, gluten-free baking (helps w/ moisture) underwater cement (petroleum drilling)
polysaccharides (digestible)
(1) plant starch AMYLOSE AMYLOPECTIN (2) animal starch GLYCOGEN
polysaccharides (undigestible)
FIBER (hemi) cellulose most abundant; use paper&cardboard in cell walls of plants pectin gums
glucose + glucose
alpha 1-4
glucose + galactose
alpha 1-4
table sugar
glucose + fructose
alpha 1-4 glycosidic bond
hyward projection model
non reactive
Fructose (aka: levulose)
more soluable in water
sweeter than glucose
Pentoses (5C-long)
polysaccharides (undigestible): CELLULOSE
humans cannot digest -> non caloric
straight chain polymer of glucose
fat replacer bc it gives a mouthfeel of fat
-may have stomach issues bc indigestible
cellulose: plant CHO; polysachharide, made up of glucose (bond by beta-1-4)
similar to amylose (found in plants too; straight-chain form, by alpha 1-4 glycosidic bonds)
ruminants in cows & horses can digest cellulose
usd in food industries: fat replacement, moisture retention, mouthfeel
beta 1-4
interfering agents help prevent cyrstallization
corn syrup
fat: covers