Exam 1 Flashcards
A Standard Table can only have unique keys.
The following code illustrates ABAP’s post-test iteration mechanism: varX = 10. DO. WRITE /’Hi’. varX = varX + 1. WHILE varX < 10.
Modification, which is changing the core source code of an ERP system to reflect how the customer wants the software to behave, is also called configuration.
To make use of the keyword documentation built into the ABAP editor, place your cursor on a keyword and press the __ key to activate the help feature for that word.
Write an ABAP code sequence to do the following: Test to see whether that data object “grade” (which has already been defined)) is greater than or equal to 90. If so, write to output the message “Great”. If it is not, write out the message “Not great”.
IF grade >= 90. WRITE ‘Great’. ELSE. WRITE ‘Not great’. ENDIF.
All system development objects (programs, functions, etc.) are stored in the system __. (Note: database is not an acceptable answer.)
Sequential row/record access is not possible with a hashed internal table.
Within a loop, an EXIT statement causes the loop to terminate immediately with control flow resuming at the first statement that immediately follows the loop.
Programs move between various systems in a company landscape via ___.
In my ABAP program I have created a structure named S1. I wish to set the field “name” which is contained in S1 to the value “Bob”. Write the line of code to accomplish this.
S1-name = ‘Bob’.
Write a code sequence that will print the word “Hello” on the screen 100 times, which each “Hello” appearing a separate line. Immediately before the “Hello” print the count of how many hellos have been output to that point (i.e. the line or iteration number).
Any SAP ERP user with system access can use transaction code SE80 to write an ABAP program and execute it on the system.
Although it is common for each ‘row’ in an internal table to be a structure, it is possible for an internal table to be based on a simpler data type, such as an integer or float. In this respect an internal table is similar to an array.
Use of text symbols contained within the text pool allow us to create programs that can create output in varying languages.
Within our ABAP code, var1 is declared to be of integer type with an initial value of 14. var2 is declared to be “like var1”. Based on this declaration, var2 will have an initial value of 14.
Which of the following symbols is used for end-of-line comments?
Write an ABAP code sequence to do the following: Test to see whether that data object “class” (which has already been defined)) is 16. If so, write to output the message “Senior”. If it is 15, write out the message “Junior”. If it is 14, write out “Sophomore”. If it is 13, write out “Freshman”. Otherwise, write out “none”. Do not use an IF statement to do this.
CASE class. WHEN ‘16’. WRITE ‘Senior’. WHEN ‘15’. WRITE ‘Junior’. WHEN ‘14’. WRITE ‘Sophomore’. WHEN ‘13’. WRITE ‘Freshman’. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE ‘none’. ENDCASE.
The literal string “Hello” has already been written to output in an ABAP program. You wish to output the word “Hi” such that it appears directly below the word “Hello” in output. Write the line of ABAP code that will do this.
WRITE ‘Hi’ UNDER ‘Hello’.
ABAP as originally created was not an object-oriented language, however it was later enhanced to add that feature.
Of the two ABAP default data types of storing character data, c is incomplete, string is complete and dynamic.
The FIND operation that can be done on strings is one example of a system operation that uses SY-SUBRC to indicate the outcome of the requested operation.
The size of an internal table is dynamic. The number of records is restricted only by the capacity of the system.
Within a three-tiered architecture, the ___ layer is responsible for the ongoing storage of system data.
The following two lines are code are identical in their effect if placed within an ABAP program: WRITE 6 ‘Hello’. WRITE /6 ‘Hello’.
There is no meaningful difference between a standard internal table with no keys defined and one that has keys defined.
Using the term VALUE CHECK in a PARAMETERS statement will cause the user’s input to be checked against the Domain Data for the Data Type used in the statement.
A Hashed Table must have unique keys.
With a loop the statement below is encountered: CHECK x = 3. The meaning of this is that if x is equal to 3, the next statement is executed. If x is not equal to 3, the next iteration of the loop is executed.
ABAP employs the ability to have output text automatically translated to other languages by using the Google translation service.
What is the output of the following block of code? (ignore horizontal whitespace in output examples) varA = 10. WHILE varA < 15. WRITE varA. IF varA = 12. WRITE ‘XX’. ENDIF. varA = varA + 1. ENDWHILE.
10 11 12 XX 13 14
Of all the various ways of fitting ERP to the needs of a company, enhancement is the most potentially problematic.
Structured variables may be nested, i.e. a structured variable may have as one of its components another structured variable.
ABAP programs are stored in the database, just as other data managed by the system.
Write an ABAP chained statement to read in 2 whole number values from the user and store them in vara and varb. The user must enter a value for both of these.
The definition of “exits” or “user exits” in SAP source code is an example of enhancement.
NetWeaver, the technology platform upon which SAP enterprise-class software solutions are built, supports development in two languages: ABAP and C++.
An “incomplete data type” is called “incomplete” because the developer will set the size of storage to be allocated when the data object is created
A1 and A2 are structures. A2 contains a subset of the fields found in A1. Which of the following statements will allow data in A1 to be copied to A2, but only for those fields found in A2. - FIELD COPY A1 TO A2. - MOVE FIELDS OF A1 TO A2. - MOVE A1 TO A2. - MOVE-CORRESPONDING A1 TO A2.
In attempting to change an internal table based on a work area, we only wish the change to account for 2 of the fields in the work area. What keyword allows limiting the change such that only the specified fields are modified?
Within the ABAP Dictionary, domain data allows us to define acceptable values for the domain. This domain can then be used to create data types based on the domain.
The code “DATA wa TYPE spfli.” creates a work area that matches the line structure of database table SPFLI?
Write a line of ABAP code to do the following: create a data object named ‘var1’ that is of float type and initialized to the value 14.7
DATA var1 TYPE F VALUE ‘14.7’.
You want to use a packed number of sufficient size to store the number 123.45. What is the smallest viable packed number size to accomplish this?
2 (3) - 1 = 5
What 2-word sequence can be used in a CASE statement to capture control flow when none of the listed CASE statement choices match the data object being tested?
Write a line of ABAP code to do the following: create a data object named “age” that would be capable of storing someone’s age.
Which of the following would not be a system typically seen in a company ERP landscape?
Which of the following is available as a loop counter while in a loop?
Which of the following statements will output the word “Hello” with the ‘H’ in column 10?
WRITE 10 ‘Hello’.
Which set of symbols, when placed in a WRITE statement will cause the object that follows it to be written out without internal space padding. That is, what symbols go in the following blank to accomplish the above: WRITE __ DATAOBJECT.
You see the following line of code in a program: WRITE TEXT-001. This is a reference to text that is contained within the text __.
In order to preserve the integrity of the SAP system, customers must develop their programs in an assigned namespace. All user programs must begin with ‘X’, ‘Y’, or ‘Z’.
ABAP was created as a programming language by SAP. They used it to develop their ERP (and related) software.
The following line of code has a syntax error. Rewrite it as a single line of code that accomplishes what is intended. WRITE ‘Hello’ username.
WRITE: ‘Hello’, username.
The ABAP statement “CLEAR varx” returns varx to its default type-related value.
It is not possible to insert into a standard internal table. Append is permissible.
When working with an internal table we also create another data object for use in internal table manipulation and output. What is the term used to describe this data object?
‘work area’ or ‘structure’
It is possible to install an ABAP program as a transaction code. Users can enter that transaction code to trigger the running of the program.
In order to use * to denote a comment in an ABAP program, the * must appear in the 1st column of the line.
ABAP programs and other components move between systems in a company landscape via a mechanism known as “__”.
The following line of code is illegal in ABAP (regardless of the data type of variable varA):
By adding a “default” portion to a PARAMETERS statement an initial value can be placed in the field displayed to the end user. This value can be changed as desired by the user.
All of SAP’s products run on a technical foundation known as __. This is a software product that provides connectivity between all systems in a company’s landscape.
SAP NetWeaver
Within a three-tiered architecture, the core SAP ERP functionality executes at the __ layer of the architecture. (This is where the business rules are applied and executed.)
A hashed internal table has no inherent sequence to the records. The only way to access table contents is through the use of a key field.
The use of header lines with an internal table is deprecated. We do not want to use this technique in our coding.
Within a loop a “CONTINUE” statement is encountered. This will cause the control flow to abandon the current iteration and immediately begin the next loop iteration at the beginning
The ___ layer is a tier in a three-tiered architecture that is responsible for the graphical user interface and the end-user-facing portion of the system
Before a program can be tested using the debugger, the program must first be activated.
An internal table exists only in memory for the life of the program which creates it. (It is not stored in a database.)
There are some ABAP source code syntax elements that are spacing dependent. That is, if the source code contains extra or missing spaces in the line of code, this is a syntax error.