Exam 1 Flashcards
Rising Great Powers 16th to 18th Centuries
Rising Great Powers: PBARF
Prussia - Absolute Mon - Army - +Bureaucracy
Britain - Cons Mon - Comm and Finanical Resources, navy, trade, freedom, industry, relations toleration
Austria - Abs Mon -Army, Imperial Prestige, loyalty
Russia - Abs Mon - Army, popu, Natural Resources, Imperial Control of Church and State
France - Abs Mon - Army, Popu, Colon Emp, Intellect
_Declining Great Power_s: SONS
Spain - Ab Mon - Stag Eco, Ineff Govt, weak mil, religious and intellectual Conformity
Ottoman Empire - Ab Mon, Backw Eco, Unsta Govt, resist change, old military
Netherlands - Republic, Divide Govt, low pop and decline Econ
Sweden- Const Mon - Low Popula, Weak Econo
Charles V
- Holy Roman Emperor 1519
- Inherited Lands Ruled 1/4 of Europe
- Austria
- Netherlands
- East France
- East Spain West Spin
- Sardina/Naples/Sicily
- Also Hungary/Bohemia
- East Lands to Ferdinand I
- West Lands to Phillip III
- Inherited Lands Ruled 1/4 of Europe
Eastern and Western Hemisphere Differences Pre-1450
Eastern Hemisphere: Europe—>
1492-1519 Belief world 1/2 water/ 1/2 Land (Cartographers)
Large Pool of Disease becuase of Animals
Growing Population
Trade Networks
Large Civi. -Islam, Christendom, China, India, N. Africa, SE Asia Dyn. Come and go Linear and Quantified Time - Days, Months Years
Leads to Spirituality Hindu, Budd, Daoism all common treat others as you would like treated
Less Parochial View of world - W/O blinders
Ocean Gap 3K miles
Breeds Innovation/Travel/Trade Networks/ Large Rel. Following/ Large Civil.
Western Hemisphere— Nomadic early
Recent Human Arrival last 15K years/Large Mammal Extinction from Human Hunting and Planet Warming.
Small Animals Domesticated,
North and South Axle Land Prevents travel- Cold weather N and S
Limited land for Agriculture/ Geography Not friendly to Diffusion of ideas
Small pool of disease
Small Civilizations Meso america and Ande Mnts with no where to go
Time is Cyclical 4 seasons rinse and repeat
Isolated from eachother and world
Was tropical then Hotter/ Dryer–> Plants and Animals Dissapear
Ocean Gap to Eastern Eurasia 6K Miles
India Religion
- Monothesism and Polytheism
- Hindu Trinity: All seen as one divine reality
- Brahman - Creator
- Vishnu - Preserver
- Shiva - Destroyer
- Based on a Caste system Humans Not Equal Created By Aryians :
- Your soul transmigrates to another body when you die.
- Good Karma brings you up Caste and Bad Karma Down
- Barhman (Priests) Head of God (One with the Cosmos)
- Kshatriyas (Warriors)
- Vaishyas (Farmer/Merchants)
- Shudras (Laborers) Foot of God
- Good Karma brings you up Caste and Bad Karma Down
- Your soul transmigrates to another body when you die.
Dar al-Islam
- God:Allah - (Muhammad - Creator/Final Phrophet/ Military
- Monotheism- Tinitarian Monotheism - Father son Holy Spirit/ JudgementDay Ancient Persian Concept -Heaven or Hell
- Personal Jahad - Struggle to defeat internal demeons
- Political Jahad - Conquer world in name of Allah w/ military
- House of God - Where Muslims Rule (GLUE) Beleivers
- House of War - (Dar al-Harab) Islam Non-Believers state of Jahad War
- Monotheism- Tinitarian Monotheism - Father son Holy Spirit/ JudgementDay Ancient Persian Concept -Heaven or Hell
Dar al-Habab
- House of Disbelief
- Islam Non-Believers and Continuous state of Jahad War
- Sultan -Government Leader
- Calif - Religios Leader
- Islam Non-Believers and Continuous state of Jahad War
Italian Renaissance
- An Attitude 14-16th century
- Inpires 3 Values Humanism Individualism and Secularism -
- Humanism -New Learning, Man is rational, cultivating talents, belief abilities are unlimited
- Individualism - Emphasize Competition and Personal sucess and Display of Personal Wealth
- Secularism- Emphasize Worldly Views(Spiritual)
- Rebirth of Antiquity - Learn from Greece and Rome
- Inpires 3 Values Humanism Individualism and Secularism -
- Urban and Commercial Growth
- Italian Thinkers look back to pre-christian pagan science and Philoso
- Machiavelli inspired Political thoughts with movement
- Areas rewarded - Genoa, Florenece, Milan, Naples, Rome and venice who are ruled by elite merchants
- Italian Thinkers look back to pre-christian pagan science and Philoso
- Author : The Prince
- Argued (Ruler to Imitate both Sly Fox and Scary Lion)
- Social order reflecting gods will IMPOSSIBLE
- Politics and Religion Seperate Laws
- Rulers should ignore Good and Bad/Moral and Immoral
- Rulers use anything to maintain authority “End Justifies the Means”
- Primary Goal is Survival
- Devshimre Law - Ottoman Empire
- Christian Boys captured and became slave infantry
- Some rose to power of Turkish Govt
- Sultan 2nd army (Nontrusting of his own)
- Christian Boys captured and became slave infantry
Divine Right of Kings
- French Absolutism (Bishop Bossuet)
- King was Chosen by God
- (Religious Doctrine of Royal and Political Legigitmacy)
- This Benefits the Monarch of France
- point to note - old kings would fight in battles
- This Benefits the Monarch of France
- new system- nobility weaker and king extracts tax revenue for military and estate
- (Religious Doctrine of Royal and Political Legigitmacy)
- King was Chosen by God
- Uses Versailles Palace to:
- Symbol of Power
- incentivise loyalty( must live there 1/2 year)
- Eliminate Scheming
- Hire Pro Musketeers
- Monarchy and Nobility now far apart With MON on top
Spanish/Portuguese Racial Hierarchy
- Peninsulares - Europeans from Europe Pure
- Creoles - Europeans born in America Pure
- Mestizos - European Natives
- Mulato - European Africans
- Zambos - Native Africans
- Slaves -Pure Native or African
- Mostly Men Early on/Men marry local tribe leader daughters=Power
Mandate of Heaven
- Chinese belief that:
- Divinely Granted Right for Monarchs to Govern and endorsed Confuscianism
- Named the Son Of Heaven
- Divinely Granted Right for Monarchs to Govern and endorsed Confuscianism
- This allowed Yuan (mongols) to fall
Middle Kingdom
- Deontes that China is superior to all surrouding kingdoms and occured after the Ming dynasty defeated Mongols.
- Emperor now Son of Heaven
Trinitarian Monotheism
- Christian Belief
- Father is God
- Son is God
- Holy Spirit is God
Martin Luther
- Protestant Reformation N and W Europe
- German Critic of
- Sale of Indulgences
- Secularization of Church (loss of spiritual belief)
- Clergy state Immortality
- Pope High Authority
- Veneration of Mary and Saints(Great Respect)
- Roman Catholic Ceremony
- German Critic of
- Split from Roman Catholic(Excommunicated)
- Started Lutheranism (Faith In God)
- Political Exploitation - Seperated Europe
- Catholic Europe
- Protestant Europe
- Political Exploitation - Seperated Europe
- Started Lutheranism (Faith In God)
John Calvin
Protestant Reformation N and W Europe
French Critic of
- Sale of Indulgences
- Secularization of Church (loss of spiritual belief)
- Clergy state Immortality
- Pope High Authority
- Veneration of Mary and Saints(Great Respect)
- Roman Catholic Ceremony
Split from Roman Catholic(Excommunicated)
- Started Calvinism (PREDESTINATION)
- Presbyterians, Puritans, Anababist, Anglicans
- Political Exploitation - Seperated Europe
- Catholic Europe
- Protestant Europe
Roman Catholicism
- Church Paper sold reducing pergatory sentence
- Using this money to rebuild St Peter Church
- Led to Luther Excommunication
China World View 1450
- Richest On Planet -Middle Kingdom- Great wall, Superior,
- All foreigners BARBARIANS
- Cyclical History
- Worship Ancestors
- Mandate of Heaven
- Endorse Confucianism
- Scholar and Rule
- Social Hierarchy
- Loyalty to State
- Language: Mandarin Cantonese…
- Low statud of Merchants
- Popular support for Daoism (Listen to nature) (JEDI)
- Popular support for Buddahism (Philosophy + Relig)
- Spiritual World
- Seek enlightenment through suffering
- Achieve Nirvana (Destroy Inner Cravings)
- Wont trade,
- Withdrew Seafaring Expeditions(Internal Focus Priority)
- Great Wall (Culture Isolation)
- 18th century no longer the richest
Hindu India World View 1450
Mono and Polythesistic
- 3 seperate incarnations seen as ONE divine reality(KARMA)Achieve salvation through active participation
- Intense Internal Rivalries( Unity only through Hindu System)
- Caste System
- Brahmans - priests
- Kshatriyas - warriors
- Vaishyas- farm and merchants
- Shudras - laborers
- All must work up to Brahman to become 1 w/ Universe
- Lack of exploration beyond Indian Ocean
- Politically divided and Partly Occupied by Mughal Empire
Dar al-Islam World View 1450
- God: Allah
- Monotheism JudgementDay Ancient Persian -Heaven or Hell
- (Muhammad - Creator/Final Phrophet/ Military
- Sultan leads Gov’t
- Caliph leads Religion
- Tollerated Christ and Jew - all others destroyed
- Merchant respect
- 1 language Arabic
- Never recovered from Mongol 13th invasion
- Ottoman replaced Byzantane Empire + Abbadid Caliphate
- Religious Push = Islamic world lost intelec and tech edge
Christendom World View 1450
- Trinitarian Monothesim
- Jesus Savior of humanity
- Day of judgement
- Fear of islamic spread through europe
- CLASHES nobility, clergy and merchants
- seration of religion(Rom Cath) and government(city states)
- Intense City state rival
- seration of religion(Rom Cath) and government(city states)
- Universal language LATIN -Multi ethnic
- Brotherhood of Christians
- Jews tollerated
- Some prechristian pagan tolerant
- Jews tollerated
- Brotherhood of Christians
- Steal China and Islamic tech and enhancing them
- Need to have LARGER role in Eurasia Trade
- Emerging Curiosity….Italian Renaisance
- Need to have LARGER role in Eurasia Trade
Peace of Westphalia
- An end to total Hapsburg Supremecy( No more money after wars)
- Treaties ending
- 80 Years war
- Spain and Dutch
- 30 Years War
- Many European States
- 80 Years war
- New set of Powers Emerged PBARF
- Prussian
- Britain (England)
- Austria(Hapsburg)
- Russia
- France
- Britain and Russia kept France in check
- Spain and Portugal no longer Major Powers
- Ruled Mughal Empire (INDIA) Mid 16th to 17th
- Defeat Hindus then hired as soilders
- Experimental Religion: Himself Prophet
- Many uncomfortable with his Hindu Embracing
Kangxi, Youngzheng, Qianlong
- 3 Leaders of the 130 year Qing(Pure) Empire Dynasty
- Imjihn war led Ming to seek Qing asisstance(Manchu/Korea)
- led to 40 conquest
- Ming terr
- taiwan
- mongolia
- led to 40 conquest
- Starts when Manchus attaked Beijing Cap(Emperor Suicide)
- B/C of Chaotic imperial Ming Govt
- Manchu Led -NEastern of Great Wall
- Nomadic Ancestors
- Ming Style Governance
Kangxi 1662-1722(50 Year)
- CHILD emperor (execute regent)
- Treaty of Nerchinsk w/ Russia
- Refused Macartney trade proposal doesnt need:
- no export needed
- no europe tech and innova
- No diplomacy
- Youngzheng 1723-1735(12 Year)
- Qianlong 1736-1795(60 Years)
Kangxi 1662-1722(50 Year)
- All maintained Stable Govt
- Imported american food
- Sever Population increase
- Imported american food
- Forbid intermarriage of Chinese and Manchus
- Manchus
- Buddism
- Refuse foot binding
- Manchus
- Western Europeans = SEA Barbarians
Ming and Qing Dynasty
- Replaced Yuan Dynasty(Mongols) Mid 14th
- Brought back China to Concept MIDDLE KINGDOM
- Ideal Empire and Superior
- Sacred Imperial title for Mandate of Heaven
- Ideal Empire and Superior
- Zhu Yuanzhang led following Mongol collapse
- Younger brothers to Son of Heaven
- Europeans
- Exotic, Innovation and their interest in their own god
- Europeans
- Outter Barbarian
- Foreiners
- Inner Barbarians
- Japanese and Central Asians
- Government corruption
- Labor protests
- Rapid Urban growth led to:
- Price inflation
- Flooding of silver deflation
- Climate change
- Little ice age Result:
- low temps
- long winters
- epidemics
- Little ice age Result:
- Government corruption
- Japanese and Central Asians
- Galdan restores mongolia
- Manchus - Korean
- Frequent looting
- Manchus - Korean
Wanli Emeror 2nd Son of Heaven
- Poor emperor/ more corruption
- Imjin War
- Led to Manchus claiming china
- start of 40 year conquest
- Ming territories
- Taiwain
- Mongolia
- start of 40 year conquest
- Led the MING to seek assistance from:
- Machus/Korea
- Led to Manchus claiming china
Qing Empire. (PURE) late 17th to late 18th
- First Kangxi (16 years old)
- Feared Galdan(Mongol) russian alliance
- Leads to Treaty of Nerchinsk
- Feared Galdan(Mongol) russian alliance
- ONE European trade point CANTON
- wouldnt loosen export restrictions
- Refusal of Macartney Mission (trade Proposal)
- China becoming obsolete
- 3X population increase
- Social issues
- job market bad
- Enviromental issues
- Severe flooding
- Land erossion
- Gov’t Corruption increasing
- Gov’t revenue decreasing
- Social issues
- First Kangxi (16 years old)
- All of this shows Europe:
- China is Vulnerable!
Protestant Reformation
- Theological Rebellion against Roman Papacy(pope in Charge)
- Renaissance reoriented Man
- Move toward more secular life(Non religious)
- Critisicm of Chirstian commenwealth led by papacy
- Renaissance reoriented Man
- Criticized by two men
- German Martin Luther(Lutheran) - Criticized
- Sale of Indulgences
- Secularization among clergy
- authority of Roman Pope
- Veneration of Mary and Saints
- French John Calvin(Calvinism)
- Presbyterians, Puritans, Anababist, Anglicans
- German Martin Luther(Lutheran) - Criticized
- All led to political exploitation and war across Europe
- Division of Christendom
- Catholic Europe
- Protestant Europe
- Wars Ensued ove rdenominations and King Powers
- Netherlands 80 Years’ War/Dutch Revolt
- France: War of 3 Henrys
- Germanic States: 30 Years’ War
- Habsburgs Land Holdings
- Austria
- Netherlands
- E. France
- E. Spain, Sardinia, Naples, Sicily
- W. Spain
- Hungary
- Peace of Westphalia
- Gives powers to state over Church
- Ended Hapsburg rule(No Money)
- Can now rule within borders
- German States Of HolyRomanEmpire Soverin
Creation of 5 Major Powers (PBARF)
- Prussia
- Britain
- Austria
- Russia
- France
Dissolving Powers(SONS)
- Spain
- Ottoman Empire
- Netherlands
- Sweden
- Habsburgs Land Holdings
- Division of Christendom
Iroquois/Algonquian VS French Catholic
- Numerous Spirits-Impersonal Cosmic Force
- Iroquois-ORENDA
- Algonquian-MANITOU
- Relataions with anything dead
- Spirits contnrolled cosmic forces
- Knowledge based on
- Ceremonies and abilities
- Manipulate spirits gave them prestige
- Knowledge based on
- Inclusive Mentality
- People Could Be FORGIVEN
- ACCEPTED European Christianity
- Numerous Spirits-Impersonal Cosmic Force
- Trinitarianism - Father son and Holy Spirit
- GOD is all powerful
- God Created Humans
- Humans superior to other living things
- Indirect Relations w/ God
- Faith
- Prayer
- Sacraments
- Bilble
- Emphacize Bible Mastery
- Status
- KNowledge
- Literacy/Education
- Ability to Convert NON CATHOLICS
- Status
- Pursuit of Salvation
- Shunning Evil and SIN
- Exclusive Mentaliy
- Bilble is SINGLE and ONLY truth
- People can be Forgiven
- Shunned NATIVE Ceremony
- Prayers and Hymns
- Veneration of Artifacts
- Feasts
- Symbolic Baths(Babtisms)
- Self infllicted pains
- Ritual Purity
Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, French and English Empires
16th, 17th, 18th century Patterns
16th Spain seized most of: (Both Amerindian Slavery)
- Central America (AZTECS)
- W. South America (INCAN)
- Mining Gold and Silver
- Agriculture
- wheat rice indigo cotton coffee sugar
- Livestock
- cattle
- horse
- sheep
16th Portugal developed:
- Colonial Brazil
- Sugar
- Coffee
- Livestock
- Outpost of SW Africa Coast and E. Africa
- Control Traffic to INDIA
- Colonial Brazil
16th Century English Empires of Americas
- Seen as source of plunder
- Atlantic Ocean Seen as barrier to colonies
17th Century
- Joint stock companies of Holland + France $
- Privateering
- Exploration
- Commercial Venture
- Holland Seize Sea trade lanes
- Joint stock companies of Holland + France $
France Overseas Expansion Delayed
- 30 Years war
- Following areas of interest
- Canada
- West indies
- W. Africa
- Following areas of interest
- 30 Years war
England Overseas Expansion Delayed
- North America Civil Wars
- Areas of interst
- East Coast America
- West Indies
- Areas of interst
- North America Civil Wars
18th Century
England and France
- Primary Contenders of East North America
Spain and Portugal
- Keep Control of empires in:
- Central and South America
- Keep Control of empires in:
- Transatlantic Economy (trade)
- Links peoples from
- W. Europe
- W. Africa
- American Colonies
- All Areas are both:
- Suppliers
- Consumers
- All Areas are both:
- Links peoples from
England and France
1 of 3 Major Muslim Empires (Ottoman)
See attached Image

2 of 3 Major Muslim Empires (Safavid)
See attached Image

3 of 3 Major Muslim Empires (Mughal)
Sunni (Hindu)
See attached Image

Middle Passage
- 1 of 3 legs for Triangualr Trade Route
- Transatlantic Slave Trade Route for Europeans
- Europeans brought goods to africa
- Purchased Slaves with goods(Must have is Weapons)
- Europeans brought goods to africa
- The route to americans/ Bringing Slaves
- Deadly/ Many died during the voyage
- Transatlantic Slave Trade Route for Europeans
Colombian Exchange
Disease from Europe to New World, Central and South America
- Small pox
- Flu
- Malaria
- Typhus
- Measels/Mumps
- Leaders of Central and South Amer. Died
- STD moves to Europe (Syphilis)
- Tobacco moves from New World
Animal Imports to America
- Pigs
- Eat everything
- Multiplying fast
- Oxen
- Agriculture and Travel made easier
- Horses
- Made hunting easier for Natives
- Pigs
Crop Imports
- Wheat/Tomato
- Corn/Beans/sugar/spices
- Potatoes
- People Movement all over
- Late 16th and Early 17th Century Ruler Ming Dynasty
- Son of Heaven
- Poorly ran court and officials beneath him
- Corruption common within Imperial Govt
- Bribes
- Famine
- Irrigation disrepair
- Little Ice Age
- Revolt started by Li Zicheng
- Son of Heaven
- Losing Mandate of Heaven
Great Wall (China)
- Series of Walls Contructed Heart of China
- Keep out Nomads
- Watch towers and army barracks
Started contruction 8th Century BC
- Not unified until 3rd BC
- Han and Sui Major Additions and Repairs
- 2nd BC to 7th AD
Tang and Song Made little Contributions to wall
- 7th to 13th century
- Keep out Nomads
China defeated by mongols Yuan Dynasty
- late 13th to late 14th
Ming Dynasty
- Revitalized and Extended Wall
- Revitalized and Extended Wall
Manchus conquered Ming
Great Wall Importance FELL
- Now tourist location
Great Wall Importance FELL