Exam #1 Flashcards
International family strengths model (6)
Appreciation and Affection ; appreciative inquiry - way to guide asking questions, not looking at problems but the strengths of life, culture of expressing appreciation.
Communication ; not exclusively people advocating their own voice, but the reciprocation, ‘I’ statement - more productive / useful than ‘you’ statements.
Commitment ; feel that commitment and give it yourself.
Spending time together
Spiritual well being ; connection to something bigger than oneself
Effective coping with stress and crisis.
Structural functional theory
A theory that emphasizes the function of the family as a social institution in meeting the needs of society
Family developmental theory
Divides the family life cycle into phases or stages over the lifespan. Emphasizes the developmental tasks that must be done by family members at each stage
Importance of normative order
Right on the surface, might not examine it though
Personality traits and behaviour that characterize an individual as masculine or feminine
Gender role
A person’s outward expression of maleness or femaleness
Gender identity
A persons personal, internal sense of maleness or femaleness, which is expressed in personality and behaviour
Gender stereotypes
Traditional masculine and feminine stereotypes (pg. 48-9)
Environmental influences on gender
Societal Expectations
Parental Influences (how they life their life, saturated with how they create a home)
The influence of popular press, television and movies (media)
School Influences
4 functions of dating
Recreation ; Expressive recreation is doing things for enjoyment/fun, not as a job.
Instrumental recreation is like a staff party, not very fun.
Socialization ; Opportunity for us to learn how to navigate the world/take out place in society. Learn about ourselves.
Status grading or status achievement ; Through dating people claim/assign status, dating is a venue for status, opportunity to claim/be assigned status.
Mate selection; find someone as a spouse
Parent image theory
A theory of mate selection that a person is likely to marry someone resembling his or her parent of the opposite sex.
Ideal mate theory
A theory that people tend to marry someone who fulfills their fantasy of what an ideal mate should be like, based partly on early childhood experiences.
Qualities of strong families
Appreciation and affection Communication Spending time together Spiritual well being Effective coping with stress and crisis
We are somehow outside of the natural order
Cognitive developmental theory
Once children categorize themselves as female or male, they will use this self categorization to figure out how to behave
Involuntary stable (permanent) singles
Never marrieds and previously marrieds who wanted to marry, who have not found a mate, and who have more or less accepted being single.
Involuntary temporary singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who have been actively seeking a mate but have not found one.
Voluntary stable (permanent) singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who choose to be single.
Voluntary temporary singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who are not opposed to the idea of marriage but are not currently seeking mates.
Date rape
the forcing of involuntary sexual interaction on a person during a voluntary, prearranged date or after a couple meets informally in a social setting.
Hypergamous union
Marriage in which one spouse marries upward on the social ladder
Hypogamous union
Marriage in which one spouse marries downward on the social ladder.
Rites of passage
Ceremonies by which people pass from one social status to another
Postmodernism book; name and date and author
Book: The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979) by JF
The Book: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State… was written when and by who?
1884 by Friedrich Engels
The TED Talk: The case for same-sex marriage was by who and what is it about?
Diane J. Savino
New york state senate about same sex marriage, to legalize it
The TED Talk: Where is home was by who and what is it about?
Pico Iyer
meditates on the meaning of home, the joy of travelling and the serenity of standing still.
Home has less to do with a piece of soil than soul
Where you become yourself
Home isn’t just the place where you sleep but also where you stand
Movement only matters if you have a home to go back to
The CBC Doc Zone: The Motherload is about what?
Work lives are more stressful for women (higher workloads) and yet they are still expected to do so much with the children
Motherhood systematically descales huge numbers of women
The Short Nowness film: Arianna was about?
Intersexuality → their bodies disrupt the norms of sex assignment.
We think of it as pretty uncomplicated
Her story challenges that
The TED Talk: Technology hasn’t changed love was by who and what is it about?
Helen Fisher
What she has to say about love?
Postmodernism is one of 3 big ideas; the other two are?
Feminism and post colonialism
The international family strengths model is based on?
based on appreciative inquiry; looks at what is working in healthy families
From CBC Doc Zone: Flying Solo
Rise of single living in Canada
People are rejecting the dominance or collective settlement of relationships