Exam 1 Flashcards
Characteristics of Crisis
Must have both Danger and Opportunity
Definition of Crisis
There is no real defiinot of crisis because it is very situational
4 Elements of a crisis
- Precipitating Event
- Perception of the Event as Threatening or Damaging
- Perception Leading to Subjective Distress
- Failure of a person’s usual coping methods
Crises formation
Precipitating event ->perception-> stress ->lower functioning
Process of increasing function
Cognitive Reframing-> Acquiring New Coping Skills
-> Decreases Stress ->
Increases functioning
Goal of Crises Intevention
Helping individuals cope during emotionally stressful times or those in the middle of crises
Developmental Crises
Normal transitional phases that should be expected (puberty, school, learning to drive, marriage)
Uncontrollable, unexpected events with no way to forecast or prepare for (Tornado, fire, tsunami)
Caplans 7 Characteristics of people who climb out of trauma better
- Explore issues and search for information
- Freely expressing positive and negative feelings/tolerate frustration
- Invoke hope from others
- Breaking problems down into manageable bits/work thru them 1 at a time
- Awareness of fatigue and pacing coping efforts/maintain control of functions
- Master feelings but be flexible
- Trust in oneself and others/stay optimistic
Suicide Prevention
Started in the 1960’s with hotlines calls. Relied on non-professional volunteers. This blossomed into community outreach into self-abortion clinics, rape and abandoned women shelters etc.
Managed Care
Clinics used for short term crises/ emergency. This is a result of insurances not paying for therapy and complications with Medicare and payment to insurances.
Treatment of people in crises through psychology -ego, id, psychological strength
Existential Theory
Crises treatment over long periods of time, danger and opportunity cause growth
Humanistic approach
Helps clients realized their potential in battle crises through optimism and hope
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Goal oriented, problem, solving, list making (defining problem, ideas on correcting problem, brainstorm ideas, commit to ideas)
Brief Therapy
Short Term, Explore past patterns of behavior and why it did or did not work
Standard, principles, processes, rules adopted, administered, and enforced by government that regulates behavior
Moral principles that govern a persons behavior and the conduct of an activity: Customs and mores. APA stuff
What should the relationship be like between the responder and the client be like?
Strictly Therapuetic
Why are ethics important?
These people are in crisis and it would be easy to take advantage… don’t.
What should responders be aware of?
- Their own emotions
- Values and opinions
- Behaviors
All interactions are confidential, except for when?
- There is danger to self or others
- Abuse
- Patriot act
- Court summons
Occures when unresolved issues rise up during other situations and you take it out on others/situation
Awareness of other cultures… don’t be stupid. Acknowledge all subgroups… LGBT, cultures, religions. No imposition of own views.
Physical/emotional exhaustion because of negative self-concept, negative job attitudes, and loss of cocern
What can cause burnout?
- Too much time and not enough recovery.
- Can’t help as much as you’d like –reality sets in
- Too much stress from family
- Lack of personal drive
Preventing burnout
- Life style… food, exercise, family,
- See a therapist
- Know your limits
Edge of compassion
Find middle ground between don’t care and over-involvement
Secondary stress management for crises workers
When Crisis responders get PTSD or trauma from the the people they assist.
ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
Developing and Maintaining Rapport
State of understanding and comfort. Built trust. Be calm, understanding, and attentive to client.
Open ended questions to get stories
Closed answer questions for factual details
Repeating words back to clarify, helps client feel understood
Reflections of feelings
Short, focused on emotions (KISS)
- Tie it all together
- Includes cognition, emotions, and facts during interview
- Lead interview into other areas
Listeners need to identify the nature of the crisis
Focus of belifes
Focusing on event, cognition, emotions and function
Cognitive Tree
How does the event that happened lead to the emotional distress
Beliefs stage, what to do with ethical issues?
Address them
Therapeutic Interactive statements
Positive validation, educational statements, re-frame situation
Having clients explore situations answers for what they think they should do. Coping on their own usually means they will do better with following through with it.
Self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die
Attempting to kill oneself but means are not fatal
Ideation (suicidal)
Thinking or consideration of suicide
Symptoms/clues of suicidal ideation
Giving things away, Writing will, Withdrawal from activities/social settings, Preoccupied with death, Hopelessness and worthlessness
Risk Factors of suicide
Previous attempts, depression, mental disorders, hopelessness substance abuse access to lethal means
Ideation to action model
Development of ideation, strong vs. moderate ideation, progression from ideation to attempt
Three step theory of suidice
Are you in pain and hopeless? yes
Does your pain exceed your connectedness? yes
Do you have the capacity to attempt suicide? Yes
Predictors of attempt
Depression, burdensome and no belonging, defeat and entrapment
Predictors of suicide
Depresssive episodes, bipolar PTSD.
Types of disasters
Manmade and natural
Shootings, structures falling, oil spills, bombings
Tsunami, earth quakes, tornadoes
Issues from disasters
Lack of materials, blame, insurance, helplessness
4 phases of community disaster
Heroic, honeymoon, disillusionment, and reconstruction
Heroic phase
Everyone pulls together and is ready to go!
Honeymoon phase
Our community is strong together!
Loose good feelings and reality sets in
You have to do the rebuilding and cant wait for more help