Exam 1 Flashcards
‘/What is the CPOT?
Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool
What does the scoring indicate on the CPOT
0=no pain————4=some pain———-8=extreme pain
What are the four categories on the CPOT?
- Facial Expression 0=relaxed 1=tense 2=grimacing
- Body movements 0=no mvmt 1=protection 2-restless/agitated
- Compliance w ventilator or vocalization 10=tolerating/easy or talking normally 1= tolerating/coughing or sighing/moaning 2=fighting or sobbing
- Muscle Tension 0=Relaxed 1= Tense/rigid 2= very tense/rigid
Rules for CPOT
- pt must be observed at rest for one minute to obtain a baseline value
- Then, pt should be obs during nociceptive procedures (e.g. turning, wound care) to detect any changes in in response to pain.
- pt should be eval’d before and at peak effect of an analgesic agent to assess med effectiveness
- attribute the highest score obs during the obs period.
- muscle tension should be eval’d last, especially when the patient is at rest bc touch may lead to behavioral reactions.
Risk Factors of Delirium
- age
- post-op
- pain meds
- h/o dimentia
- male
- vent
What is CAM-ICU tool?
an acute confusion assessment method tool used in ICU to identify and recognize delirium quickly
What is the RASS tool?
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale
used to measure level of sedation in ICU pt’s
How is the Richmond measured?
(-3 to -5) Need to decrease sedation
- Unarousable -5, Deep Sedation-4, mod sed -3
(-2 to 0) Good! No intervention needed at this time!
- Light sed -2, drowsy -1, restless +1, alert & calm 0
(+2 to +4) Not enough sedation! Assess for pain, anxiety and delirium!
- Agitated +2, very agitated, +3 combative +4
pos 4, sedate the whore
neg 5, sedations high
Rich is hero, we want him at 0
Why would you give a paralytic to a pt on a ventilator?
Pt is very agitated and can’t be controlled with benzo’s or analgesics
Paralytics used for pt’s on ventilators
Succinylcholine or vecoronium
Additional interventions when giving a pt a paralytic to pt’s on ventilators
pain management and sedation
What is the Train of Four tool?
device that gives an electrical impulse to the ulnar or facial nerve to detect level of paralytic.
Train of Four (TOF) scale
Measuring paralytic effectiveness:
- attach electrodes to facial or ulnar nerve
- count muscle twitches
- 0 twitches = over paralyzed
- 2 twitches = Goal
- 4 twitches = not enough paralytic
What do you say to visitors of ICU patients?
Explain the situation
Paint a picture of what they will see
Universal visiting hours
What is terminal weaning?
Weaning off mechanical ventiliation in terminal pt’s
Extubation of the patient to allow them to die
use only pain management and sedation
Pt is going to die, no chance of recovery
What is the first thing you do when educating a patient/family on discharge info
assess prior knowledge
Pt changes that would require Rapid Response?
- Can’t keep sats above 90
- can’t keep systolic BP >90
- RR >30
- HR >130 (except w pain or fever)
- Can’t get blood sugar >40
What is the ABCDEF bundle?
a = assess pain
b= both completed spont awakenng and spont breathing
c= choice of analgesia
d= delirium assessment performed
e= early mobility (even intubated)
f= family involvement
What to look for in an ABG when determining which pt to see first?
- #1 PaO2 (who has the lowest needs seen first)
- the patient who is the most acidotic (resp. acidosis, low pH and Pa02)
Ways of calculating the rate on a 6 sec ECG strip, when it is regular
- count R waves and multiply X 10
- count large boxes between R waves and ÷ 300
- 2= 150 HR
- 3= 100 HR
- 4= 75 HR
P-wave represents
atrial depolarization
QRS complex represents
Normal measurements?
Ventrical depolarization
0.08-0.12 (2-3 sm boxes)
T wave represents
ventricular repolarization
PR interval represents
normal measurements?
mvmnt from SA node to AV node to bundle of his to perkinje fibers (before ventricals contract)
0.12-0.21 (3-5 small boxes)
QT interval represents
depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles
the time between the beginning of Q and the end of S
Prolonged QT can lead to what?