EXAM 1 Flashcards
Progressive Era
[year and president]
Teddy Roosevelt
Progressive Era
Poverty as environmental
Progressive Era
- Workers Comp
- Employer Liability
- Pensions for widows
The New Deal
[year and president]
Franklin Roosevelt
*Great Depression
The New Deal
Government assistance required
The New Deal
- Social Security
- Works Progress Admin. (construction jobs)
- Civilian Concervation Corps (conservation jobs)
- Bank reform
The War on Poverty
[year and president]
Lyndon B Johnson
* Civil rights movement, women’s right movement
The War on Poverty
Need to intervene in “The Other America”
The War on Poverty
- Economic opportunity act
- head start
- job corps
- food stamps
The Ownership Society
[years and presidentS]
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush
* Cultural theory of poverty begins here
The Ownership Society
expand personal responsibility, shrink federal programs
The Ownership Society
- Reagan Cuts (80s) - cut funding to govt programs and change economic policies. hurt poor men
- Welfare reform (90s) - reduce number of people dependent on govt. assistance. hurt poor women
- homeland security - gained additional funding from budget cuts of govt programs
The Next New Deal
[year and president]
Barack Obama
The Next New Deal
Government assistance required, increase support for families and communities
The Next New Deal
- Healthcare and education
- infrastructure and job creation
- Wall Street Bailout - added regulations but no criminal convictions