Exam 1 Flashcards
How wide is Flash ROM?
16 Bits
How Wide is RAM?
8 bits
How wide is OPCODE?
16 bits
How many address lines are needed to address RAM which has 64k
16 lines
How many address lines are needed to address Program Flash ROM which has 64K
15 lines
Branch if carry set
True or False: The target of a BRNE can be anywhere in the 4M word address space.
False, all conditional branches are short jumps (2 byte instructions) and must be within 64 bytes of PC
Size of long jmp
4 bytes
Size of rjmp
2 bytes
Size of ijmp
Stuffed into Z registers 2 bytes
True or False:The target address of a BRNE is forward if the relative address of the opcode IS negative.
Negative means backwards
Positive means forwards
How to find target location of Branching statement using the OPCODE
Target Location = PC + Bits 3-9 + 1
If negative number take 2s complement and then continue
CALL is a ____ byte instruction
4 byte
RCALL is a ____ byte instruction
2 byte
True or False: The RCALL target address can be anywhere in the 4M (word) address space?