Exam 1 Flashcards
Optimistic method
pick the best number to represent an option and choose the the best option based on those numbers
Pessimistic method
pick the worst number to represent an option and choose the best option based on those numbers
Harwitz method
alpha x (best) + (1 - alpha) x worst use equation for each option and chose option with best outcome based on the equation
Minimax Regret
create a table based on original table given, find the best option per situation not option assign a value of 0, calculate difference between value of best situation and the other situations, choose the option that presents the least amount of regret
Equal likelyhood
Find the average of the outcomes for each option. Choose the option with the highest average.
Decision Tree
composed of two nodes: Decision nodes and Chance nodes. When evaluating always start at the end and work back ward. Final answer should be the option not the expected value
Decision node
choices of options
Chance node
Expected value of Perfect Information
EV(w/ PI) - EV(w/o PI)
• Note: the quality of decision with PI should be better or equal to never worse than decision w/o PI
Discrete problem
The choice of locations are pre determined
Continuous problem
Infinite possible locations to choose from. 2 options Minisum and minimax
Minisum discrete problems
Minimize total travel time. Sum of demand x distance for each option. Must check each quantity of possibilities. Ex copier example, have to check 1 copier vs 2 copiers vs 3 copiers…etc. The number of options for each number of copiers is:
x! / (y! * (x - y)!)
Minimax discrete problems
Minimize the maximum travel time. This is more related to service like fire stations
straight line distance equation
sqrt((x1 - x)^2 + (y1 - y)^2)
rectilinear distance equation
x1 - x | + | y1 - y |