Exam# 1 Flashcards
Describe groupon
was very successful before 2011
- people who used groupon were not impressed
- small business were loosing thousands of dollars
- people who used group tend to spend less than their regular customers
- finding local businesses to use group required alot of work
- little repeat business
- bad CEO - ponny
What are the two types of leadership
- Romantic view of leadership
2. External control view of leadership
Is the romantic view of leadership implicit or explicit
Describe the romantic view of leadership
the leader is the key force in determining the organizations success or lack of success ex. fortune, business week, forbes. ex. steve jobs
Describe the external control view of leadership
rather than making implicit assumption that the leader is the most important factor in determining organizational outcomes, the focus is on external factors that could affect the company
-ex .economic downturns, new tech, gov legislations, war
what is incremental management
a company making a series of small minor changes to improve the efficiency of the operations
what is strategic management
consist of the analysis, decisions and actions an organization undertakes to create and sustain competitive advantage
Describe the three parts of strategic management in detail
- Analysis- breaking into parts and looking at it in detail (ex. SWOT) - vision, mission, strat. objectives
- Decisions- 2 basis ?s. What indudustry should we compete in and how should we compete
- Actions- implementing the company’s trategies. ex. allocate resources
what is the essence of strategic management
- the study of why some firms outperform others. ex. advantages that are suitable for long periods of time
Describe in detail the two fundamental questions in strategic Management
- How should we compete to create competitive advantage in the market place. Ex. low cost, unique items
- Hows to create competitive advanatge in the marketplace that are unique, valuable and difficult for rivals to copy or substitute
what is operational effectiveness
preforming similar activities better than rivals ex just in time, total quality, benchmarking, outsourcing
how is sustainable competitive advantage achieved
only be preforming different activities from rivals or performing similar activities differently
What are the four key attributes of strategic Management
- Directed towards the overall goals of the organization
- Includes multiple stakeholders in decision makings
- Requires incorporating short term and long term perspectives
- recognize tradeoffs between effeciveness and efficiency
what is creative tension
- managers maintain a vision for the future and focus on present operational needs
what is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency
- effectiveness- doing the right thing
2. Efficiency- Doing things right
what is ambidexterity
- a managers challenges to align resources, take advantages of existing products and existing product markets
what is the strategic management process
- strategic analysis
- Strategic formulation
- implementation
Describe intended vs realized strategy
- intended strategy- strategy in which organization decisions are determined only by analysis
- realized strategy- organization descisions are determined by both analysis and unforseen environmental development ( combination of delivarate and emergent strategies)
what is the definition of strategy analysis
-study of a firms external and internal environment and thei fit with organization vision and goals
what is the definition of strategy formulation
decisions made by firms regarding investment, commitment, and other aspects of operations that create and sustain company advanatge
what is the definition of strategy implementation
actions made by the firms tat carry out formulated strategy, including strategic controls and organizations design
what is the definition of corporate governance
the relationship among various participants in determining the direction of performance of the organization ( how things are run and by whom)
what are the primary parts in corporate governance
- Management (CEO)
- Shareholders
- Board of directors
what are board of directors
- the elected representatives of the shareholders charged with ensuring the interest and motives of management are aligned with those of the owners
what are shareholders
owners of the company
who are stakeholders
supliers and customers- an individual or group inside or outside the company that has a stake and can influence and organizations performance ex. emplyees, supplies, creditors
describe the zero sum
various stakeholders compete for the organization resources, the gain in one is the loss of the other
describe stakeolder symbiosis
are dependent upon each other for their success and well being ex. detergent being compact and concentrated
descibe social responsibility
expectation that businesses will strive to improve averall wellfare of society- ex. recycle
ex. BP witholding info about oil spill in mexico
what is the tripe bottom line
involved assesing financial information, environmental performance and environmental sustainability
why are sustainability projects so hard to implements
- data is often not available to calculate ROI
- many of the benefits are not tangible
- payback period is on a different time frame
what is the strategic management prespective
an imperative throughout the organization ( people throughout the organization must strive towardsthe overall goal), ( not just the top does the thinking)
What are thre three types of leaders
- Local line leaders- profit and loss responsibilitty
- executive leaders- guide ideas, create learning info.
- internal networkers- little formal authority but generate their power through the cinviction og their ideas
what is the hierarchy of goals
organization of goals ranging from at the top, those that are less specific and able to evoke powerful imager and at the bottom more specific and measurable
what is the hierarchy of goals
strategic objective
what is a vision
organizational goal that evokes powerful and comp. images
ex. disney- to be the happiest place on earth
what is a mission
- includes the purpose of the organization , its scope of operations and the basis of its competitive advtg.
- present/ factoral statement/ longer
what is a strategic objective
- a set of organizational goals that are used to operazionalize the mission statement, are specific and covers a well defined time frame
what is the criteria for strateic objectives
SMART S-Specific M-measurable A- appropriate/ attainable R- realistic T- Timely
what happened to the company cell zone
- it misread the market and texting became their main form of communitation vs phones. they only sold 300 units
what is the theory of business
- interraleted sets of assumptions/ biases about the structure of the relevant business
- ex. how to make money in the business, who the competition is, and who thecustomers are
what is perceptual acuity
the ability to sence what is coming before the fog clears
what are the three processes to develop a forecast
- Environmental Scan
- Environmental monitoring
- Competitive intelligence
define environemental scanning
- survaillance of a firms external evironment to predict environmental changed and detect changes already under way.
ex. procter and gamble and the amount of people that buy makeup
define environemtal monitoring
tracks the evolution of environemtal trends, sequences of events or streaming of activities.
ex. johnson and johnson- % of GDP spent on healthcare
define competitiveintelligence
helps the firm define and understand their industry and identify rivals strenght and weeknesses
- ex. anticipates competitors moves
ex. fortune,wall stret journal - ex. airlines looking at other airlines and the pices they charge
what ar some website that are used to gather intelligence
- slideshare- powerpoints about the comp buss.
- quora- questions, answers
- Ispionage- reveals ad words companies are buying - new campaigns
- Youtube- interviews
what is environmental forecasting
- involves the development of plausible projections about te direction, scope, speed and intensity of environmental change. -predict change
what is scenario analysis
a more in-depth approach to forecasting
-it draws on a range of disciplines and interest, among them rconomics, psychology, sociology and demographics -projectino of future possible events
what is one of the most basic techniques for analyzising firm and industry conditions
what does swot stand for
- Strenghts
- weaknesses
- opportunities
- threats
which two categories of the SWOT analysis refer to the internal conditions of the firm
- strenght
- weeknesses
which two categories of the SWOT analysis refer to the external conditions of the firms
- Opporunities