Exam 1 Flashcards
Cranial nerve 1
Olfactory. Sense of smell
Cranial nerve 2
Optic. Vision
Cranial nerve 3
Oculomotor. Eye movement
Cranial nerve 4
Torch lead. Eye movement
Cranial nerve 5
Trigeminal (3). Touch, general sensation to skin, oral cavity, nasal cavity…
Cranial nerve 6
Abducens. Eye movement
Cranial nerve 7
Facial. Muscles of facial expression and …
Cranial nerve 8
Vestibulo-cochlear. Hearing and balance
Cranial nerve 9
Glossopharyngeal. Sensory to pharynx and …
Cranial nerve 10
Vague. Larynx. Pharynx. And rest of body
Cranial nerve 11
Accessory. Sternoeidomastoid and trapezius
Cranial nerve 12
Hypoglossal. Muscle of tongue
Cranial nerve V1
Ophthalmic division. Boundary-lateral edge of eye. Skin above orbit. Lacrimal, supraorbital, supratrochlear,infratrochlear, external nasal nerve.
Cranial nerve V2
Maxillary division. Boundary- lateral edge of mouth. Skin of cheek below orbit. Zygomaticotemporal, zygomaticofacial, infraorbital
Cranial nerve V3
Mandibular division. To skin of jaw and face below angle of mouth. Auriculotemporal, buccal, mental