Exam 1 Flashcards
Not fully randomizing/IV’s not manipulated
Interval Measurement
Equal distances between points, but no absolute 0 (e.g. self-report scale 0-80)
Test-Retest Reliability
Getting the same results regardless of when you give the test
Uncontrolled Extraneous Variables
E.g. Floors 2 & 4 in nursing home–> different groups
Demand Characteristics
Anything that tips the subject off to the hypothesis
When is informed consent not required
Minimal risk (e.g. anonymous info, bland info)
Belief Perseverance
clinging to a belief even if someone disproves it
Confirmation Bias
interpreting info in a way that reaffirms preexisting beliefs
Availability Heuristic
events w/ strong emotional ties feel like they happen more often (e.g. casino, airplane crash)
Basic Research
No intervention, for the purpose of gaining knowledge
Applied Research
Does something to improve people’s life
Crombach’s Coefficient
Internal consistency–> how correlated are the items that you are looking at
Observer Bias
E.g. coder’s coding predictors and outcome
Construct Validity
the extent to which you are actually measuring what you want to measure
Criterion Validity
the extent to which a measure is linked to real world behavior
Content Validity
how well the items of a measure represent the entire universe of potential outcomes
Face Validity
the items of a measure look/feel like they correctly measure what you are looking at
Ordinal Data
ordered numerical data w/ different distances between them (e.g. ranked data)