Exam 1 Flashcards
morphological distribution
what kinds of affixes appear on the word
syntactic distribution
where in the sentence the word appears in/what other words appear near the word
hierarchical structure
constituents are embedded one inside another to form larger constituents
Constituency test
tests that show that a group of words functions as a unit and is thus a constituent
Pro-form replacement
The young lady chased the old man
She chased him
preposing: move an XP to the initial position
Clefting: It + be + XP + that + a clause
Passivization: XP + be + verb ed by…
Sentence fragments
asking the question for the constituent
John is a doctor
John is a doctor and a lawyer
TP –> {NP/CP] (T) VP
{} you can have either or, but not together
the beginning/end of the branch
root node
the node that dominates every node (but is dominated by nothing)
terminal node
a node that dominates nothing
non-terminal node
a node that dominates something
An NP that gets its meaning by referring to an entity in the world
An NP that obligatorily gets its meaning (or reference) from another NIP in the sentence
an NP that may (but need not) get its meaning from another NP in the sentence
Syntactic restrictions
The distribution of different types of NPs are each subject to a certain set of syntactic restrictions
an NP that gives its meaning to a pronoun or an anaphor
means of representing the meaning (or reference) of an NP
if two Nps refer to the same entity, then they get the same index
Binding Principle A
An anaphor must be bound within its binding domain
An anaphor must be c-commanded by a co-indexed NP
Binding principle B
A pronoun must be free in its binding domain
Binding principle C
An R-expression must be free (everywhere)
One-replacement (for nouns)
only constituents can be replaced with one
only constituents of the same category can be conjoined
N’s can be conjoined
Do so replacement (for verbs)
John often [sings opera loudly] at church and Mary rarely [does so] in the library
Conjunction test
The chef [eats beans] and [tosses salads] with forks
So replacements (for adjectives)
Bob is very [angry about social violence] but less [so] than he used to be
every phrase has a head
Specifier rule
XP -> (YP) X’
Adjunct rule
X’ -> (ZP) X’ or X’ (ZP)
Complement rule
X’ -> X (WP)