Exam 1 Flashcards
What does facilitated communication do?
Hold their arm to initiate the movement and provide physical and emotional support for kids with poor hand eye and muscle tone and speech problems and kids with autism - try and progress them to ind typing
First hand or third hand info?
We don’t know because we can’t distinguish between people
Studies we can conduct to test FC and limits?
Double blind study to control the situation to answer your fundamental question but we can’t do a properly control trial and they claiming that failure come from patients being antagonized and stressed out
What do research studies show about FC?
All facilitator control and no real communication from the person
Experimenter expectancy effect
They have different knowledge so participants act based on experimenter
Pymalion in classroom
Higher expectancy yields greater outcomes because they’re treated differently
Unintentional signaling
Clever hans and dogs - not intentional signals but microexpressions - ppl leaning forward
naive realism
see something - specific belief without attempt to see if its causal
Facilitators design test?
nope - they think its telepathic, locus of attention - best intentions that dont work
Changing the name of FC
rapid prompting to have keyboard in the air fly under the radar but remain credibility
how if FC a belief?
convinced and unwilling to look at something else - reciprocal trust
fundamentally why wouldnt FC work?
written language is a lot more complicated than spoken
how do facilitators produce msgs? `
without awareness - automatic writing which has less censors - moments of distraction and inattention caused by experimental bias, mental telepath, unconscious influence, subjective validation, stimulation leakage, expectancy effect, deception, self delusion
FC and american hearing and speech
not to be used
what are the two things that FC lacks?
Self determination and self report
comparative psychologist with evolution would explain behaviour as
primates - survival based reaction of monkeys
neuropsychologist would explain behaviour as
brain programs behaviour - frontal cortex/ dopamine neurotransmitter system
developmental psychologist explain behaviour as
lifespan and experience through
biology -
behaviour comes from
gene and environment starting at conception
importance of childhood
foundation (mental, thought, feelings and behaviours) of adult abnormal behaviour
passive interactions
family raising kids as they would like to be
evocative interactions
get encouraged if you’re good
active interactions
“do i want to do it?”
developmental disorders are
time bombs because they have a genetic/early environmental cause
schiz - 30 yr
huntingtons - 50 - dominant gene
alzeimers - 70
causes of developmental disorders - 4
genes, poor prenatal environment, stressful birth, miserable childhood (bully and divorce)
why not test for developmental disorders
no cure
do schiz become violent during an episode
schiz are often prone to
substance abuse - 1/4 is an addict but not smoking because nicotine receptors fixed these neurons
schiz population cure rates
1/4 recover with few problems
1/3 okay but issues/ relapse with limited abilities
1/3 in and out of hospitals
schiz lifestyles
20% cured 20% paid workers 13% home makers 10% rooming house 10% suicide 5% shelter 2% hospital 1% homeless
are schiz episodes predictable?
yes after the first one
Where did schiz come from
europe - causal dopamine overactivity - protein with other proteins - cytokenes (early) scaffold for migration of nerve cells
men vs women
men have it worse and women get it later and less because they have more friendship, support and cooperation
what is schiz - 4
split from reality - mental illness
young adult onset (sometimes sudden)
1% - life time vulnerability
cant use tough love
to test frontal and temporal cortex
eye movement
3 key elements to not having schiz
outgoing, happy childhood, intact fam
schiz illness path
diff for ppl - drugs that work can limit to 1-2 outbreaks per life time - the sooner the better
genetic influence
first/second relatives, genes and environment (adoption)
twins - 50%
parent - 10%
schiz and genes
multiple - not single recessive - 6p, 8p, 9, 20, 22- many common alleles with small effects
family of diseases
genotype enviornment correlation
musical parents put you in music classes
combo model of causes
- prenatal - 4
- lifespan - 9
- onset - 2
environmental - 18yrs and 9m
prenatal - infection in the winter after first trimester because the virus gets through the placenta
- malnutrition going into 3rd trimester (dutch hunger winter)
- toxins (lead)
- drinking, stress, disease
- urban
- minority immigrant in UK
- migrant - culture shock
- born in winter/early spring - inside lots
- prolonged/stressful birth
- seperation of placenta before born
- sexual abuse/poverty
- bullying
- shyness
- major psychosocial stress - late adoles - finish maturing to get jobs and leave homes
- substance abuse
schiz and teens
give them to teens if they are risky?
early views of family dynamics?
overprotective but cold parents in a double blind situation could help the schiz kid but not cause it
expressed emotions and schiz
overinvolved and critical might help onset and relapse, they recover better in developing countries
4 things that will get rid of schiz
universal excellent prenatal care
safe, stressfree delivery
stress management for YA
cooperative and supportive society
2 things that will not get rid of schiz
gene manipulation
support for fam/parenting - can make it milder
what happens if you develop schiz
quit work, leave school, hospitalized
antipsychotic to dampen
psychotherapy doesnt work - not environmental
if stressed induced - learn to deal with stress - behaviour management and socialization therapy
knowing something for certain - but we cant deduce with certainty
cogito ergo sum
i think, therefore i am - decartes
- logical deduction - quality of assumption
how do we know what we know - central and oldest in psych
priori knowledge
thoughts preexist - minds are there at the beginning and contain the beginning of thought
innate ideas
born with it - deductive rationalism - the wall and I are both solid so we cant both be there at the same time
basic understanding then reason for new understanding
why not innate ideas
children and idiots would be aware but they are not
locke and hume
tabula rasa - developmental, includes senses - basis of thought
empiricism - needs experience - INDUCTIVE that is specific to understanding and limited to your knowledge
william james
infant needs to sort through all that input- optimize dealings with the world - natural selection and blank slate
darwin - 5
descent with modification - survival of the fittest
- relatives for relevant genes - evolutionary
increase efficiency in transorming sensation into understanding
learn through experience - classical/operant conditioning
context specific understanding and track current state of environment
darwin - hard wired innate feelings for things important to you - survival behaviour
imprinting - darwin
phase sensitive learning
fixed action pattern - darwin
only fix the problem if they go back to the beginning of the sequence because they have limited abilities
long vs short lived - darwin
short have a tightly programmed behaviour repertoire
long have a uncertain life so increase your ability to change and anticipate
Jean piaget
biological adaptation and analysis and epistemological interpretation of higher form of adaptation
Jean piaget kids vs adults
dumb little ones with little understanding - develop adult capabilities by actively engaging to acquire conceptual understanding
piaget deductive
conclusion based on known facts - premise leads to conclusion - understand and manipulate objects
stages of development
genetic epistemology (developmental/constructionism how we come to understand) intelligence allows us to respond flexibly and adapt according to our biological maturity - appropriate standards
thought - piaget
biological adaptation and capacity of thought through adapting
knowledge piaget
constructed by action and builds on itself
adaptation piaget
assimilation and accomodation - take in and change it
disequalibrium and equalibrium
sensorimotor stage
birth - 2, learn by do, knowledge through action - object permanence
concrete operations stage
compensation reversibility - same size of glass dispite shape - inductive logic
identity piaget
stays the same if nothings added/subtracted
compensation piaget
changes in dimension can be offset by changes in another
relationship between biologically structured impulse and capacity to engage with the world (things that come in)
filter? knowledge in other heads?
value of the social
- cultural development - social and ind
- voluntary attention, logical memory, formation of concepts
sociocultural - complex, coconstruction with others and mediation of parents and others to help you shape the world
zone of proximal development - 2
parents help them to do things beyond their abilities - scaffolding
encultured others help them do it before they understand
social and biological
axn precede understanding from evolutionary history
why is multitask disrespectful
implicit decision of whats more important - flipping constantly
should i multitask - 2
no - they all suffer and the other looms over your head
later retrival is hard sand sometimes does not occur
task switching/interrupting - performance lowers with mistakes, time and poor quality
switching cost
losing things because you were multitasking - door study
not letting anything else come in - eva on her ipad
addiction of the phone is from
classical conditioning - the vibration in your pocket is a secondary social reinforcement
our attention and working memory
is limited
folk intelligence/psych
contain opposite beliefs, you get through life without knowing how to explain anything
confirmation bias
when you dont like them you look for everything they did wrong - false explanation for situations