Exam 1 Flashcards
What is an induced subgraph
A subgraph where we have all vertices and the edges that go along with it
What is an adjacency matrix
matrix of verticies
What is an incident matrix
matrix of edges
How many edges in a complete graph with n verticies?
(N(N-1) ) /2
What is a walk?
A sequence of verticies and edges and they can repeat
What is a path?
It’s a walk with no repeated verticies or edges
What is a Trail?
A walk where verticies can be repeated but edges cannot be repeated
What is a circuit?
A graph that contains one or more cycles.
What is a cycle?
Sequence of verticies and edges where starting and ending vertex is the same but we cannot repeat verticies or edges.
What is an eulerian circuit?
sequence of edges and verticies that start and end at same vertex and traverses every edge exactly once.
What is an eulerian trail?
sequence of edges and verticies that traverses every edge once and does not end at starting vertiex.
What is the distance?
number of edges in the shortest path between two verticies?
What is the diameter?
maximum eccentricity of any vertex in the graph.
What is elenctricity?
greatest distance between a vertex and any other vertiex.
What is radius?
The minimum elecentricity of any vertiex?