Exam 1 Flashcards
Phase I cardiac rehab:
Goal: make sure patient is safe/stable to go home
- no signs/sx of activity intolerance during self-care ADLs and light exercise
- self care activities
- progressive ambulation
- AROM exercise; flexibility
- Patient education
adverse responses to exercise:
- DBP >110 mm Hg
- decrease in SBP >10 mm Hg
- significant arrythmias with or without associated signs/symptoms
- second or third degree heart block
- angina, marked dyspnea, or ECG changes suggestive of ischemia
appropriate level of exercise after heart procedure:
2-4x a day MI: HR at rest +20bpm CABG: HR at rest +30bpm <120 bpm 3-5 min. bouts 1:2 rest ratio -progress to 10-15 min walking
abnormal SpO2 during exercise:
decrease >5%
-stop exercise if <80%
Phase II cardiac rehab
- outpatient
- supervised and monitored exercise
- social support
- pt education for risk factor reduction
Phase III cardiac rehab
- supervised unmonitored exercise
- continuation of previous interventions
phase IV cardiac rehab
-unsupervised unmonitored exercise
absolute criteria for stopping exercise
- EKG changes (ST-segment elevation without preexisting Q waves; sustained v-tach; arrhythmias; heart block with hemodynamic compromise
- > 10 mmHg drop in SBP (in conjunction with ischemia)
- angina
- ataxia
- dizziness
- faintness
- cyanosis/pallor
relative criteria for stopping exercise
- ST segment horizontal or downsloping >2 mm
- multifocal ectopi, ventricular triplets, bradyarrhythmias, supraventricular tachycardia
- > 10 mmhg drop in SBP (no ischemia)
- hypertensive response (>250 / >115
- fatigue
- wheezing
- leg cramps
P-R interval duration
0.12-0.20 sec
or lest than 5 little blocks
QRS complex duration
0.06-0.10 sec
Q-T interval duration
0.32-0.40 sec
heart surface viewed with lead I
heart surface viewed with lead II
heart surface viewed with lead III