Exam 1 Flashcards
Phase I cardiac rehab:
Goal: make sure patient is safe/stable to go home
- no signs/sx of activity intolerance during self-care ADLs and light exercise
- self care activities
- progressive ambulation
- AROM exercise; flexibility
- Patient education
adverse responses to exercise:
- DBP >110 mm Hg
- decrease in SBP >10 mm Hg
- significant arrythmias with or without associated signs/symptoms
- second or third degree heart block
- angina, marked dyspnea, or ECG changes suggestive of ischemia
appropriate level of exercise after heart procedure:
2-4x a day MI: HR at rest +20bpm CABG: HR at rest +30bpm <120 bpm 3-5 min. bouts 1:2 rest ratio -progress to 10-15 min walking
abnormal SpO2 during exercise:
decrease >5%
-stop exercise if <80%
Phase II cardiac rehab
- outpatient
- supervised and monitored exercise
- social support
- pt education for risk factor reduction
Phase III cardiac rehab
- supervised unmonitored exercise
- continuation of previous interventions
phase IV cardiac rehab
-unsupervised unmonitored exercise
absolute criteria for stopping exercise
- EKG changes (ST-segment elevation without preexisting Q waves; sustained v-tach; arrhythmias; heart block with hemodynamic compromise
- > 10 mmHg drop in SBP (in conjunction with ischemia)
- angina
- ataxia
- dizziness
- faintness
- cyanosis/pallor
relative criteria for stopping exercise
- ST segment horizontal or downsloping >2 mm
- multifocal ectopi, ventricular triplets, bradyarrhythmias, supraventricular tachycardia
- > 10 mmhg drop in SBP (no ischemia)
- hypertensive response (>250 / >115
- fatigue
- wheezing
- leg cramps
P-R interval duration
0.12-0.20 sec
or lest than 5 little blocks
QRS complex duration
0.06-0.10 sec
Q-T interval duration
0.32-0.40 sec
heart surface viewed with lead I
heart surface viewed with lead II
heart surface viewed with lead III
heart surface vwed with lead aVR
heart surface viewed with lead aVL
heart surface viewed with aVF
heart surface viewed by lead V1
heart surface viewed by lead V2
heart surface viewed by lead V3
heart surface viewed by lead V4
heart surface viewed by lead 5
heart surface viewed by lead 6
Steps to analyze an EKG
- Rate
- Rhythm
- P-wave morphology
- P-QRS Relationship and PR Interval
- QRS Morphology and duration
- T wave morphology
- ST segment
PVC is QRS interval is
> 0.1-.012 s