Exam 1 Flashcards
What is remote sensing?
=> Obtain information
=> About Earth’s resources
=> From a distance
=> Using electromagnetic energy
When was the first aerial image taken?
1858, Boston (using a balloon)
Launch of Landsat 1?
July 23, 1972
Describe Earth’s landscape.
=> Geographically variable
=> Time dynamic
What is em energy?
Energy that moves with the constant velocity of light in a harmonic wave pattern
Describe electromagnetic spectrum.
=> No sharp divisions
=> Classification of em energy according to wavelength (based on what they can do for us)
List colors (wavelengths) of electromagnetic spectrum.
ROY.G.BIV (Longer Shorter)
Additive colors?
Blue, Green, Red
Subtractive colors?
Yellow, Magenta, Cyan
What dyes are present to see black? Wavelengths?
Dyes: Y, M, C
Wavelengths: None
What is frequency, wavelength, amplitude?
Frequency = Speed Wavelength = Used to describe energy Amplitude = Height
What is atmospheric scattering?
=> Redirection of EM energy by suspended atmospheric particles
Raleigh Scatter
Elastic scattering of light or other EM radiation by particles much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. **Increases as wavelength decreases
Most common atmospheric constituents?
Nitrogen - 78%
Oxygen - 21%
Argon - 3%
Define spectral signatures.
=> An objects unique distribution of reflected, emitted, and transmission of EM energy