Exam 1 Flashcards
1) What is the difference between PA and exercise?
- Physical Activity (PA)
- Any bodily movement produced by the _________ of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in caloric requirements over resting energy expenditure.
- Exercise
- A type of PA consisting of _______, _________, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/or maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
- contraction —> PA - think regular activity that requires muscular contractions.
- planned, structured —> Exercise - PLANNED and STRUCTURED.
Key Terms
*Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
- Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
-_______ ________: the ability of muscle to exert force.
Muscular strength
- Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
-_______: the range of motion available at a joint.
- Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
- 1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
-_______ ________: the ability of muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.
Muscular endurance
- Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
-____________ _________: the ability of the circulatory and respiratory system to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity.
Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Health-Related and Skill-Related Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiorespiratory endurance
2) Body Composition.
3) Muscular strength
4) Muscular endurance
5) Flexibility
-_____ __________: the relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts of the body.
Body Composition
Key Terms
*Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-______: the ability or rate at which one can perform work.
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-______: the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time.
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-______: the ability to change the position of the body in space with speed and accuracy.
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-_______: the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving.
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-__________: the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing tasks smoothly and accurately.
- Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components
1) Agility
2) Coordination
3) Balance
4) Power
5) Reaction time
6) Speed
-________ _____: the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to it.
Reaction time
What MET level is considered “very light/light” ?
Anything LESS than 3.0 METS = very light/light
What MET level is considered “moderate” ?
3.0 - 5.9 METS = moderate
What MET level is considered “vigorous” ?
Anything GREATER than 6.0 METS = vigorous
Slowly walking around the home with a MET level of 2.0 would be considered…
1) very light/light
2) moderate
3) vigorous
1) very light/light
Heavy farming, such as bailing hay with a MET level of 8.0 would be considered…
1) very light/light
2) moderate
3) vigorous
3) vigorous
Mowing the lawn with a MET level of 5.5 would be considered…
1) very light/light
2) moderate
3) vigorous
2) moderate
Walking at a very brisk pace with a MET level of 6.3 would be considered…
1) very light/light
2) moderate
3) vigorous
3) vigorous
Sweeping the floors, vacuuming with a MET level of 3.0 would be considered…
1) very light/light
2) moderate
3) vigorous
2) moderate
ACSM-AHA Primary PA Recommendations
- All healthy adults aged 18-65 should participate in either…
1) moderate intensity aerobic PA for a minimum of ___ minutes on __ days a week
2) or vigorous intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of ___ minutes on __ days a week.
1) 30 minutes per day (moderate intensity), 5 days per week
2) 20 minutes per day (vigorous intensity), 3 days per week.
ACSM-AHA Primary PA Recommendations
*Every adult should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance for a minimum of __ days per week.
Because of the dose-response relationship between PA and health, individuals who wish to further improve their fitness, reduce their risk for chronic diseases and disabilities, and/or prevent unhealthy weight gain may BENEFIT by _________ the minimum recommended amounts of PA.
The Primary PA Recommendations
- All Americans should participate in an amount of energy expenditure equivalent to…
1) ____ minutes per week of MODERATE intensity aerobic activity.
2) __ minutes per week of VIGOROUS intensity aerobic activity.
3) or a combination of both that generates energy equivalency to either regimen for substantial health benefits.
What is the dose response relationship between PA and CVD?
1) There is an inverse, dose-response relationship between PA and CVD/HF risk.
2) “Some physical activity is better than none” and “additional benefits occur with more physical activity”.
Examples of the benefits of regular PA
- Improvement in cardiovascular and respiratory function.
- Increased maximal oxygen uptake.
- Decreased HR and BP at a given submaximal intensity.
- Decreased myocardial oxygen cost for a given absolute submaxiam intensity.
- Reduction in cardiovascular disease and risk factors.
- Reduced resting systolic/diastolic pressure
- Reduced total body fat.
- Reduced inflammation.
- Decreased morbidity and mortality
- Higher activity and/or fitness levels are associated with lower death rates from CAD.
- Higher activity and/or fitness levels are associated with lower incidence rates from CVD, stroke, type 2 diabetes, etc.
- Other benefits
- Decreased anxiety and depression.
- Improved cognitive function.
- Enhanced physical function and independent living in older individuals.
- Enhanced feelings of well-being.
- Reduced risk of falls/injury.
- Effective therapy for many chronic diseases in older adults.
*On the exam, be ready to list at least 5 benefits of regular PA.
Health Benefits of Improving Muscular Fitness
- Higher levels of muscular strength are associated with a…
1) Significantly better __________ risk factor profile.
2) Lower risk of all-cause mortality.
3) Fewer ____ events.
4) Lower risk of developing physical function limitations.
5) Lower risk for nonfatal disease.
1) cardiometabolic
3) CVD
Risks Associated with Physical Activity and Exercise
- Although the benefits of regular PA are well established, participation in exercise is associated with an increased risk for musculoskeletal injury (MSI) and cardiovascular complications such as sudden cardiac death (SCD) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
- [MSI/SCD/AMI] is the most common exercise-related complication and is often associated with exercise intensity, the nature of the activity, preexisting conditions, and musculoskeletal anomalies.
- [MSI/SCD/AMI] and [MSI/SCD/AMI] are associated with vigorous intensity are much less common than MSI but may lead to long-term morbidity and mortality.
MSI - musculoskeletal injury
SCD - sudden cardiac death
AMI - acute myocardial infarction
Who has a higher risk for AMI (acute myocardial infarction), regular exercisers or weekend warriors?
Weekend warriors (full-send extremists)
Define VO2
-Volume of _______ consumed per _______.
oxygen, minute
What is the difference between absolute and relative VO2?
- Absolute VO2 -
• The total volume of ______ consumed.
• Expressed as __/min. - Relative VO2 -
• The total volume of oxygen consumed related to body
• Allows comparison of aerobic fitness among individuals
of various body size.
• Expressed as __/__/min
Absolute expressed as: L/min
Relative expressed as: mL/kg/min
How do you calculate relative VO2?
- An Example
- If you are 70kg and have an absolute VO2 of 3.5 L/min, what is your relative O2 consumption?
- VO2 (mL/min) = 3.5 L/min x 1000 mL/1L = 3500
- VO2 (mL/kg/min) = 3500 mL/min ÷ 70 kg = 50
Define METs (Metabolic Equivalent of Task)
- Physiological measure expressing the _____ cost for physical activities.
- Defined as the ratio of metabolic rate during PA to a reference metabolic rate, set at ___ ml O2 · kg · min -1
METs review
- Light activity =
- Moderate activity =
- Vigorous activity =
3 - 6
VO2 at rest is approximately ___ ml/kg/min
3.5 ml/kg/min Equivalent to __ MET
The new preparticipation health screening process is based on three criteria…
1) The individual’s current level of structured ________ _______.
2) The presence of major signs or _______ suggestive of CV, metabolic, or renal diseases (Table 2.1)
3) The desired exercise ________.
1) physical activity
2) symptoms
3) intensity
The ACSM preparticipation screening ________ (Figure 2.2) is a new instrument designed to identify participants at risk for CV complications during or immediately after aerobic exercise.
- Algorithm components:
1) Classifying individuals who do or do not currently participate in regular ________.
2) _________ individuals with known CV, metabolic, or renal diseases or those with signs or symptoms suggestive of cardiac, peripheral vascular, or cerebrovascular disease, Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), and renal disease
3) Identifying desired exercise _______.
1) exercise
2) Identifying
3) intensity
- Know how to screen using the SCSM screening algorithm (we will be given the algorithm).
- Ch 2 PP, slide #15.
Self-Guided Methods
- Preparticipation health screening by self-reported medical history or health risk appraisal should be done for all individuals wishing to initiate a physical activity program
- This self-guided method can be easily accomplished by using the _______.
Be able to understand and define the following:
1) Dysrhythmia
2) Angina
3) Dyspnea
4) Ischemia
5) Prudent
_______: an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart muscles.
Be able to understand and define the following:
1) Dysrhythmia
2) Angina
3) Dyspnea
4) Ischemia
5) Prudent
__________: abnormality in a physiological rhythm, especially in the activity of the brain or hear
Be able to understand and define the following:
1) Dysrhythmia
2) Angina
3) Dyspnea
4) Ischemia
5) Prudent
__________: a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart.
Be able to understand and define the following:
1) Dysrhythmia
2) Angina
3) Dyspnea
4) Ischemia
5) Prudent
__________: difficult or labored breathing.
Be able to understand and define the following:
1) Dysrhythmia
2) Angina
3) Dyspnea
4) Ischemia
5) Prudent
__________: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
What “MUST” be present in the informed consent form?
1) _______ and Explanation of Test
2) Attendant _____ and Discomforts
3) Responsibilities of the Participant
4) _______ to be Expected
5) Inquiries
6) Use of ______ Records
7) Freedom of _______
1) Purpose
2) Risks
4) Benefits
6) Medical
7) Consent
- Components of the Medical History
- Medical diagnosis
- Previous physical examination findings
- Laboratory findings
- History of symptoms
- Recent illness, hospitalization, new medical diagnoses, or surgical procedures
- Orthopedic problems
- Medication use including supplements and drug allergies
- Other habits including caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or drug use
- Exercise history
- Work history
- Family history
- Negative Risk Factors
- Family history
- Cigarette smoking
- Physical inactivity
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Dislipidemia
- Diabetes
- HDL levels (above 60 = bad)
Components of the Preparticipation Physical Examination
Appropriate components of the physical examination may include the following:
1) Body weight; in many instances determination of body mass index, waist girth, and/or body composition (percent body fat) is desirable
2) Apical pulse rate and rhythm
3) Resting blood pressure: seated, supine, and standing 4) Auscultation of the lungs with specific attention to uniformity of breath sounds in all areas (absence of rales, wheezes, and other breathing sounds)
4) Palpation of the cardiac apical impulse and point of maximal impulse
5) Auscultation of the heart with specific attention to murmurs, gallops, clicks, and rubs
6) Palpation and auscultation of carotid, abdominal, and femoral arteries
7) Evaluation of the abdomen for bowel sounds, masses, visceromegaly, and tenderness
8) Palpation and inspection of lower extremities for edema and presence of arterial pulses
9) Absence or presence of tendon xanthoma and skin xanthelasma
10) Follow-up examination related to orthopedic or other medical conditions that would limit exercise testing
11) Tests of neurologic function including reflexes and cognition (as indicated)
12) Inspection of the skin, especially of the lower extremities in known patients with diabetes mellitus
- _______ _______ is the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels.
- Used without further specification, “______ ______” usually refers to the pressure in large arteries of the systemic circulation.
Blood pressure
What are the four categories of BP?
1) Normal
2) Prehypertensive
3) Stage 1 hypertensive
4) Stage 2 hypertensive
Normal BP:
- SBP: less than ___
- DBP: less than ___
- SBP: less than 120
- DBP: less than 80
Elevated BP:
- SBP: ___ - ___
- DBP: less than ___
- SBP: 120 - 129
- DBP: less than 80.
High BP - Stage 1 hypertensive BP:
- SBP: ___ - ___
- DBP: ___ - ___
- SBP: 130 - 139
- DBP: 80 - 89
*High BP - Stage 2 hypertensive BP:
- SBP: greater than or equal to ___
- DBP: greater than or equal to ___
*Hypertensive crisis
- SBP: higher than ___
- DBP: higher than ___
- SBP: greater than or equal to 140
- DBP: greater than or equal to 90
Hypertensive crisis
- SBP: higher than 180
- DBP: higher than 120
______ are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells.
Examples of lipids include fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins (__, __, __ and __), hormones and most of the non-protein membrane of cells.
A, E, D, and K
_________ are molecular level trucks to carry fats wherever they are required or stored.
- Modified steroid.
- Essential structure in all animal membranes.
- Precursor for biosynthesis of steroid hormones (including cortisol and aldosterone, progesterone, estrogens and testosterone), bile acid and Vitamin D.
Classifications of cholesterol
1) ___:
- Used to be the good cholesterol – not exclusively anymore.
- Garbage trucks of the blood system
- Synthesis of bile in the liver.
- Bile acids help to carry cholesterol out of our bodies through the stools
2) ___:
- Used to be bad, but not completely true.
- Assist in the release of cholesterol for use within body cells for normal cellular function.
- VLDLs are LDLs release their triglyceride to fat storage
- Elevated levels present a health risk.
1) HDL
2) LDL
- Lipid formed from 3 fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule
- Can easily be broken down for energy
What are the two types of triglycerides?
1) Saturated – contain double bonds – solid at room temperature
Examples – animal food sources – meat and dairy.
2) Unsaturated – do not contain double bonds – liquid at room temperature
Examples – plant sources – olives and nuts.
Fats are a subgroup of lipids – called _________.
What does HIPAA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Define HIPAA.
-A US law designed to provide privacy standards to _______ patients’ _______ records and other health information provided to health plans, doctors, hospitals and other health care providers.
Top 10 Most Common HIPAA Violations
- Keeping Unsecured Records
- Unencrypted Data
- Hacking
- Loss or Theft of Devices.
- Lack of Employee Training
- Gossiping / Sharing PHI
- Employee Dishonesty
- Improper Disposal of Records
- Unauthorized Release of Information
- 3rd Party Disclosure of PHI
Be able to explain systolic blood pressure.
BAM –> the amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart muscle.
Be able to explain diastolic blood pressure.
relax –> the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart rests between beats
When is low BP a problem?
-Only when it’s __________.
What are symptoms of low BP?
Fatigue, dizziness, passing out, discoloration, no oxygen flow, etc. This is when low BP becomes a problem.
When is someone considered obese?
-When your BMI is greater than ___.
-Name 3 potential sources of error in BP assessment
- Inaccurate sphygmomanometer
- Improper cuff size
- Rate of inflation or deflation of cuff pressure
- Faulty equipment
- Background noise
- Reaction time of technician