Exam 1 Flashcards
A king from the first dynasty of Babylonia around 1792. Known for Hammurabi’s Codes (the oldest surviving set of laws) and for spreading the control and influence of Babylonia.
The earliest form of writing that was derived out of accounting. It was script consisting of wedge shapes on a clay tablet.
A type of fruit that was grown heavily and harvested in Mesopotamia because it had many uses.
Irrigation/ Flooding
Flooding was a problem in certain areas, especially around the Nile in Egypt. They devised a way to irrigate the flood water into basins to help save their crops from being ruined.
Ishtar was the Mesopotamian goddess of love, fertility, sex, and war. She is known as the daughter of the god Anu, and Ishtar also played a pivotal role in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
A religious temple in Mesopotamia that had many different levels. Only the high priest could go to the very top where the ancients believed their god or goddess dwelled. Ziggurats are believed to be the inspiration for the Great Pyramids.
The Ka is a person’s life essence and is usually represented being surrounded by protective arms.
The Ba is a person’s personality and what made them unique in life. It is usually represented as a human headed bird.
He was originally Amenhotep, but changed his name after he decided he wanted to worship Aten and Aten alone. This made Egypt for the first time a one god religion. Many people didn’t like it, and he moved the capital of Egypt from Memphia to Armarna.
A semetic group of people that used to rule over Egypt until they were defeated by the Egyptians in 1570 led by Kamose from Thebes. They were undefeated for a long time due to their bronze chariot.
A pro-trade, female ruler who reigned from 1479-1458. After her death, Tutmos III (her stepson) tried to erase her from this life and the next.
Catal Huyuk
A large Mesopotamian city that was built among two mounds. Their houses were built right on top of each other.
Beveled-rim bowls
beveled rim bowls were a mass produced item that Uruk traded with. They can be found almost anywhere in the Mesopotamian area, sujjesting it allowed Uruk to be big players in the trading industry.
Clay balls that carried little stones representing somethings value. On the outside it had imprints of what was inside.
Early accounting systems
The early accounting system was recorded with symbols on clay tablets. It influenced writing and used the base of 60 which is what typically have with time. All of the records had to be signed by who made them.
A second generation god from Mesopotamia that became a main god for Babyloania. He is most famous for killing Tiamat.
One of the earliest monotheistic religions that has many similarities to Christianity. It was founded by Zoroaster who is their prophet. They worshiped Ahura Mazda and their holy book is the Avesta.
Amarna Tablet
Tablet recording the time during Ahkehanten’s reign and stay in Amarna that was the capital of Egypt at the time.