Exam 1 Flashcards
____ try to determine the ways in which we use language to communicate
___ is a verbal means of communicating that requires precise neuromuscular coordination
Can music reach the level of complexity found in speech?
When do infants experiment with sound?
Infants spend their first year experimenting with their vocal mechanisms and producing a variety of sounds.
The relationship between individual sounds, meaningful sound units, and the combination of these units is specified by __ ___ __ ____
The rules of a language
A socially shared code or conventional system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule governed combinations of those symbols.
The definition of language
Subcategories of the parent language that use similar but not identical rules
What happens to languages that don’t evolve, grow and change?
They become obsolete.
What happens when we lose language?
When we lose language we lose an essential part of the human fabric with it’s own unique perspective.
A complex and dynamic system of conventional symbols that is used in various modes for thought and communication.
ASHA’s definition of language 1/5
____ evolves within specific historical, social and cultural contexts.
___, as rule governed behavior, is described by at least 5 parameters.
What are the 5 parameters that language is described by?
Phonologic, morphologic, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic.
How is language learning and use determined?
Language learning and use are determined by the intervention of biological, cognitive, psychosocial and enviornmental factors.
What is required for effective use of language for communication?
Effective use of language for communication requires a broad understanding of human interaction including associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and sociocultural roles.
Why does language exist?
Languages exist because users have agreed on the symbols to be used and the rules to be followed.
Why are language rules needed?
Language rules specify a system of relationships among the parts, The rules for these relationships give language order. And they allow language to be creative.
The exchange of information and ideas, needs and desires, between two or more individuals.
Is communication
Communicative competence
The degree to which a speaker is successful in communicating, measured by the appropriateness and effectiveness of the message.
____ ____ is a complex, systematic, collabrative, context-bound tool for social action.
Human communication
Paralinguistic codes
Include suprasegmental devices such as intonation, stress/emphasis,speed/ rate of delivery, and pause/hesitation. They are superimposed (ontop of speech signal to signify attitude or emotion.
Paralinguistic mechanisms can change the form and meaning of a sentence by acting across elements or segments of a sentence.
Paralingusistic mechanisms are called suprasegmental devices.
What are nonlinguistic cues?
Gestures, body posture, facial expression, eye contact, head and body movement, and physical distance or proxemics convey information without the use of language.
What are metlinguistics?
Metalinguistic skills are the ability to talk about language, analyze it, think about it, judge it and see it as an entity separate from it’s content.
Cooperative communication requires…
Cooperative communication requires socio-cognitive skills of shared intentionality, animals dont have this.
What is considered the organizing principle of language?
Pragmatics is considered to be the organizing principle of language that determines the other four aspects when communicating.
Characteristics of language is:
Language is a social tool, rule governed, and generative.
___ Enables users to transmit ieas and desires to one another.
Language and speech are:
Modes of communication
_____Allow users of a language to create and comprehend messages.
The Rule governed system in language allow users to create and comprehend messages.
Linguistic competence
Linguistic competence is a language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules.
Linguistic knowledge in usage =
Lingusitc performance.
What does language is gerneratie mean?
Language is a generative system meaning that it’s a productive/ creative tool. It allows users to create unique meaning novel sentences. The ability to create different sentences.
How does language’s creativity (generativeness?) occur?
- Words can refer to more than one entity
- Entities can be called more than one name
- Words can be combines in a variety of ways.
Metalinguistics is also known as
human language being reflexive. We can reflect on how we use it and etc. etc.
Components of a language
Form, content, and use
Form is
Phonology = sound units and sequences Syntax= Sound order and relationships Morphology = words and word beginnings and endings
make statements
Main element of a sentence
Noun phrase and a verb phrase
the smallest grammatical unit includes free and bound morphemes
Free morphemes
Independent and can stand alone
Bound morphemes
Grammatical markers that cannot function independently. Can be derivational or inflectional
Derivational morphemes
Prefixes and suffices. They change whole classes of words. mad a noun turns into an adverb madly
Inflectional morphemes
suffixes only = tense markers like -ed and possessive markers and verb endings. ‘s, s, -ed
The aspect of language concerned with the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of symbols.
smallest linuistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning.
What rules govern the distribution of sequencing of phonemes within a language?
Phonological rules govern the distribution of sequencing of phonemes within a language.
Distributional rule
describe which phonemes can be employed in various positions in words.
Semantics is A system of rules governing the meaning or content of words and word combination
Word knowledge
Refers to an individual’s autobiographical and experimential understanding and memory of particular events.
Word knowledge
contains word and symbol definitions and is primarily verbal. forms the lexicon.
Are word and world knowledge related?
Yes. Ex: your concept of dogs is based on your experience with dogs.
Semantic features
Aspects of the meaning that characterize a word. Ex: The semantic features of mother include parent and female
Semantic restrictions
Based on specific features and prohibit certain word combinations because they are either meaningless or redundant.
Example: male mother > impossible, meaningless
and female mother >redundant
Are sentence meanings more important than individual meanings?
Yes because sentences represent a meaning greater than the sum of the individual words.
Concentrates on language as a communication tool that is used to achieve social ends.
-Focuses on how language is used to communicate rather than the way language is structures (syntax).
Pragmatics consitsts of :
Communication intentions and recognized ways of carrying them out.
- Conversational principles or rules
- Types of discourse such as narratives, jokes and their construction
Having a conversation or telling a narrative
In order to be valid speech must do 3 things:
- Involve the appropriate persons and circumstances
- Be complete and correctly executed by all participants
- Contain the appropriate intentions of all participants
Pragmatic rules
Pragmatic rules govern a number of conversational interactions including sequential organization and coherence of conversations, repair of errors, role and intentions.
taking turns, opening, maintaining, and closing a conversation, establishing and maintaining a topic, and making relevant contributions to the conversation.
sequential organization and coherence of conversations is
includes giving and recieving feedback and correcting conversational errors.
Role skills
include establishing and maintaining a role and switching linguistic codes for each role. Ex: speaking to a child vs. a Pastor
Roles in conversation
role in a conversation influences the choice of vocabulary and language form. Ex: as a Preacher vs. when your talking to your friends are very different. You are more relaxed when talking with friends
3 general categories of pragmatic rules
- Selection of the appropriate linguistic form
- Use of language forms consistent with assumed rules
- Use of ritualized forms
Speech can be indirect or direct
Ex: answer the phone vs. can you answer the phone
You still want them to answer it though you didn’t say it directly = indirectly.
Language ruled system used by an identifiable group of people that varies in some way form an ideal language standard.
Deficit approach
Each dialect has a different relative status. Meaning which one is closer to the standard language = better
Sociolinguistic approach
Views language as an equally valid rule system. Each dialect is related to each other and the language
_____ is the sending and receiving of information, ideas, feelings, or messages.
____ is an expression of an ability that is innate in all humans.
does language exist even when its not spoken?
Yes language exists in the mind
_______ is a system of abstract symbols and rule-governed structures
_____ is the oral expression of language
can speech exist without language?
Yes. ex. parrots who can mimic human speech but don’t have understanding of language
imitation of words, phrases, or even whole sentences infants
Charles F Hockett
he found the distinct features in human language that differs from animals language
vocal auditory channel
Human beings communicate by forcing air through the vocal folds or the larynx and breaking the vibrating air stream into sounds of speech, which are then organized into words and sentences.
what is the advantage of the vocal auditory channel?
it leaves your hands free and able to do other things while we are communicating.
Broadcast transmission and directional reception
when speech is produced it radiates in all directions can be received by any listener who is in range.
Rapid fading
means speech signals are transitory. once we say something that’s it we can’t stop it and it doesn’t linger around
the ability of one human being to say anything that is said by another human being.
ex. how children imitate speech
total feedback
human speakers gave the capacity to monitor what they say and how they say it. allows us to adjustments so that our thoughts are conveyed accurately
Speech is specifically designed for communication and serves no other purpose.
we speak to communicate
Humans can convey specific messages with words having stable relationships with the people things events and concepts.
ex. animals can only communicate danger. humans can communicate there’s a fire get out etc.
the words we use do not reflect their referents. there is nothing inherent in a word to account for its meaning.
our speech mechanism can produce a wide range of sounds or noises and each language has a discrete number of sounds. its difficult for speakers of another language to produce sounds in our language and vice versa due to the discreteness
humans can talk about things that are distant in space or time. we can talk about the past and the future unlike animals
one of the most important design features of human speech.
we can be creative in our speech. generativity
duality of patterning
how we can combine sounds to create new words
traditional transmission
we have the genetic or biological capacity for language acquisition
which are the 4 most important design features Hockett described
Semanticity, displacement, productivity, and traditional transmission
The examiner is….
Infants. 1- 6 months
Motor development of 1 month old
infants move their limbs reflectively, lifts head while on stomach but cannot support head while body held upright, has coordinated side to side eye movement
Cognition development of 1 month old
infants cry from distress, and remember objects that reappear within 2 1/2 seconds at 1 month old.
Socialization development of 1 month old
1 month Olds establishes eye contact with their mother, quiets when held, adjusts body to person holding them and smiles.
Communication development of 1 month old
1 month Olds respond to human voice which has a quieting effect, cries for assistance, and makes pleasure sounds, quasi resonant nuclei
quasi resonant nuclei
Vowel like sounds that aren’t crying come with smiling
Motor development of 2 month old
2 month Olds move their arms in circles smoothly, swipes at objects, holds head up briefly while on stomach, raises head while seating, open and closes hand, holds for few seconds
Cognition development of 2 month old
2 month Olds visually prefer face to objects, repeats own actions, excites in anticipation of objects, increased awareness of stimuli
Socialization development of 2 month old
2 month Olds get excited when they see other people, has an unseletive social smile, prefers touch and oral stimulation rather than social stimulation
Communication development of 2 month old
2 month Olds can distinguish different speech sounds and make more guttural/ throaty gooing
Motor development of 3 month old
3 month Olds lift their heads and chest while prone, hold their head up with minimum bombing while sitting supported, can swallow voluntarily, reaches and grasps, swipes at dangling objects, kicks more forcefully
Cognition development of 3 month old
3 month Olds attain full focus, can glance smoothly between objects, visually searches for sounds, stops sucking to attend to voice.
Socialization development of 3 month old
3 month Olds visually discriminate different people and things. they recognize their mother. have selective social smile. sleep most of the night.
communication development of 3 month old
3 month Olds coo single syllable (ex. da)
turn their head when they hear a voice. respond vocally to speech of others. make predominant vowel sounds.
Motor development of 4 month old
4 month Olds can turn their heads in all direction, can roll over completely, on stomach they can raise their head and chest on arms. Occasionally opposes thumb and fingers, grasps small objects put in hand and brings objects to mouth
Cognition development of 4 month old
4 month Olds localize sound, stare at place from which an object is dropped, remembers visually for 5-7 seconds, recognizes mother in group and senses strange places and people
socialization development of 4 month old
4 month Olds pay attention to faces and discriminate different faces, looks in direction of person leaving the room, anticipates bring lifted and laughs when played with
Communication development of 4 month old
4 month olds babble strings of consonants, varies pitch, imitates tone, smiles at person speaking to him or her
motor development of 5 month old
5 month olds. sit supported for up to half an hour, rolls from stomach to back, can be easily pulled to stand, has partial thumb opposition and swaps objects from hand to hand
Cognition development of 5 month old
5 month olds recogbuze familiar objects, anticipate whole object after seeing a part of it, is capable of 3 hour visual memory, explores by mouthing and touching , remembers own actions in immediate past
Socialization development of 5 month old
5 month olds discriminate parents and siblings from others, imitates movements, frolics when played with , displays anger when objects are taken away
Communication development of 5 month old
5 month Olds vocalize to toys, discriminate angry and friendly voices, imitate some sounds, responds to name, smile and vocalizes to image in mirror
Motor development of 6 month old development
6 month Olds turn their heads freely, sit straight when slightly supported or in chair, balance well, reach with one arm, turn and twist in all directions, creeps
Cognition development of 6 month old
looks and reaches smoothly and quickly, inspects objects, reaches to grab dropped objects
Socialization development of 6 month old
6 month olds differentiate social responses, prefer people games like peekaboo, feeds self with finger good, explores face of person holding