Exam 1 Flashcards
Mather Luther
- late 15th century to early 16 century
- Germany
- salvation by faith alone
- services in the vernacular
- priesthood by believer ( individuals have their own relationship with God w/o needing a priest & through prayer and scripture study)
- human beings do not have free will (gods discretion)
- one of the founders of the Protestant Reformation
- Clock maker in the mid 1700s
- Western Europe and North America
- deists believed in a creator God who created he universe and then backs away-letting it operate on its own
- most reject the idea of divine Jesus-they celebrate him as a moral thinker
- influenced by Newton as to how the universe works
- study creation to learn about a God
- Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson are examples
Hammer of the witches
Late 15th century
Germany written by Germans
Written by Kramer and sprenger
Was recommendations and advice for ppl investigating charges of witchcraft
Said woman were far more likely to practice black magic
Said anyone who speaks out or doubts witchcraft is a heretic
This is a subject that Christians of the time found common ground with, and later this book is very influential in the witch hunts like Salem
Dutch east India company
Early 17th century and late 18th century
Traded with India and Eastern Asia
Backed up by the government
Can conclude peace and treaties
First Time in the world they can buy/sell stock
Traded silk, spice, opium, and elephants. Made a lot of money for holland
Mid 15th century India Founded by guru Nanak Commonality between Hindus and Muslims Claims there is one universal God Discouraged followers to follow sati A religion still in practice today-preached nonviolence and men and women are equal
John Locke
Becomes opposed of an idea that kings can rule as absolute monarchS
Part of the Glorious Revolution to bring out the “Bill of Rights”
Thinks a gov is necessary but if BOR are broken then gov should change
Not in favor for tolerance when Roman Catholics should enjoy tolerance or when atheist should enjoy tolerance
Came up with the idea of the three natural rights-life liberty and property
Hernando Cortes
Late 15th century and mid 16th century
Spent early years in Cuba but mostly associated with Mexico coast
-encapsulated the Spanish movement into Americas
-1519-gets Spanish gov to sign off on voyage to the west and takes 600 men
-once they arrive, he burns his ships to prove they won’t comeback until they win
-met Dona marina to translate and momma
-learns about Aztec empire
Issac Newton
Mid 1600-1727
-published “mathematical principles of natural philosophy”
-explains the heliocentric model
-went to Cambridge
-universal law of gravitation
-we use this law with Albert einsteinium additions
Mid 1600s-1605
Muslim Ruler
Known for military conquest
Key figure in promoting religious tolerance
Tried to create a new religion “the divine faith”
Married a Hindu princess
He was tolerant of other religions and wanted Christians and Hindu to come To his court and discuss philosophical ideas and wanted to ban sati religion
Molly Wollstonecraft
Mid to end 18th century
Worked as a governess
Wrote “thoughts on the education of daughters”
Supported both the American and French Revolution (mad they talk about equality & not gender)
Writes “vindication of the rights of women”
—–says femLes have the same capSity as males
Dies 10 days after giving birth to daughter
Founder of modern feminism
China Under The Ming Dynasty
1368-1644 China Leaders rely on large civil service Painful exam process to get job based on Confucius Males must be castrated Foot binding
Giordano Bruno
Mid 16th century to 1600
He believed the universe was infinite because he thought God was infinite which meant infinite creation
He thought there was no center to the universe and there was infinity planets like earth
Gets in trouble with the Catholic Church and spends 8 years in prison
He goes to trial and is given a chance to recant- he refused and is burnt to the stake
Afonso 1
Early to mid 16th century
Encourages members of his court to become catholic
Provides land for missionaries
Encourages ppl to wear European textiles
Opens up kingdom to Portuguese slave traders
Discovers ppl of his own are being enslaved and contacts Portugal about it
Sets up a commission that will determine whether or not a person can be sold to Portugal
Early 17th century -mid 19th century
Samurais way of life
Emphasized honor, loyalty to lord
Practiced Seppuku (ritual disembowelment)
Was the code of Samurai
Way of life for the samurai which was the elite fighting force for the daimyo
Suleiman the Magnificant
Early to mid 16th century
Nicknamed the law giver
Successor of Mehmet 2
He has one son with his official wife and then one with slave so who will succeed him?
His reign sets a precedence for problems to come after him
Brought together a colevent law system
No contract between master and slave
Men won’t give up liberty with something in return
Most important society is family
The son will do everything the father tells him
The son can leave voluntarily when old enough(liberty)
People are born free and their liberty belongs to them and no one has the right to take it
Religious intolerance was against the laws of nature
All religions are equal
Goes to tell the Catholic Church that because of his heretical thinking that he didn’t need to be tortured in ways they described and that he wants to be saved without torture
He states we don’t know the degree of our creator is–can’t assume he doesn’t want other religions around
You need proof to imprison a person
These proofs need to have confession from multiple ppl
Proof that is significant enough for justification to imprison.
Only 2reasons for death penalty
1) endangers the security of the nation
2)if death was only way to stop others from committing crimes too
Enlightenment-when a person progresses through a state of thinking
When one moves from someone thinking to for him to that person thinking about themselves
THe person needs the freedom to think for themselves
The more free a society is the more enlightened
Once enlightened-can ask Constructive questions to solve problems
People in society need to work to keep this enlightenment by keeping education at a premium so that society knowledge continue to progress