Exam #1 Flashcards
What is Intimacy?
Getting within someone’s life
What are the Key attributes of Intimacy?
Knowledge, Caring, Interdependence, Mutuality, Trust, Commitment
What is Knowledge?
Sharing of info, getting to know someone
What is caring?
Feeling of affection, empathy, or compassion
What is interdependence?
How one person will influence the other.
What is Mutuality?
you and me become WE
What is trust?
how we can depend on one another (Major Priority)
What is Commitment?
How much are you willing to sacrifice
Why is intimacy important?
Gen. 2:18 not good to be alone.
Also psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being
What are factors that influence intimacy?
Biology, environment, and personality
What is the biological aspect of relationships?
Sex drives and temperament
What are the two types of extroverts?
Affiliative and Agenic (AA)
What are the four types of Introverts?
Social, Thinking, Anxious, Reserved (STAR)
What is an Affiliative extrovert?
Someone who is with people a lot.
What is an Agenic extrovert?
Someone who is prideful and puts themselves first.
What is a Social introvert?
someone who is shy in public
What is a Thinking introvert?
someone who is introspective and thoughtful about things
What is an Anxious introvert?
someone who is self-conscious and awkward
What is a Reserved introvert?
someone who thinks a lot before acting, someone who is cautious.
how does culture affect intimacy?
through independence and interdependence.
What is independent?
The idea and emphasis on individual, “my way,” self emphasis
What is interdependent?
emphasis on social relationships and social connectedness
What are the four types of attachments?
Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent, Disorganized (SAAD)
What is Secure attachment?
low avoidance, low anxiety
What is Avoidant attachment?
High avoidance, low anxiety, dismissing in relationships (what you see is not what you get)
What is an Ambivalent attachment?
low avoidance, high anxiety. preoccupied in relationships
What is a Disorganized attachment?
High avoidance, high anxiety. fearful in relationships
What are the the five personality traits?
Openness, Consciousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN)
What is an Openness personality trait?
those who are imaginative and adventurous.
What is a Consciousness personality trait?
those who are thoughtful and good self-control and are organized
What is an Extroversion personality trait?
those who are social, talkative and assertive
What is an Agreeableness personality trait?
those who are trustworthy, kind, affectionate and cooperative.
What is a Neuroticism personality trait?
those who are emotionally unstable, moody, and sad.
What are some of the general features of attractiveness?
symmetry, eyes, color red, how you smell, and how people move.
What are females attracted to in males?
A face of maturity and dominance, a .9 waist/hip ratio and a lower pitched voice.
when do women like a soft face on men?
during times of menstrual cycle.
Women like rugged macho men more when?
they are on hormonal contraception
When do women like tender and lovable guys?
When they are no on hormonal contraception
What do males find attractive about females?
bigger eyes, features of youthfulness, vitality, .7 waist/hip ratio, long hair and heels.
What is the percentage of cosmetic surgeries?
90% is on females
What does liking and loving mean in relationships?
the deeper in love or liking of someone the more attractive you are to them.
What is Social Comparison?
one walking in a group of attractive people is seen as more attractive than he/she actually is. (This is what usually happens.)
What is Social Contrast?
Not as attractive when in a group of more attractive people.
What are High self monitors?
Emphasizes physical attractiveness a lot.
What are physical attractiveness stereotypes?
What is beautiful is good.
What is the Matching Phenomenon?
similar physical attractiveness in people usually get together (Universal)
What is mate value?
it is the physical attractiveness and the acceptance of another.
What is proximity?
What is physical nearness?
live close to each other
What is functional distance?
can be physically close but if you never talk then no relationship can form.
What is Anticipatory interaction?
thinking about being close to someone can increase actual liking towards them. (psychological attraction increased.)
What is the mere exposure effect?
The more you are around a person the more you like them
What is the rewards theory?
we tend to like others who will reward us.
What are direct rewards?
gifts, compliments, physical things.
What are indirect rewards?
reward by association
What is reciprocity?
when people do something for us, we feel like we need to do something for them. (when people like us, we more likely like them.)
What is attribution?
perceptions of people, explanation we use to explain others actions
what is intrinsic attribution?
It is just who they are and the way they are.
What is extrinsic attribution?
it is the situation and not the person
What is ingratiation?
flattery to get on someones good side to get a favor or something from you (manipulative)
What is contrast effects?
when people feel bad and you lift the person up. They’ll probably like you.
what is censorship?
don’t like to be with people who make us feel bad about ourselves.
What does “birds of a feather flock together?”
demographics values and attitudes most important to be similar Basic personality.
What does dissimilarity leads to dislike mean?
dissimilarity carries more weight than similarity, single bad events affect a lot more than a single great event.
What is important in psychological attraction for both men and women?
warmth& loyalty are both valued.
Attractiveness with vitality is mainly men.
status and resources is mainly women
What does consensus mean?
do other people act that way in that situation?
high consensus leads to external attribution.
What is distinctiveness?
do you act the same way in different situations?
high distinctiveness leads to high external attribution
What is consistency?
does the person usually act this way?
high consistency leads to high internal attribution
What is correspondant inferences?
assume peoples actions correspond with intent
What is Locus of Control?
extent to which you perceive the control you have over your life
What is internal locus of control?
I have effect, what I do will make a difference
What is external locus of control?
What I do doesn’t make a difference at all.
What is global vs. specific?
always arguing about everything? or only very specific things?
What is stability?
happening all the time? or just sometimes?
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
in judging other people, we tend to make internal attributions of them rather than external
What is the self-serving bias?
success to self and failure to the situation, if it goes right it was me if it failed it was other people.
What is the key motivation of self-serving bias?
seeing yourself as good
What is better than average effect?
think you’re better than the average person. closer to someone you get, the less you have of this.
What is the overconfidence Phenomenon?
overconfidence leads to under preparation
What is positive illusions?
beneficial to view partner in positive light. BUT we can view that person too positively too early.
What is commonality distortion?
False consensus - if it is a bad trait about my life/myself then we see it as very common.
False Uniqueness - if it is a good thing then i’m special and not many people do it.
What is Narcissism?
Someone who has an inflated view of themselves
What is primary effect?
All things being equal, info presented first carries most weight.
What is confirmation bias?
only seeking in for that confirms your side of things.
What is belief Perseverance?
strong evidence this belief is wrong but you don’t care
What is a schema?
A mental category collection of beliefs
our schemas create expectations in our relationships.
What is Idealism?
high expectations of the way things should be.
What is frustration?
gap between ideals and reality is so big it leads to frustration
What is romanticism?
Idea that there is 1 perfect person for you (love at first sight)
What is destiny beliefs?
meant to be or no
What is growth beliefs?
grow together, work through it.
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy: Others
The tendency for expectations to produce confirming behavior
Self- fulfilling Prophecy: Self
rejection sensitivity leads to likelihood people will reject you or your input
What is self-enhancement?
Being built up, positive.
What is self-verification?
want to know truth, to know yourself better.
what is kinesics?
Body communication by movements and posture
What is gestures?
Accompanies language. no meaning on it’s own,
What are emblems?
nonverbal communication, can substitute for speech and have to not say another word
What is popular?
recognized as same thing in most cultures
What is unique?
meaning in one culture, no meaning in others.
What does multi-meaning mean?
Something in one culture, something totally different in another.
What is the primary affective displays?
happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, and disgust.
What is externalizers?
high facial expressiveness
What is internalizers?
little facial expressiveness
What is Oculesics?
Eye contact
What is Visual dominance ratio? (VDR)
don’t look at me if i’m a higher status.
What is pupillometrics?
size of pupils
What are Haptics?
how we communicate with touch
What are olfactics?
sense of smell
What is fishy smell?
lack of trust
What is lavender?
greater trust
estrogenic effects
What is proxemics?
psychophysical effects of distance
closer you get to someone psychologically, the closer you let them get to you physically
What is prosody?
pitch, tone of voice, accents
What is Chronemics?
Time with communication (time tells us who is important us)
What is closed chronemics?
endless circles of time, unending cycle.
What is open chronemics?
linear view of time, arrow, there’s a beginning and end. (like the Bible.)
What is the International gap?
People misunderstand what other person says
Positive/negative ratio of good relationship?
5 positives to every 1 negative.