Exam 1 Flashcards
Symptoms appropriate for PTs to treat
- symptoms change with position or postural changes
- active or passive ROM
- resistive or special tests
Red Flag Symptoms
- visceral pain patterns
- consistent pattern symptoms
- existing symptoms that do not vary with active or passive ROM, resistance testing, or postural changes
Initial Screen using WHO levels
- body structures and functions impairments
- activity limitations
- participation restrictions
Initial Eval using systems review
- neuromuscular
- musculoskeletal
- cardiopulmonary
- integumentary
- also gastrointestinal, urogenital, reproductive, endocrine, psychological (not really for PTs)
Purposes of Examination and Evaluation in the clinic
- Examine and evaluate to determine impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions
- Establish a clinical diagnosis and prognosis
- Select and apply best available evidence-based interventions
Examination tests and measures Priority items
- height and weight
- Blood pressure (BP)
- Heart rate (HR)
- Respiratory rate
Two classes of cells in the Nervous System
- neurons (nerve cells)
- glia (supporting cells)
Parts of a neuron
- dendrites
- cell body
- axon hillock
- axons
- presynaptic terminal
- presynaptic neuron
- post-synaptic neuron
- node of ranvier
- presynaptic terminal
- synaptic cleft
- postsynaptic membrane
Axon Hillock
- where axon meets cell body before it synapses
- the closer the first order neurons are to this, the more likely they are to get the neuron to fire
Glial Cells
- Schwann cells (PNS)
- Oligodendrocyte cells (CNS)
Node of Ranvier
- areas where there is no myelin
- sodium goes in, potassium goes out
- area that causes depolarization
- helps speed up the contraction
Saltatory Conduction
- with unmyelinated neuron
- sodium and potassium exchange must occur entire length of axon vs. when myelinated
Dendritic Aborization
- takes in all of the signals
- many dendrites to one axon
- moreso with sensory info where need to collect detailed info from everywhere (sensory integration)
Motor Nerve
- less dendrites than with sensory
- synapse on muscle fibers
- multipolar neuron
Structural Classes of Neurons
- Bipolar (interneuron)
- Unipolar (sensory neuron)
- Multipolar (Motorneuron)
- Pyrimidal Cell
Sensory neurons
- considered unipolar
- one cell body with two axons going both ways from cell body whereas bipolar has one half dendrite and one half axon
- still has small area of dendrites
4 Main Functions of Glial Cells
- provides structure for the neurons, surrounds neurons and holds them in place
- forms the (lipid) myelin sheath, speeds NCV (voltage gated ion channels are concentrated in nodes of ranvier), insulates one neuron from another
- supplies nutrients and oxygen to neurons
- destroys pathogens and removes dead neurons
Glial Cells of PNS
- Schwann Cells
Glial Cells of CNS
- Oligodendrocytes
- Astrocytes
- Microglia
Schwann Cells
- usually only myelinates one neuron
- myelin spirals around axon to form myelin sheath
- nodes of ranvier
Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) of myelinated vs unmyelinated axons
- unmyelinated axon (C-sensory nerve): axon diameter 1 um & NCV = 0.5-2 m/s
- myelinated (alpha MN): axon diameter 12-20 um & NCV 72-120 m/s
- most common glia
- fill most of brain space not occupied by neurons
- astrocytes are supporting cells within CNS
- provide structural support and insulate neurons from each other
- maintenance of blood-brain barrier
- during inflammation and injury, they divide and wall off damaged areas
- act as scavengers: remove neurotransmitters from synaptic cleft, clean up debris during early development and during recovery after injury
- contain branched cytoplasmic processes and play an important phagocytic role
- protective and destructive roles (delicate balance between the two)
Microglia protective jobs
- activated and mobilized after injury, infection, disease
- important during brain development
- function as phagocytes (ingest and destroy bacteria, cells and other materials)
Microglia destructive jobs
- in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and aging
- release of toxic compounds into neural environment
- HIV/AIDS can activate microglia and stimulate a cascade of cellular breakdown
CNS Demyelination
- damage to myelin sheaths in brain and SC
- multiple sclerosis (MS): autoimmune disease in which the oligodendrocytes are attacked by the person’s own antibodies, produce patches of demyelination = plagues in the white matter
- CNS: brain and spinal cord
- PNS: everything that is not brain or spinal cord
Within one musculocutaneous nerve, what could all be in it
- Ia phasics
- Ia tonics
- Ibs
- III and IVs
- Alpha MNs
- Gamma MNs
LMN lesion S&S
- atrophy
- weakness
- hypotonic DTRs
- decreased muscle tone
- fasciculations
- in peripheral nerve (or cranial nerve) distribution
UMN lesion S&S
- spasticity
- hypertonic and hypotonic DTRs
- clonus
- Babinski or Hoffman’s reflexes
- Weakness
- Synergistic movement patterns
- usually effects one or both sides of body
- rapid, fine, can be painless but usually painful contraction of groups of muscle fibers
- visible by not strong enough to move limbs
- commonly seen in anterior horn disorders (ALS)
Patterns of Motor and Sensory Loss for UMN Brain
- motor loss of a body part
- sensory loss of body part
- glove-like or sock-like (both sides of arm or leg)
- reflexes: hypo or hypertonic
- sensory loss: post-central gyrus (3, 1, 2)
- motor loss: pre-central gyrus (4)
Patterns of Motor and Sensory Loss for UMN SC
- motor loss: myotome or loss below level of injury
- Sensory loss: Dermatome or loss below level of injury
- reflexes: hypo or hypertonic
Patterns of Motor and Sensory Loss LMN Nerve Root
- Motor loss: myotome
- Sensory loss: dermatome
- Reflexes hypotonic
Patterns of Motor and Sensory Loss Peripheral Nerve
- Motor loss: nerve distribution
- Sensory loss: nerve distribution
- Reflexes hypotonic
- Peripheral nerve compression somewhere after the plexi (after the peripheral nerves have been formed)
Perform sensory & motor examination to determine which nerve has an compression site (and where)
UE PND (peripheral nerve distribution) for Radial Nerve
- motor: elbow extension, wrist and finger extension, supination
- sensory: back of arm, web space between thumb and pointer finger, triceps area, lateral upper arm sliver, sliver down to dorsal forearm
- radial (C6-8, T1)
UE PND (peripheral nerve distribution) for Median Nerve
- Motor: Pronation, Wrist flexion, Long finger flexors
- Sensory: palmar side of digits 1-3 and 1/2 of 4. tips of both sides of 1 and 2,
- C6-8, T1
UE PND Ulnar Nerve
- Motor: Little finger abduction, interossei
- Sensory: palmar side of 1/2 ring finger and pinky…dorsal of 3-5, middle of upper arm on biceps and down medial lower arm down to pinky
- C8, T1
LE PND for Deep peroneal nerve
- Motor: Dorsiflexion, Toe extension
- Sensory: medial top of foot
LE PND for Superficial peroneal nerve
- Motor: Eversion
- Sensory: lateral 1/2 of front of leg 1/2 way down below knee and wrap to little bit on back
LE PND for Common peroneal nerve
- Motor: all
- Sensory: all
- L4-5, S1-2
LE PND for Tibial nerve
- Motor: Ankle plantarflexion, Inversion, Toe flexion
- Sensory: medial and lateral calcaneal
- L4-5, S1-3
Botulism Etiology
- neurotoxin produced by Clostridium Botulinum
- anaerobic, gram-positive rods
- found in improperly preserved or canned foods and contaminated wounds
Botulism Classification (mode of acquisition)
- food-bourne (ingested) i.e. honey
- wound
- unclassified
Botulism Mechanism
- toxin enters PREsynaptic terminals
- blocks fusion of ACh vesicles with presynaptic membrane (myoneural junction)
- inhibit ACh release into neuromuscular junction
- nerve impulse fails to transmit across the neuromuscular junction
- muscle paralysis
Incidence of Botulism
- 10 adults and 100 infants (under 9wks) in US per years
Signs and Symptoms of Botulism
- develop within 12-36 hrs following ingestion of contaminated food (acts quickly since enters the blood upon digestion)
- Gradual recovery over weeks – months (typically get full recovery in both adult & infant)
- Flaccid symmetrical paralysis
- Blurred & double vision, photophobia, ptosis (dropping of eyelids)
- Dry mouth, nausea, & vomiting
- Lethargy
- Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia) & speech (dysarthria)
- Can progress to involve respiratory
- muscles: respiratory failure can occur in 6-8 hours
- No sensory involvement
- Autonomic involvement
Botulism deaths
- more in A&E and none in type B
- respiratory failure is main problem
Prevention Botulism
- boiling food X 10 minutes will destroy toxin
- avoid honey for children under one year of age
- appropriate wound care and sterile technique
Intervention of Botulism
- 8-20% overall mortality rate (fatal within 24 hrs secondary to resp failure)
- ABE serum antitoxin (antibodies of type A, B, E toxin)
- debridement and antibiotics for wound
- removal of toxin from GL gastric lavage (pumping stomach)
- supportive measures, e.g. IV mechanical vent
Recovery of Botulism
- sprouting of new terminal nerve filaments and formation of new synapses
- botulinum toxin (BT)
- BT type A is a prescription medicine, pharmacological management of spasticity
- physician should have considerable experience in use, knowledge of its indications, effects and safety in clinical practice
- Dysport and Botox type A toxins are both licensed medications for the treatment of focal spasticity.
Botox is used to treat Spasticity in indiviuduals with
- MS
- Dystonia
How does BT Work?
- prevent release of acetylcholine from the PRESYNAPTIC nerve terminal, thus blocking peripheral cholinergic transmission at neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
- Dose-dependent, reversible reduction in muscle power.
- the clinical effects are temporary, the toxin degrades and becomes inactive within the nerve terminal
- NMJ atrophies and then regenerates with re-sprouting.
- muscle weakness resolves over three to four months.
Myasthenia Gravis Breakdown
- my = muscle
- asythenia = weakness
- gravis = large
- post-synaptic membrane disease at neuromuscular junction
Myasthenia Gravis Pathology
- widened synaptic cleft
- loss of folds (muscle endplate membrane)
- reduction in number and density of ACh receptors
- results in weakness or paresis
- ACH neurotransmitter is less likely to find a receptor before it is hydrolyzed by ACHesterase
What is Myasthenia Gravis
- acquired autoimmune disease
- past or present viral infection
- 70% - hyperplasia of the thymus
- 10- 15% - tumors of the thymus
- The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system. Thymus influences the T-lymphocytes (T cells), which are critical cells of adaptive immune system.
Myasthenia Gravis Breakdown
- my = muscle
- asythenia = weakness
- gravis = large
- POST-SYNAPTIC membrane disease at neuromuscular junction
Myasthenia Gravis Pathology
- widened synaptic cleft
- loss of folds (muscle endplate membrane)
- reduction in number and density of ACh receptors
- results in weakness or paresis
- ACH neurotransmitter is less likely to find a receptor before it is hydrolyzed by ACHesterase
What is Myasthenia Gravis
- acquired autoimmune disease
- past or present viral infection
- 70% - hyperplasia of the thymus
- 10- 15% - tumors of the thymus
- The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system. Thymus influences the T-lymphocytes (T cells), which are critical cells of adaptive immune system.
Myasthenia Gravis Prevalence
- 1 in 10 – 20,000 (US)
- onset: 15 – 30 years and 60 – 75 years of age
- females > males (3:2)
- disease of younger females (peak incidence age 30 YO) and older men (peak incidence age 60 YO) (Bimodal)
Myasthenia Gravis Pathology
- widened synaptic cleft
- loss of folds (muscle endplate membrane)
- reduction in number and density of ACh receptors
- results in weakness or paresis
- ACH neurotransmitter is less likely to find a receptor before it is hydrolyzed by ACHesterase
- ACh is released but less receptors and broken down quickly, no clefts to capture it
Myasthenia Gravis Disease Progression
- slow, progressive weakness (maximal weakness occurs in first year in 2/3 of all cases)
- after 15-20 years, weakness becomes fixed
- remissions occur in about 25% of cases
Myasthenia Gravis Classifications
- ocular myasthenia (~10-15%): symptoms confined to extra-ocular muscles; mostly see diplopia (double-vision) and ptosis (drooping eyelids)
- generalized weakness (~85%): Myasthenic crisis: respiratory failure
Myasthenia Gravis S&S
- ptosis (bilateral weakness of eyelid muscles) (CN III)
- dipolpia (double vision)
- facial weakness (CN VII)
- oropharyngeal weakness
- chewing, swallowing and speaking difficulties
- may have weakness: BUE or BLE (proximal > distal), respiratory muscles
- weakness fluctuates (over hours, days, weeks)
- better in A. M., declines as the day progresses (or declines during exercise)
- remissions and exacerbations
- normal reflexes, sensory function and coordination
- crisis – respiratory distress or swallowing crisis
MG Diagnosis
- presence of circulating antibodies to ACH receptors have been identified in the blood of 90% of myasthenia gravis patients: antibodies cause Ach receptor changes and block Ach binding to receptors
- increased incidence of diabetes, lupus, RA, thyrotoxicosis and cancer in the myasthenia gravis population
- EMG: normal at rest, decremental response to repeated stimulation (mirrors fatigue with exercise)
Myasthenia Gravis S&S
- ptosis (weakness of eyelid muscles…droopy) (CN III)
- dipolpia (double vision)
- facial weakness (CN VII)
- oropharyngeal weakness
- chewing, swallowing and speaking difficulties
- may have weakness: BUE or BLE (proximal > distal)
- weakness fluctuates (over hours, days, weeks)
- BETTER IN A. M., DECLINES AS DAY PROGRESSES (or declines during exercise)
- remissions and exacerbations
- normal reflexes, sensory function and coordination
- crisis – respiratory distress or swallowing crisis
MG Diagnosis
- presence of circulating antibodies to ACH receptors have been identified in the blood of 90% of myasthenia gravis patients: antibodies cause Ach receptor changes and block Ach binding to receptors
- increased incidence of diabetes, lupus, RA, thyrotoxicosis and cancer in the myasthenia gravis population
- EMG: normal at rest, DECREMENTAL response to repeated stimulation (mirrors fatigue with exercise)…stronger response and then fades out
- Tensilon Test
MG Interventions
- Anticholinesterase drugs
- Immunosuppressive drugs
- Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
- Plasmaphoresis
- Thymectomy
Anticholinesterase drugs for MG treatment
- slows down the breakdown of ACh –> acetate + choline in cleft
- ACh is around longer, thus has an increased chance of binding to the receptor
Immunosuppressive drugs for MG treatment
- Prednisone
- Cyclosporine
- Myophenolate mofetil
- Azathioprine
Plasmaphoresis for MG treatment
- blood is routed to a machine that separates the plasma and cells
- Plasma filtration: Two venous lines are used
- plasma is filtered using standard hemodialysis equipment.
- continuous process requires less than 100 ml of blood to be outside the body at one time.
- temporarily (4-6 weeks) reducing anti-ACh receptors antibodies
Thymectomy for MG treatment
- mainly carried out in an adults
- role of the thymus: cause T-cell specific response
- 70% of individuals with MG have hyperplasia of the thymus
- 10- 15% - tumors of the thymus
PT MG Care
- have patients swallow with chin tucked to avoid aspiration
- don’t speak with food in mouth
- monitor tidal volume, vital capacity, and inspiratory force during PT
- plan PT for time periods when have the most energy